1~5 ACABA 6~10 DABBB 11~15 ABCBB 16~20 AC(D )AAC 21~25 DADCD 26~30 A CBBC 31~35 DDBDC 36~40 F,T,NG,FT 写作: 范文一
My TV University Life
After making great efforts, it was my honor to be a TV university student in2009.
From then, I was engaged in long distance education. During my TV university, I exerted myself to learn my all kinds of web-based courses through internet. To understand and grasp the main point of my courses, I also joined online discusses forums to communicate with teachers and classmates. Once finishing daily homework ,we all sent our homework to tutor by e-mail. When I met any doubts in my studying, I solved the difficulties and puzzles in tutorial.
My TV university experience gave me too much pleasure in seeking for meaning of life ,it enriches my knowledge and opens my eye-reach. 范文二:
My TV University Life
I am engaged in long distance education. My web-based courses are English, Chinese, Computer, Maths, Politics, etc. I like English best. We can join online discussion forums, but it's very difficult for me to understand what the speaker says. Every day we complete our home work on the computer and send our homework to the tutor, though sometimes he or she is not online. He or she will solve the difficulties and puzzles in tutorial. I love my TV University life. 范文三:
My TV University Life
Consider about the future, I am engaged in long distance education, which have a sort of web-based courses, including Chinese, Math, International Business and English. Through join online discussion forums, I have a great progress .
By send our homework to the tutor, we can know how we learned in the study. When solve the difficulties and puzzles in tutorial, I get it we closed to the aim gradually.
It is my TV University life. I am glad to have the time and learnt more from it.
答:1947年10月10日,党中央召开全国土地会议,制定颁布了《中国土地法大纲》共16条:主要内容有: ①规定土改基本任务是废除封建,半封建性剥削的土地制宜,实行耕者有其田制度。②规定土改须遵守的原则是依靠贫雇户、团结中农,保护工商者,正确对待地主富农。③规定保护土改的司法措施。对一切对抗或破坏土地法大纲规定的罪犯,组织人民法庭,予以审判处分。该《大纲》总结了中国共产党20多年土地革命基本经验教训,是一个正确的土地纲领,体现了土地改革总路线。调动了农民革命与生产的积极性,为保证战争胜利起了决定性作用。
中国古代的法律儒家化肇始于汉代,汉武帝之前的法律是法家化的法律以及黄老思想指导下的法律,汉武帝罢黜百家,独尊儒术,确立了儒家的官方地位,并通过春秋决狱,将儒家思想引入了司法领域。而其后的引经注律更是以儒家经典注释律文,使法律儒家化。 从魏晋至唐,是儒家思想进入法典的时期,这个时期通过立法行为,儒家思想进入了法典,具体表现有曹魏新律的八议制度,西晋的“准五服以制罪”,南北朝的官当、重罪十条以及存留养亲制度的形成,这种礼法和一在唐律中正式形成,形成了“一准乎礼”的《唐律疏议》。 宋以后至清末是中国法制的进一步深化,此时儒家精神在中国法律中已经定型,法律的演进也就限于形式上的演化,直至清末近代化才开始引发新的变化,打破原有“诸法合体,民刑不分”结构,引入民主宪政理念,逐步去除了法律中的儒家精神。