篇一:奥巴马2016年感恩节演讲稿 奥巴马2016年感恩节演讲稿 大家好 Hi, everybody.
作为奥巴马家庭的代表- On behalf of the Obama family-
Michelle Malia Sasha 祖母 Bo和 Sunny- Michelle, Malia,Sasha, Grandma, Bo, andSunny- 我想要祝你们都有一个非常快乐的感恩节 I want to wish you a very happyThanksgiving. 像你们中的许多人一样 Like so many of you,
这天我们将会与我们的朋友家人 well spend the day with friends andfamily, 火鸡和达阵得分一起度过 turkey and touchdowns. 我们会感谢对方
Well give thanks for each other, 以及感谢上帝赐给我们的一切 and for all that God has given us.
And well reflect on what truly binds us asAmericans. 这从来没有那么重要过
Thats never been more important.
As a country, weve just emerged from anoisy, passionate,并且有时候是造成分裂的竞选季节里显现出来 and sometimes divisive campaign season. 毕竟 After all,
elections are often where we emphasize whatsets us apart.我们面对一个我们和他们对抗的比赛 We face off in a contest of usversus them. 我们把重点放在我们支持的候选人身上 We focus on the candidate we support 而不是一些我们共同的理想上 instead of some of the ideals we share. 但短短几周后
But a few short weeks later, 感恩节提醒我们
Thanksgiving reminds us that 不管我们之间的分歧有多大
no matter our differences, 我们仍然是一个民族 we are still one people, 一个比我们自己更大的部分
part of something bigger than ourselves. 我们是一起向前发展的群体
We are communities that move forwardtogether. 我们是会彼此照料的邻舍
We are neighbors who look out for oneanother, 特别是那些我们之中比较贫穷的人 especially those among us with the least. 我们永远是也仅仅是美国人 We are always, simply, Americans. 这就是为什么通过内战的迷雾 Thats why, through the fog of Civil War, 林肯总统看到了最重要的-
President Lincoln saw what mattered most -
不可剥夺的事实有关如此多的人献出了他们的生命 the unalienable truths for which so manygave their lives, 使得新自由的诞生成为可能
and which made possible a new birthof freedom. 正是在联邦的命运还安危未定的时候
And so precisely when the fate of the Union hung in the balance, 他大胆地宣布了感恩节
he boldly proclaimed a day of Thanksgiving, 是一个国家的恩赐 when the nations gifts 理应要庄严 虔诚 感恩地
should be solemnly, reverently, andgratefully 被全美国人民心口合一地承认的日子 acknowledged as with one heart
and one voice by the whole Americanpeople. 今天我们继续为那些祝福献上感谢
Today, we continue to give thanks for thoseblessings,以及确定将会是我们的遗产的所有人
and to all who ensured that they would beour inheritance.我们铭记那些坚定的爱国者
We remember the determined patriots 那些在世界的边缘寻找自由的人
who landed at the edge of the world insearch of freedom.我们感谢那些勇敢的男人和女人
We give thanks to the brave men and women 那些在世界的每个角落保卫自由的人
who defend that freedom in every corner ofthe world. 同时我们尊敬所有的人- And we honor all people-
from the First Americans to our newestarrivals- 他们会继续塑造我们国家的故事
who continue to shape our nations story, 丰富我们的遗产 eich our heritage,
and give meaning to our founding values, 那些我们决不可视为理所当然的价值观
values we must never take for granted. 在美国 That in America,
we are bound not by any one race orreligion,而是坚持一种共同的信念-
but rather an adherence to a common belief-我们所有人生来都是平等的
that all of us are created equal.
我们可以随自己的意愿去思考,敬拜和发言以及去爱 That we may think, worship, and speak, andlove as we please.