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81. For France, see, e.g., Paris, 2 mai 1990, D. 1990, Summary, Note Honorat, referred to in Dalloz Legislation, supra note 46, p. 1114 sub. 7, n. to Art. 48 (stating that the provisions of Articles 47 and 48 of the Loi du 25 janvier 1985 are not intended to deprive the authorities of the jurisdiction they already have over the case).

82. Société Thinet c/ Labrely ès-qualites, Cour de cassation (1re Ch.civ.) 8 mars 1988, Rev. Arb. 3 (1989), pp. 473-474, Note P. Ancel. The Cour de cassation affirmed the decision of the Cour d'appel, which annulled the award condemning the debtor to payment. The arbitrators set off mutual obligations of the parties and condemned the debtor to paying the difference that remained after the set-off. The Court held that the condemnatory character of the award violated the principle of preclusion of individual actions of creditors. Although the arbitration was between the French parties, it was considered 'international' in nature, as the performance of the contract was to take place abroad. See also, Sohm, ès-qual. c/ Société Simex, Cour d'appel de Paris (1re Ch.suppl) 27 février 1992, Rev. Arb., (1992), p. 590, Note P. Ancel.

83. Ynzonides, 'De invloed van faillietverklaring op arbitrage', supra note 17, p. 392; Sanders, Het nieuwe arbitragerecht, supra note 67, p. 33.

84. However, a different view on this matter can be found in some court decisions and in some legal literature. Thus, it has been suggested that even if arbitral proceedings are pending at the moment of opening the bankruptcy procedure, they will not be resumed after the suspension. Instead, the claims contested in verification should be adjudicated by the district court in accordance with Art. 122 Fw. See, e.g., W.L.P.A. Molengraaff, Faillissementswet (Zwolle: W.E.J. Tjeenk Willink, 1951), p. 388. See also, Rechtbank Rotterdam, 13 april 1926, W 11694.

85. However, there is the possibility of terminating the automatic stay after the expiry of a certain time after the request for relief from automatic stay has been submitted (Sect. 362(e) of the Bankruptcy Code).

86. See, e.g., In re Allen & Hein, Inc., 59 B.R. 733 (Bankr. S.D.Cal. 1986). (The Court allowed arbitral proceedings to continue, holding that 'a substantial sum of money has already been expended in the arbitration proceedings' and 'were this court to deny the relief requested, those monies would have been wasted'.)

87. Art. 126(13) BRv.

88. J.H. Dalhuisen, Dalhuisen on International Insolvency and Bankruptcy (New York: Matthew Bender & Co.,1986) 2.04[4], p. 3-256.

89. Id.

90. See, e.g., Rb. Rotterdam, 29 mei 1919, NJ 1913, p. 896; Rb. Amsterdam, 16 februari 1937, NJ 1937, p. 1004.

91. See, e.g., Sanders, 'Arbitrage en faillissement', supra note 17, pp. 167-170; Sanders, Het nieuwe arbitragerecht, supra note 67, p. 33: A.J. van den Berg/R. van Delden/H.R. Snijders, The Netherlands Arbitration Law (Deventer/Boston]: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1993), p. 33; Van Buchem-Spapens, Faillissement en surséance van betaling, supra note 55, pp. 105-106.

92. See, e.g., Sanders, 'Arbitrage en faillissement', supra note 17, p. 169. (The author proposes changes to Art. 122(1) Fw so as to include the possibility of arbitrating the disputed claims); Ynzonides, 'De invloed van faillietverklaring op arbitrage', supra note 17. (The author expresses the view that the parties should be referred to arbitration in the case of the claim contested in verification. Further, it is suggested that the arbitral procedure should be adjusted to the renvooiprocedure for the purpose of solving such disputes.)

93. H.J. Snijders/T.A.W Sterk, 'Vierde boek: Arbitrage', in B.C. Punt/H.L. Wedeven (eds.), Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering, Suppl. 230, Book IV, (Deventer: Kluwer, 1994), pp. 48-49; H.J. Snijders/S.L. Buruma, Bouwarbitrage en civiele rechter (Deventer: Kluwer, 1995; Publikatie van de Vereniging voor Bouwrecht Nr. 23), pp. 50-51.

94. Art. 126(13) BRv and the Commentary of F.M.J. Jansen, Art. 126 no. 14.

95. Ynzonides, 'De invloed van faillietverklaring op arbitrage', supra note 17, p. 393.

96. Art. 174 provides that the commercial courts are competent to adjudicate 'tout ce qui concerne le redressement et la liquidation judiciaire'.

97. Cass. Com. 4 février 1986, Rev. Arb. (1988), p. 718; Boisséson, Le Droit fran?ais de l'arbitrage, supra note 19, p. 272.

98. Cass. com. 19 mai 1987, Rev. Arb. (1988), p. 144.

99. See also Boisséson, Le Droit fran?ais de l'arbitrage, supra note 19, p. 278; Ancel, 'Arbitrage et procédures collectives après la loi du 25 janvier 1985', supra note 18 , p. 132.

100. Ancel, 'Arbitrage et procédures collectives', supra note 19, p. 279, n. 65. (Commenting on previous French insolvency law, the author states that it may be implied from Art. 56 of the 1967 Décret, although this has never been expressly admitted by the judiciary.)

