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、完形填空 阅读下面短文, 可以填入空 白处的最佳选项。

作业三^一 含

从短文后所给各题的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出

Jazzy is a lovely pug(哈巴狗)who always seems to be smiling. You can ' help but 1when you look at Jazzy now, because you would never guess the horrible situation she was rescued from and the _ this little dog had.

Jazzy was taken from her _ owners, who were immediately _ with animal cruelty. Why? Because

neighbors had _ seeing little Jazzyy moving around her back yard with two broke n front legs. Her own ers, who were supposed to _ her most, did absolutely nothing about it. They had never sought any kind of _ for poor Jazzy. Nobody knew how it _ and it was believed that she was hit by a car, or that some one had done this to her.

9Jazzy ' s cruel owners didnake he' td the veterinarian, her condition went from bad to worse. Over time her front right leg _ loosely, and her left leg was perma nen tly bent at a sharp an gle. The pain must have bee n ast onishing. She moved around like a baby seal. She needed _.

In a Los Angeles animal shelter, things got even _ . The shelter could not provide the costly operations that could be _ to restore Jazzy ' s ability4and lead a normal life, and it was impossible to find a family who would be able to _ a dog in this con diti on. The difficult _ was made to euthanize (使安乐死) sweet Jazzy.

All _ was lost. The n a miracle happe ned. A volun teer from Dogs Without Borders saw Jazzy. Jazzy was pulled out of the _ and rescuers got busy working on a plan to en sure that Jazzy would get treatme nt. For mon ths, Dogs Without Borders cared for Jazzy, while _ eno ugh money for her operatio ns. Don ati ons came in. Fin ally in December 2013 the money was eno ugh and it was time to get her operati ons _ ! By the spri ng of 2014, Jazzy had fully recovered. 1.. 2. 3.


A. compla in A. pai n

B. forgive B. shock

C. celebrate C. happ in ess

D. laugh D.

resp on sibility

A. lazy A. comb ined

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

B. origi nal B. charged

C. angry C. compared C. regretted C. look for C. treatme nt C. improved C. Although C. hung C. help

D. new D. provided

A. reported A. care for A. food A. fell A. If A. stepped A.

in structio n

B. imagi ned B. depend on B. con tact B. felt B. Un til B. stood

B.e ncourageme nt

D. avoided D. talk about D. i nformatio n D.happened D. Si nee D. waved D. discipli ne

12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

A. harder A.

preve nted A. breathe A. adopt A. promise

B. worse B. required B. bark B. buy

B. decisi on

C. safer C. released C. walk C. watch C.

appo in tme nt C. medici ne C. shelter C. earning

D. clearer D. checked D. liste n D. catch

D. experime nt

A.hope A. hospital A. borrowi ng A. corrected

B. wealth B. yard B. savi ng

D. conn ecti on D. home D. raisi ng




C. fed D. developed


Wash ington: NASA has announ ced evide nee that Jupiter's largest moon, Gany mede, has a saltwater ocean under its icy surface. The ocean seems to have more water than all the water on Earth's surface, accord ing to new Hubble observati on.

New Hubble observatio ns of Gany mede's magn etic field stron gly suggest that the moon, which is the largest i n our whole solar system, is home to a subsurface ocea n.

Scientists estimate the ocean is 95 kilometres thick, which is about 10 times deeper than Earth's ocea ns. But un like our salty waters, Gany mede's ocea n is buried un der 150 kilometres of ice.

While scientists have speculated(推测)since 1970s about the presenee of an ocean on Ganymede the largest moon in our solar system ---------------------------------- until now the only observational evide nee came from a brief flyby by the Galileo spacecraft, which did n long eno ugh to confirm a liquid ocea n.

This discovery marks an important milestone, highlighting what only Hubble can accomplish. In its 25 years in orbit, Hubble has made many scientific discoveries in our own solar system. A deep ocea n un der the icy surface of Gany mede ope ns up further excit ing possibilities for life beyond Earth.

