xxx Steel Co.,Ltd
Piting Corrosion Testing Report
GB/JS.R—18 编号Serial: 2020-06-28 产品名称 Product Name 奥氏体-铁素体双相钢 Austenitic-ferritic duplex steel pipe 牌号 Type S32750 20B5-889 规格 Size 合同编号 Contract No. φ273.05*9.27 --- 炉号 Heat No. 试验标准 Testing Basis 试样尺寸 Sample Dimensions(mm) FK1909-109 生产批号Batch No. ASTM G48 A法,16ml盐酸+6%三氯化铁溶 液24小时50℃点腐蚀/ASTM G48 A method,16ml HCl+6trric chloride solution 24 hours 50℃ pitting corrosion 产品标准 Product Standard 试样面积 试验前试重量 Sample weight before test ASTM A790 L:39.70mm×S:9.22mm×W29.92mm 试验温度 Temperature 0.00366m2 试验时间 24小时 Test Hours 试验数据 Test Data: 入瓶时间Time in bottle 出瓶后重量 weight after out bottle 50℃ 83.4415g 2020-06-27 16:30 83.4322g 出瓶时间 Time out bottle 损重 weight loss 2020-06-28 16.30 0.0093g 损重率 weight lost rate 0.0093g÷0.00366 m2=2.5409836 g/m2 ≈2.541 g/m2 g/m2 损重率 weight lost rate 2.541 g/m2÷24h=0.106 g/ m2/h 2g/ m/h 判定参考数值 ≤4.0g g/m2 Reference value 判定 judgment 合格 附:试样出瓶后状态图,未见明显腐蚀坑Attachment: The state diagram after the sample is out of the bottle, no obvious corrosion pits 审核 试验员 日期 日期 Review by Inspector Date Date
三氯化铁点腐腐蚀试验报告(G48 A法)