Coco-Cola’s Innovative Solution to Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing problems of the 21st Century with plastic waste almost everywhere. It is estimated that just in 2016, the world produced over 320 million tons of plastic, and this number is set to double by 2034.
Plastic waste even makes its way into our oceans with 8 million pieces of plastic pollution per day polluting our waters and destroying the habitat for hundreds of species. It is now believed that there may be around 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean weighing in total up to 269,000 tons.
It’s been crystal clear for a long time that the situation is horrible and something needs to be done, and fast. Luckily, Coca-Cola stepped up to the challenge and came up with one innovative and rather effective solution. The firm is replacing its plastic wrapping in Europe with a new paper board technology.
This new tech is called the KeelClip and it is a first for the non-alcohol ready-to-drink (NARTD) industry. Using KeelClips, Coca-Cola aims to remove all plastic wrap from its can multipacks in all European Union markets by the end of 2021. The firm is optimistic that the move will save 2,000 tons of plastic and 3,000 tons of CO2 annually.
“Innovation is a key principle of our sustainable packaging work and the application of this fully recyclable paperboard KeelClip?, which is composed of a top board that the cans clip into and a central cardboard ‘keel’ -- similar to a ship’s keel -- that stabilizes the pack, is another example of how we are delivering on our commitment to remove all unnecessary and hard to recycle single-use plastic from our products. We hope this eco-friendly initiative is a conscious approach to dealing with plastic pollution,” said Joe Franses, Vice President, Sustainability at Coca-Cola European Partners.
Plastic pollution has become a major environmental concern,which pollutes marine waters and destroys the habitats of species. Responding to it, Coca-Cola substitutes a new paper board technology for its plastic wrapping. The recyclable paperboard KeelClip is expected to decrease plastic use and CO2 emissions. The case shows innovation behind Coca-Cola’s commitment to sustainable eco-friendly packaging. (56 words)
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Does your memory fail as you age?
I’m 62 years old. Like many of my friends, I forget names that I used to be able to recall effortlessly. When packing my suitcase for a trip, I walk to the bedroom and by the time I get there, I don’t remember what I came for. And yet my long-term memories are perfect. I remember the names of my third-grade classmates, the first record album I bought, my wedding day.
This is widely understood to be a classic problem of aging. But the problem is not necessarily age-related. I’ve been teaching undergraduates for my entire career and I can prove that even 20-year-olds make short-term memory errors — loads of them. They walk into the wrong classroom; they show up to exams without the required No. 2 pencil; they forget something I just said two minutes before. These are similar to the kinds of things 70-year-olds do.
The relevant difference is not age but rather how we describe these events, the stories we tell ourselves about them. Twenty-year-olds don’t think, “Oh dear, this must be early-onset Alzheimer’s(早老性痴呆症).” They think, “I really need to get more than four hours of sleep.” The 70-year-olds observe these same events and worry about their brain health. This is to say that every error of short-term memory doesn’t necessarily indicate a biological disorder.
So how do we account for our subjective experience that older adults seem to search for words and names with difficulty? First, there is a generalized cognitive(认知的)slowing with age — but given a little more time, older adults perform just fine. Second, older adults have to search through more memories than younger adults to find the fact or piece of information they’re looking for. Your brain becomes crowded with memories and information. It’s not that you can’t remember — you can — it’s just that there is so much more information to sort through.
The author thinks that short-term memory failure, which both old and young suffer from, isn’t necessarily age-related, though different age groups find different reasons for it. The old seem to have a poorer short-term memory because of natural cognitive slowing and too much information to search for. (47 words)
Britain’s Buses are Getting Emptier
In Britain, buses account for more public - transport trips than trains, tubes and trams put together. People love them, in theory: one poll by Transport Focus, a consumer group, found that 74% of young people think they are a good way of getting around and 85% believe it is important for a place to have a good bus service. There is just one problem. In practice, Britions are taking buses less and less.
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Why are London buses emptier? One thing that has changed is young people’s behavior. The young are heavy bus users when they travel. But, increasingly, they do not travel. According to Transport for London, the average 17 - to 24-year-old took 2.3 transport trips per day in the year 2011- 12 but only 1.7 in 2018 - 19. The National Travel Survey confirms that no group has cut back harder on travel since the early 2000s than teenagers. Young people are more diligent these days, and stay in school for longer. They can do the things that young people love to do on their phones, without going out.
The other big bus users are the poor and the old, especially outside London, but both are turning away from buses to cars. Lower lending standards have made cars easier to acquire; a fuel-tax freeze and fuel-saving engines make them cheaper to run. Cars are ever more comfortable and easier to operate, with parking-assist technology and lane-drifting alerts to help starters. Outside London, the average free bus pass was used 90 times in the year 2010-11 but only 74 times in 2018-19, according to the Department for Transport.
Finally there is the gig economy (零工经济). Online shopping and Uber probably substitute of bus trips as well as private car journeys. And they put new vehicles on the roads, which slows everything down. The number of light-goods vehicles in London has risen by 28% since 2012. Tony Travers of the London School of Economics points out that bus speeds have fallen slightly in the capital, even though private cars have almost been cleared up from the city center. The average London bus now travels at 9.3 miles per hour. Just as people become less inclined to run after buses, they are becoming easier to catch.
In Britain,buses are the most popular transportation,but nowadays they are becoming emptier.The first reason is that most people taking buses are the young and they don’t travel much because of the phones.Secondly,the poor and old are turning to cars because they are much easier to access.Finally,people don’t need buses much owing to the Internet.
Scottish summers set to keep getting warmer, study shows
Cold, wet summers could become a thing of the past in Scotland, according to a new study. Researchers from Edinburgh and Oxford universities and the Met Office, the UK’s official weather service, say that summer temperatures of 30°C could become common in the future because of climate change.
Climate change is long-term changes in the world’s weather patterns, including rising temperatures. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), farming and cutting down forests are a major cause
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