程序中定义了几个特殊键: V”:画笔提起 W”:开始画图 R”:开始擦图 S”:当前图形存入文件 E”:调出已有文件 C”:画圆
程序一运行,屏幕上出现一个黄色的边框来设定画图的区域,区域中间出现提起的画笔符号 ,当按下”W“键时,画笔符号变为 ,此时可移动方向键(上、下、左、右、左上、左下、右上、右下)来画图;当按下”R“键时,画笔符号变为 ,此时可移动方向键来擦图;在画图过程中,按下“C”键,可画出一个半径为20个象素点的圆;当结束画图时,按下“S”键,将画好的图形存盘;按下“E”键可调出已有的图形进行编辑。 3.源程序清单 # include graphics.h
# include stdio.h # include fcntl.h # include stdlib.h main()
void save(),load(); void *wg,*rg,*vg,*fy; int driver,mode; int c=RED; int x=320,y=225; int x1,y1,x2,y2; int k,k1,k2;
/* initialize grapher */ detectgraph(driver,mode); initgraph(driver,mode,c: c); /* write the pen */ bar(200,10,206,16); line(203,7,200,10); line(203,7,206,10); line(243,7,240,16); line(243,7,246,16); line(283,7,280,10); line(283,7,286,10);
line(283,7,283,16); /* save the pen */
wg=malloc(imagesize(200,7,206,16)); rg=malloc(imagesize(240,7,246,16)); vg=malloc(imagesize(280,7,286,16)); fy=malloc(imagesize(200,7,206,16)); getimage(200,7,206,16,wg); getimage(240,7,246,16,rg); getimage(280,7,286,16,vg); cleardevice(); /* write the box */ setcolor(YELLOW); rectangle(4,19,637,447); x1=x-3; y1=y+1; x2=x+3; y2=y+10;
getimage(x1,y1,x2,y2,fy); putimage(x1,y1,vg,XOR_PUT); /* receive the command */ for (;;)
while (bioskey(1)==0);
putimage(x1,y1,fy,AND_PUT); if (((k0x00ff)|0x00)==0)
k1=k0xff?0:k8; /* k1 is the specialkey value */ else
k2=k0x00ff; /* k2 is the non-specialkey value */ if (((k0x00ff)|0x00)==0) /* Special key */ switch(k1) case 45: restorecrtmode(); exit(0); case 72: if (y20) y=y-1; break; case 75: if (x5) x=x-1; break; case 77: if (x636) x=x+1;
break; case 80: if (y446) y=y+1; break; case 71: if ((x5)(y20)) x=x-1; y=y-1; break; case 79: if ((x5)(y446)) x=x-1; y=y+1;