2014,是一个多么普通的数字, 但是也正是这个所谓的 4个普通 数字,让多少中国人热血沸腾,心潮澎湃 !也许你会问为什么, 但是你可能很快就会想出来了。 对了,就是这个答案。在这一年 里,南京将举办第青奥会,那时,世界的目光将齐聚南京,而南 京,也将以主人的身份,展现她最漂亮的风采
听到这个振奋人心的消息,面对着千载难逢的 机
会,作为光荣的南京人,作为南京的一名学生,我们要赶紧行 动起来,和青奥共成长,从现在做起,从自身做起,我们要讲文 明,懂礼貌,自觉遵守纪律,热爱集体,爱护公物,努力学习, 积极的宣传青奥知识,用我们的实际行动来支持青奥,迎接青奥, 参与青奥,为这场即将召开的伟大盛会,贡献上自己的一份气力。
申请青奥的成功,对于南京每一个市民来说, 无疑
有一种冲动,有一种幸福,有一种自豪,有一种疯狂。而对 于南京来说,这代表着中国事一个泱泱大国,
举行这次世界瞩目的青奥会,代表了中国实力发展的一次飞越, 更代表了中国人民团结一心重在参于的精神。
起专心来参与、重在参与,我们不但可以在这个舞台上展示我们 中国运动员坚强的意志和不服输的拼搏精神, 我们还可以在这个 舞台上展示我
们南京漂亮的城市面貌, 悠久的城市文化,和我们 南京人的自信与毅力,让全世界都知道南京,了解南京,喜爱南 我相信,只要我们共同努力,到青奥开幕那天,我们美丽的南京 城,天,一定会更蓝,地,一定会更绿,水,一定会更清,花, 一定会更艳,空气,一定会清新,交通,一定会更畅通。那时, 我们可以向世界从容的大声宣布:青奥,我们准备好了。
支持青奥,创造未来。让我们从小事做起,我 与青
2014, is a very commondigital, but it is also the so-called four ordinary Numbers, let many Chin ese blood boili ng, surging! Maybe you would ask why, but you may soon get out. Yes, is the answer. In this year, nanjing will hold the
green Olympic committee, then, the attention
to the whole
world will gather in nanjing, and nanjing, also will be master status, show her most beautiful elega nee!
Heard the excit ing n ews, facing the cha nee comes once in a blue moon, as a glorious nanjing, as a student of nanjing
now, we must act, and green Olympic grow up together, from now to start, starts from on eself, we should speak civilization, polite,
observe discipline
and love the collective, protect public property and study hard, active propaga ndiz ing gree n Olympic kno wledge, using our practical acti on
to support the gree n Olympic, meet, participate in gree n gree n Mr Obama, for the forthco ming great eve nt, con tributio n to an own stre ngth.
Apply for green Olympic success, for nanjing every citizen, it certa inly had an impulse, there is a kind of happ in ess, there is a proud, have a kind of madness. For nanjing, for example, it represe nts the matter a great coun try,
represents China's has the ability to hold this world youth committee, represe nts the stre ngth of Chi na developme nt a flyby, more representative of the Chinese people unite focuses on participation in spirit.
I think, green Olympic committee is like a big stage, we
need to concentrate to participate, together, we not only can participate in this arena show our Chin ese athletes strong will and the so-called fighti ng spirit, we still can be in this arena show our nanjing beautiful urba n appeara nee, a long city culture, and we nanjing man's con fide nee and persevera nee, let the world know nanjing, nanjing, nanjing un dersta nd love.
I believe that as long as we joint opening day, our beautiful blue, land, certainly
effort, to green Olympic
NaJingCheng, days, must be more
can be more green, water, certainly
can be more clear, flowers, certa inly can be more colourful, air, must be
fresh, traffic, will be more clear. Then, we can ask the world quiet announ ced loudly: gree n Olympic, we are ready.
Support green Olympic, create the future. Let us starts from the minor matter, I with green Olympic presenee!
Games & Venues
The Nanjing 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games (YOG), encompassing all 26 sports, will be held from August 16th to 28th. 15 venues will be made available for the Nanjing YOG with three distinct themed zones: the Olympic Center Zone, where the sporting competitions will
take place; the Cultural Scenic Spot Zone, which will provide a pleasant atmosphere for leisure and cultural exchange activities; and the College Pavilion Zone, where the YOG educational activities will take place. With all these facilities already in place, it will not be
necessary to build new venues for the YOG. Most of these venues have held high-level domestic sports games like the 10th National Games.
Olympic Center Zone I
University Pavilion Zone
Cultural Scenic Spot Zone
Olympic Center Zone