Scien tists have already con firmed the existe nee of an ocea n on Europe, another moon orbiting Jupiter, and NASA has announced plans to send an unmanned mission there search ing for the life that might come with liquid water.

Hubble is a telescope that orbits Earth, but because of its impressive gravitational an alyses it can be used to study the in side of far dista nt pla nets. Using these same prin ciples, scie ntists could theoretically detect ocea ns on dista nt pla nets as well.

21. What can we lear n about the Gany mede from the passage? A. It is a pla net with the largest moon in our whole solar system. B. Its ocean adds to people

' s excite mertteyoand Earth.

e the moon

t observ

C. It will be used by NASA as a base for the Hubble telescope. D. Its liquid ocea n was first proved by the Galileo spacecraft. 22. Which of the following best describes the writer A. Cautious Favourable

23. What does the un derli ned part in Paragraph 6 mean?

B. Doubtful

' s attitude towards Hubb C. Negative


A. An un dergr ound ocea n has bee n found in Europe.

B. The prese nee of an un dergro und ocea n in Europe is not possible. C. It is now eerta in that there is an ocea n on Europe.

D. No evide nee has show n the existe nee of an ocea n on Europe. 24. What type of writi ng does this passage bel ong to? A. A term essay C. An experime nt report


Spring break is rarely a picnic for low-income kids.

While most children count down the days to vacation, students who live in poor households anxiously count the numbers of meals they free meals at school.

To make sure the only issue underserved children have to only worry about is how they ' spe nd their time off, a nu mber of non profits are finding inno vativ e ways to bring meals to childre n.

“ During spring break,that '10 missed meals if they are getting breakfast and lunch at school, so it ' really important for us to get out here, ” BrendO' Brianof the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma, told News on 6.

Across the country, 21 at school, according to Feeding America.

To con ti nue feedi ng those kids duri ng vacati on, non profits, like the Commun ity Food Bank, started putting nourishment systems in place as schools prepared to shut down.

That Oklahoma group is packing up its mobile food truck and parking it at a local community center so that kids can get a hot meal. Children under 18 get first priority and any leftovers can the n go to adults, accord ing to News on 6.

But the situati on is even more difficult for stude nts who atte nd schools that close for two weeks, which is going to be the case in Fran kli n, In dia na.

There, Gleaners Food Bank is sending out 200 packages to low-income kids packed with 20 pounds of food each, Ross Fraser, Feeding America ' director of media relations, told HuffPost in an email.

While aid groups have long focused on finding hunger solutions during the summer

mon ths, a nu mber of orga ni zati ons are in creas ing up their efforts to also help support kids whe n school takes a break in the spri ng.

Curbing Hun ger, a New Jersey-based group, recen tly laun ched a campaig n. Through its partnership with Amp

' ll miss when they can ' t get access to

B. A n ews report D. An explorati on review.

Your Good, the campaign is running three separate online food drives that provide goods for local food ban ks.

The campaign varies from the standard collection service in that the crowd-funding model allows donors to allocate funds for specific food items that organizations need. For example, $14.50 buys 10 pounds of oran ges.

“ Due to our food delivery method, food drives on our site are able to raise fresh produce and other healthy foods enabling them to have more positive impact,

of Amp Your Good, told HuffPost in an email. Our pla n is'to turn the billi ons of canned

goods don ated each year to food drives into billi ons of apples, oran ges, sweet potatoes and other healthy food items. A. 5 days

” B. 7 days

C. 14 days

D. 20 days

25.Spri ng break in Fran kli n, In dia na may last ______ .

