龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
摘 要:叶承宗是明末清初山东历城文人中的重要一员,他的杂剧《贾阆仙》《十三娘笑掷神奸首》《狗咬吕洞宾》为亲友评点,评点时间主要集中在顺治初年至顺治四年,具有一定的时代特色。主要体现在承袭大于创新,评点沿用元明时期“六字三韵”“化工神品”“自然本色”等戏曲理论,在“宗元”思想影响下衍生出“崇明”心理,将徐渭、汤显祖纳入与元代戏曲相同地位,树立起清初杂剧模仿、比附标杆,自觉参与了《四声猿》《牡丹亭》等戏曲经典化的构建。
关键词:山东文人;叶承宗;杂剧;《贾阆仙》 中图分类号:J820.9 文献标识码:A
Abstract:YE Chengzong is one of the important literati in Licheng city, Shandong area at the turn of Ming and Qing Dynasties whose miscellaneous dramas such as Jia-lang-xian and The Dog Bites LV Dongbing, were commented mainly from the first year to the fourth year of Emperor Shunzhi’s reign, reflecting certain features of the era. The comments demonstrate more inheritance than innovation that inherited the drama theory in Yuan and Ming Dynasties. Under the influence of “worshipping theories in Yuan Dynasty”, there evolved a mentality of “advocating theories in Ming Dynasty”, positioning XU Wei and TANG Xianzu as prominent as Yuan Operas, setting benchmarking for miscellaneous dramas in the early Qing Dynasty and participating in the construction of classic operas such as Peony Pavilion consciously.
Key words:Shandong literati; YE Chengzong; miscellaneous drama; Jia-lang-xian
葉承宗是明末清初山东历城文人中的重要一员,其文学成就在历城影响颇大,尤其以诗歌、戏曲受到后世研究者的关注。王君的硕士论文《叶承宗〈泺函〉研究》,对叶承宗及其文学创作进行了较为全面的论述。本文仅从叶承宗杂剧评点入手,探讨明末清初杂剧评点的特色,及其对元明代戏曲理论的继承、对清代戏曲评点的开拓。 一、叶承宗杂剧创作概述