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In July of this year, the American CNN announced that, the preserved egg is the most lousy food. That made the Chinese people very angry, because the preserved egg is good food for most of Chinese people. Then Chinese people made a survey and declared that cheese is the most lousy food. Chinese people can't accept that the preserved egg is regarded as the most lousy food, on the other hand, the cheese is the food which is favoured by most of American people. But Chinese people think that cheese is too irritative. Both side cannot accept the food they selected. At the end of this case, the CNN reporters said sorry to Chinese people, but he said he would not eat the preserved egg. Analyses:

This is a typical case reflects that different culture influences different people, and when they have to communicate, they have conflict. As we all know, different food depends on different place,different habits, different climate, and some other factors.

For western people, eating is a kind of rational concept, they should get enough nutrition from the food they eat every day. They don't care the taste too much. From Los Angeles to New York, the beefsteak has only one kind of taste. But for perceptual Chinese people, eating is not only a process to get nutrition, but also is a kind of art to get satisfaction. They

would make the food not only beautiful, but also very delicious. For Chinese people, maybe they can accept the taste of the cheese, but they can't like it, because they don't like this kind of food in their deep heart. Also, they can't accept that foreign people said the preserved egg is the most lousy food. In their mind, the preserved egg, like other foods they like, has nutrition and beautiful image together. For western people, the cheese, is also this kind of good food for them. So, this case happened in their communications. This conflict showed that, different countries have different culture. We should try to accept these differences, do our favours.

By susan