” Patrick O ' Neill,(

26. Which of the follow ing stateme nts is TRUE accord ing to the passage? A. Adults in Oklahoma are not allowed to take food from mobile truck. B. 21 million students throughout America can enjoy free meals at school. C. Aid groups have long helped solve hunger problems during spring break. D. Food banks bring meals to the needy kids when school takes spring break. 27. The underlined word A. distribute

“ allocate ” in paragraph 12 is closest in meaning to . B. raise

C. i ncrease

D. can cel

28. Amp Your Good can provide fresh produce for the needy kids mainly because of their A. frie ndly donor pla n

29. Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A. Low-i ncome kids go pic nick ing. B. Hun ger does n ' t take a spri ng break. C.

Healthy food are available for kids.

B. low cost

C. special delivery D. good

D. Kids get access to free meals at school.


With my hands and kn ees on the floor of the airpla ne, I was search ing for an old lady missing hearing aid during the flight from Sydney to Los Angeles. It occurred to me that this may not be the most dignified posture for a Buddhist nun( 尼女古).

I had seen the old lady from the seat in front of me as she walked up and down the passage with a flashlight. I asked a few times what was wrong, but she didn —she couldn

' t hear She was wearing a woolen coat. Judging from her accent, she came

' t answer at

from Easter n Europe.

Do you know what hearing aids cost? Thousands, especially for the new tiny hidden-in-the-ear type she described. It takes a long time for an appointment to make a new one, and many doctor visits to get the thing adjusted right. Therefore, my dig nity seemed less important than finding that hearing aid. But how does one find a tiny black object in a shadowy jet cabin (机舱)?

The lady wasn ' t even sure where or when she had it. At one point, a couple of flight

attendants did a random search around the lady ' seat; I wasn' impressed. They left suggesting that she search the seat of her previous flight! My flashlight turned up all kinds of small objects, bits of plastic, broke n pieces of headph on es.

The old lady said that she gave up. Yet I couldn search among the dust un der her seat and on the floor.

Look! A little peanut-sized shiny black object caught the light of my flashlight in a floor crack n ear her seat.

' t. After we Ianded, as passengers streamed

past us, I in sisted that the lady move aside while await ing her wheelchair. Then I got into a real dow n and dirty

What a rush. \I fou nd it! ”

With great ast oni shme nt and gratitude, the old lady respon ded, express my tha nks!

ds'to have n '

t the wor

30. Why did the author put her hands and kn ees on the floor? A. She is a religious Buddhist nun. B. She fell dow n from her seat.

C. She helped the old lady look for her heari ng aid. D. She wan ted to sta nd out among the passe ngers. 31. What do we know about the old lady? A. She ignored the author B. She is an America n.

C. She lost her heari ng aid by accide nt.

D. It was not difficult for her to get the hearing aid at all. 32. Where was the heari ng aid found? A. On the previous flight. B. Close to the old lady C. On the wheelchair. D. In ano ther jet cab in.

33. According to the last two paragr aphs, what is the old lady A. Respectful. B. Doubtful.

A. To tell us a story about kind help. B. To war n us to be more careful. C. To teach us how to find the lost thing. D. To prese nt the love from all people on board.


Join the Family Read-Aloud Celebrati on, held by the Gonda Family Library and the Family

School Allianee at UCLA Lab School, from February 21 to March 14,2014. We ask you to spend time reading aloud to your children at least 20 minutes each day.We hope to help families develop a habit of readi ng aloud every day throughout and bey ond primary school.

We'll finish the celebration with a party on March 14 for the whole school. Ways to joi n:

? Visit Book Corner for readi ng aloud suggesti ons.

Come to the start of the activity on Friday, Feb, 21. ? Add books to our list of favorite read aloud

? Send us a photo of your family reading together ( jkan,tor@ucta. edu ). We will share it at the party. ? Record your family's readi ng journ ey!. ? Join us for th 八 party on March 14,5 一 7 p. rn. Go on a read ing journ ey!

Books can intr oduce your family to interesting people, exciting places, adventures and in formati on. Let your jour neys take you through these categories: ?


? Picture books

? Poetry

C. Supportive. D. Grateful.

' s attitude towards the author?

' seat.

' s question on purpose.

34. What is the purpose of the passage?



