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MEMORY存储芯片MAX4614ESD+T中文规格书 - 图文

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General Description____________________________FeaturesThe MAX4614/MAX4615/MAX4616 quad, low-voltage,oFast Switching Times

high-speed, single-pole/single-throw (SPST) analogswitches are pin compatible with the industry-standard12ns tON, 10ns tOFF

74HC4066/MAX4610 analog switches. On-resistanceoPin Compatible with Industry-Standard(10?max) is matched between switches to 1?max74HC4066/MAX4610and is flat (1?max) over the specified signal range.oGuaranteed On-Resistance

Each switch handles V+ to GND analog signal levels.Maximum off-leakage current is only 1nA at T10?max (+5V supply)= +85°C.

A= +25°Cand 6nA at T20?max (+3V supply)

AThe MAX4614 has four normally open (NO) switches,oGuaranteed Match Between Channels (1?max)and the MAX4615 has four normally closed (NC)oGuaranteed Flatness Over Signal Range (1?max)switches. The MAX4616 has two NO switches and twoo<6nA Off-Leakage Current Over TemperatureNC switches. These CMOS switches operate from asingle +2V to +5.5V supply. All digital inputs have(TA= +85°C)+0.8V and +2.4V logic thresholds, ensuring TTL/CMOS-oRail-to-Rail?Signal Handlinglogic compatibility when using a single +5V supply.

oTTL/CMOS-Logic Compatible

________________________ApplicationsOrdering InformationPARTTEMP. RANGEPIN-PACKAGEBattery-Operated EquipmentMAX4614CUD0°C to +70°C14 TSSOPAudio/Video Signal Routing

MAX4614CSD0°C to +70°C14 Narrow SOLow-Voltage Data-Acquisition SystemsMAX4614CPD0°C to +70°C14 Plastic DIPSample-and-Hold CircuitsMAX4614EUD-40°C to +85°C14 TSSOPCommunication Circuits

MAX4614ESD-40°C to +85°C14 Narrow SOMAX4614EPD-40°C to +85°C14 Plastic DIPOrdering Information continued at end of data sheet.Pin Configurations/Truth TablesTOP VIEWMAX4614MAX4615MAX4616NO1114V+NC1114V+NO1114V+COM1213IN1COM1213IN1COM1213IN1NO2312IN4NC2312IN4NC2312IN4COM2411NO4COM2411NC4COM2411NC4IN2510COM4IN2510COM4IN2510COM4IN369COM3IN369COM3IN369COM3GND78NO3GND78NC3GND78NO3TSSOP/SO/DIPTSSOP/SO/DIPTSSOP/SO/DIPINPUTSWITCH STATEINPUTSWITCH STATEINPUTNO1, NO3NC2, NC4LOWOFFLOWONLOWOFFONHIGHONHIGHOFFHIGHONOFFRail-to-Rail is a registered trademark of Nippon Motorola, Ltd.MAX4614/MAX4615/MAX4616Low-Voltage, High-Speed, Quad, SPST CMOS Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single +2.5V Supply

(V+ = +2.5V, VINH= 0.7VCC, VINL= 0.5V, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 2)

PARAMETERSYMBOLCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITSANALOG SWITCHAnalog Signal RangeVCOM(Note 3)V_,NO0V+VV_,NC_COM_ to NO_ or NC_V+ = 2.5V,TA= +25°C3060On-ResistanceRONICOM_= 10mA,VNO = 1.2VTA= TMINto TMAX100?SWITCH DYNAMIC (Note 3)Turn-On TimetONVNO_or VNC_= 1V, TA= +25°C6.5nsTurn-Off TimetOFFVNO_or VNC_= 1V, TA= +25°C2.8nsNote 2:The algebraic convention, where the most negative value is a minimum and the most positive value a maximum, is used in

this data sheet.

Note 3:Guaranteed by design.

Note 4:?RON= RON(max) - RON(min).

Note 5:Flatness is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum value of on-resistance as measured over the

specified analog signal range.

Note 6:Leakage parameters are 100% tested at maximum-rated hot temperature and guaranteed by correlation at +25°C.Note 7:Off-Isolation = 20log10(VCOM_/ VNO_), VCOM_= output, VNO_= input to off switch.Note 8:Between any two switches.


MEMORY存储芯片MAX4614ESD+T中文规格书 - 图文