101. See Mayer, 'La Sentence contraire a l'ordre public au fond', supra note 63, p. 641 (stating, inter alia, that 'l'organisation fran?aise de la faillite doit être respectée, dans tout ses éléments'); P. Ancel, Commentary to the Sohm ès-qual. c/ Société Simex, Cour d'appel de Paris (1re Ch. suppl.) 27 février 1992, Rev. Arb. (1992), p. 596; Y. Derains/R.E. Goodman-Everard, 'France', Int. Handbook Comm. Arb., Suppl. 26 (February 1998), pp. 1-70, at p. 16 (stating that 'case law has now established that all principles of French law on this subject are matters of international public policy').

102. See, e.g., Sohm ès-qual. c/ Société Simex, Cour d'appel de Paris (1re Ch. suppl.) 27 février 1992, Rev. Arb. (1992), p. 590.

103. Non-Ferrous Metals (U.S.A.) Inc. v. Vantage Steel Corp. (In re Vantage Steel Corp.) 125 B.R. 880, 887 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 1991).

104. See supra, under 3.2.

105. See, e.g., Edgerton v. Shearson Lehman Bros., Inc. (In re Edgerton), 98 B.R. 392 (Bankr. N.D.Ill. 1989). (In order to determine whether to allow arbitration, the Court examined several factors, such as the extent to which a judicial forum was preferable to arbitration in the circumstances given, the identity of the persons constituting the arbitration panel and whether a special expertise was needed. The Court then concluded that 'even if there is the discretion suggested in the Zimmerman case, this Court will modify the automatic stay and allow arbitration to go forward'.)

106. See, e.g., Double TRL, Inc. v. F.S. Leasing, 65 B.R. 993 (Bankr. E.D.N.Y. 1986); In re Guild Music Corp., 100 B.R. 624, 628 (Bankr. D.R.I. 1989) (The Court did not refer the parties to arbitration holding that non-core matters might have been referred to arbitration, whilst core matters 'are exclusive subject matter of the bankruptcy court'.); In re FRG, 115 B.R. 72 (E.D.Penn. 1990); Selcke v. New Englands Ins. Co., 995 f.2d 668, 691(7th Cir. 1993) (The Court held that '[e]ven broadly worded arbitration clauses are not assumed to extend to claims that arise out of the provisions of the bankruptcy law itself'.); In re Spectrum Information Technologies, Inc., 183 B.R. 360, 363 (Bankr. E.D.N.Y. 1995) (The Court held that 'notwithstanding the strong federal policy favoring arbitration, the District Court and the Bankruptcy Courts within the Second Circuit have historically found, especially with respect to core proceedings, that arbitration should not triumph over the specific jurisdiction bestowed upon the bankruptcy courts under the Bankruptcy Code'.).

107. In re National Gypsum Co., 118 F.3d 1056 (5th Cir. 1997).

108. In re Statewide Realty Co., 159. B.R. 719 (Bankr. D.N.J. 1993).

109. In re FRG, 115 B.R. 72, 75 (E.D.Penn. 1990). See also, Double TRL, Inc. v. F.S. Leasing, 65 B.R. 993, 998 (Bankr. E.D.N.Y. 1986). But see, In re Drexel Burnham Lambert Group Inc., 113 B.R. 830, 838 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y 1990). (The Court held that the 'cause' was demonstrated when, inter alia, the claim was subject to an arbitration agreement.)

110. See, e.g., Paul G. Quinn v. CGR, 48 B.R. 367 (D.Col. 1982); Mor-Ben Insurance Markets Corp. v. Excess Insurance Co. (In re Mor-Ben Insurance Markets Corp.) 73 B.R. 644 (9th Cir. BAP 1987); O. Mustad and Sons, A/S v. Seawest Industries, Inc. (In re Seawest Industries, Inc.) 73 B.R. 946 (Distr. W.D.Wash. 1987); In re Bicoastal Corp., 111 B.R. 999 (Bankr. M.D.Flo. 1990); Dollar Corporation v. Hyundai Motor Company, 139 B.R. 192 (1992); In re Hupp Industries, 157 B.R. 360 (Bankr. N.D.Ohio 1993).

111. See, e.g., Société Nationale Algérienne v. Distrigas Corp., 80 B.R. 606, 610 (Bankr. D.Mass. 1987); O. Mustad and Sons, A/S v. Seawest Industries, Inc. (In re Seawest Industries, Inc.) 73 B.R. 946 (Distr. W.D.Wash. 1987); In re Hupp Industries, 157 B.R. 360 (Bankr. N.D.Ohio 1993).

112. See, e.g., Hart Ski Manufacturing Co. v. Maschinenfabrik Hennecke (In re Hart Ski Mfg. Co.), 711 F2d 845 (8th Cir. 1983); Société Nationale Algérienne v. Distrigas Corp., 80 B.R. 606, 610 (Bankr. D.Mass. 1987); In re Cordova International, Inc., 77 B.R. 441, 450 (Bankr. D.N.J. 1987).

113. See, e.g., Braniff Airways, Inc. v. United Air Lines, Inc. (In re Braniff Airways, Inc.), 33 B.R. 33 (Bankr. N.D.Tex. 1983). (The Court held, inter alia, that the congressional policy intending to centralize all disputes in the bankruptcy court 'overrides the provisions of the Arbitration Act', in particular concerning the rights of creditors. It stated further that the priority status and set-off rights were beyond the scope of the arbitration agreement.) The creditor's claim was not referred to arbitration either In re Springer Penguin, Inc., 74 B.R. 879 (Bankr. S.D.N.Y. 1987).

114. Allstate Insurance Co. v. C.J. Hughes and I.D. Barker Bond, as Joint Scheme Administrator of Kingscroft Insurance Co., Ltd., et al., 174 B.R. 884 (S.D.N.Y. 1994).



