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A. start B. go on C. take D. speak again

( ) 5. What can we learn from the story? A. People should never be ungrateful. B. Good wood comes from pear trees. C. Old people are kind and friendly. D. Birds and bees are always helpful.


In the past 300 years, more than 130 kinds of animals have become extinct. One of these extinct kinds is the passenger pigeon(旅鸽).At one time there were millions of these birds in North America, but now there are none. The last one died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914. Another extinct animal is the cape lion(西非狮).The animal has been extinct since 1860. What causes animals to become extinct? Too much hunting is one cause; pollution is another. Governments around the world have begun to protect wild animals in danger. In the United States,the US Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for(承担义务)endangered animals. It has listed nearly 200 kinds of endangered animals in North America.

( )6. The underlined word “extinct” in the first sentence probably means“_______” A. ill B. dying out C. becoming D. changing

( )7.There were many cape lions in North America _______. A.1ast century B. in the twentieth century C. more than two hundred years ago D.in 1914

( )8. _______ isn't the reason for the extinction of wild animals in North America. A. P01lution B. Too much killing C. Too much hunting D. The war

( )9.There are _______ kinds of wild animals in danger listed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. A. 1ess than 130 B. 1ess than 200 C. over 200 D. nearly 300 ( )10.The best title of this passage should be¨_______”. A.A Sad Story B. Endangered Animals in North America C.Wild Animals D. The US Fish and Wildlife Service 五、单词拼写(10分)

1. The teacher is making a_______(报告) on animals in the hall.

2. Zhang Ziyi_______(表演) in the film The Road Home and became famous. 3. 1'11 be back in a little_______(一会儿). Stay here and wait for me. 4. He made his_______(生存) by teaching some children to ride.

5. She just_______(搬迁) here from Tokyo but now she has made a lot of friends. 6. Smallpox(天花)_______(杀死) thousands of people each year in the past. 7. Breaking into other people's houses is against the_______(法律).

8. -The building is on fire! What should we do? -We should call 119 _______ away! 9. -Do you know about cats?

-Yes. They like sleeping in the _______ and finding food at night. 10. -What should we do when we find ourselves get _______? -We can ask the people for help or call 110. 六、动词填空(10分)

1. It's time for us_______(take) action now.

2. We_______(face) great difficulties(困难) but finished the job at last. 3. Don't talk! The twins_______(prepare) for the coming exam. 4. This problem is not that easy_______(work) out.

5. Joy_______(not visit) his grandparents this Sunday, is he? 6. We must stop_______(catch) animals in the wild.

7. If I see him at school next Monday, I_______(give) these books to him. 8. The hunters agreed(not hunt) wild bears any more.

9. Teachers always tell students_______(not accept) strangers'(陌生人的) food. 10. Don't keep me_______(wait) for you for a long time every time. 七、句子翻译(15分)


_____________________________________________________________________________ 2.熊猫宝宝出生时主要以母乳为生。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3.我们能采取什么行动来阻止人们砍伐树林呢?

_____________________________________________________________________________ 4.这同我上周丢失的那支钢笔一样。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 5.我不知道动物们有快乐和悲伤的感觉。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 八、书面表达(10分)

根据以下要点写一篇60词左右的短文,说明狼的特点和生存现状并呼吁人们保护它们。 1.狼有一身厚的灰毛,体型不大。它们可以看到、听到并闻到远处的事物。 2.团队协作,从不为了取乐而杀戮。

3.它们现在正失去栖息地;人们认为它们对人类有危害而进行捕杀。 4.我认为我们应该采取措施来保护它们,例如……

_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________



(6-10 BBCAC)

二. 1--5 DBADC 6--10 BCADD 11-15 DBCBC 三. 1-5 BABDA 6-10 CDABB 四. 1-5 CDBBA 6-10 BCDBB

五. 1. report 2. acted 3. while 4. living 5. moved 6. killed 7. law

8. right 9. daytime 10. lost

六. 1. to take 2. faced 3. are preparing 4. to work 5. isn't going to visit 6. catching 7. will give 8. not to hunt 9. not to accept 10. waiting 七. 1. In fact, rabbits may become dishes without people's protection.

2.Baby pandas live mainly on their mothers’ milk at birth.

3.What action can we take to stop people from cutting down forests?

4.This is the same pen as I lost last week./This pen is the same as the one I lost last week. 5. I don’t know animals have feelings of happiness and sadness.

八、 Wolves have thick grey fur. They are not very big. But they can see, hear and smell things far away. They work as a team and never kill for fun. Now they are losing their living areas. People kill them because they think wolves are dangerous to humans. I think we should take action to protect them. For example, we can build more reserves and make laws to help them.



