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Is an earthquake dangerous? Yes,of course.But this doesn't mean you can’t do 1 about it.If you know 2 to do in an earthquake.you call be safe.Keep a 3 head.Worry may cause bad decisions.Don’t follow others blindly.Think about what you should do.The 4 several minutes are important.If you are 5 during an earthquake,quickly move to a safe place in the room such as under a desk or table.Take care of your 6 .Stay away from windows and things that may fall and hurt you.

If you are in a crowded room and 7 from the door,don’t rush to it.You will find too many people trying to escape at the same time 8 .stay under a desk or table.Don’t use an elevator.You may not get out of it.

Stay in a safe place until you are sure it's OK to leave.Some aftershocks(余震)may follow an earthquake.These are as 9 as the earthquake.

If you are in debris(废墟),try to free your hands and legs.You may make noises by hitting stones.Shouting will make you 10 .Try to find some water and food.They fire important for you if you aren’t found in a short time.Wait patiently(耐心地)for help. 1.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything 2.A.what B.how C.where D.when 3.A.busy B.clever C.free D.cool 4.A.first B.second C.third D.fourth 5.A.outdoor B.playground C.indoor D.street 6.A.money B.head C.clothes D.food 7.A.next to B.in front C.far away D.behind 8.A.But B.Though C.Because D.Instead 9.A.dangerous B.safe C.fast D.slowly 10.A.happy B.hopeful C.tired D.free 【阅读理解】


On April 20th,2020,a big earthquake hit Ya’an,Sichuan.Nearly 200 people died.Many people were hurt.Why do earthquakes happen?

The surface of the earth has many pieces.These pieces are always moving.When two pieces move past each other。there is an earthquake.

Scientists are working hard to find out more about earthquakes.They try to predict them,but it’s very hard.

Do you know how to get ready for an earthquake? Do you know what to do during an earthquake? Here are some things you should know. What to do before an earthquake

Make sure you have two bottles of water,a packet of biscuits,a clean towel(毛巾),a. few band—aids(创可贴),a radio and a flashlight(电筒)at home. What to do during an earthquake If you are inside:

★Stay where you are.Quickly move under a strong desk,or along a wall.This will protect you from falling things. ★Don’t stand near windows. ★Turn off the lights.

★Don’t get into a lift during an earthquake.If you are in a lift,get out quickly. If you are outside:

★Don’t stand near buildings.Things may fall on you. ★Lie on the ground until the shaking stops. 1.An earthquake hit Ya’an_________.

A.on April 12th,2020 B.on April 20th.2020 C.on May 14th,2020 D.on May 12th,2020 2.You need ________at home before an earthquake.

A.some water and biscuits B.a clean towel and a few band—aids C.a radio and a flashlight D.A,B and C 3.You must protect yourself in an earthquake by_________. A.1ying on the ground B.turning on the lights C.standing near the windows D.getting into a lift


Volcanoes have been erupting on the earth for millions of years.More than five hundred still erupt(喷出)today.These are called active volcanoes.Volcanoes are located(位于)in belts or chains.They are found where the earth’s crust is weak.The weak spots let the hot rock escape(逃出)when the volcano erupts.

Many volcano belts(地带)are mountain ranges along the edges of continents.One belt runs along the western coast of South America up through the western part of the United States. Other volcanoes are found in ocean basins.

About three-fifths of all active volcanoes in the world are in the Pacific Ocean.Many of these volcanoes erupt under the water.The Hawaiian Islands were built by volcanoes that began

erupting under water and finally reached the surface of the ocean. 4.The passage says that about five hundred volcanoes________. A.will erupt this year B.are still active

C.are located under water D.are all that have ever been discovered 5.Volcanoes are found________. A.where the earth’s crust is weak B.in the middle of the continents C.on the surface of the oceans D.only in Hawaii

6.An active volcano is a mountain_________. A.which has stopped erupting for years B.which still erupts today

C.which begins to erupt under water

D.which is located at the weak spot of the earth’s crust 7.Most of the active volcanoes are located in_________. A.South America B.the western United States C.the Pacific Ocean D.the Atlantic Ocean 8.The Hawaiian Islands were built by volcanoes that ________. A.began erupting under water

B.formed a mountain range under water C.erupted on the land

D.began erupting on the mountain 【阅读表达】

Few deaths in Chile

An 8. 3-magnitude(里8.3 级) earthquake can often cause fallen buildings and hundreds or even thousands of victims. But only 13 people were killed in the powerful earthquake in Chile on Sept 16, 2020. That is the most surprising thing.

According to New York Times, Chile had spent quite a lot of money on the project of making its buildings stronger. Also, it had changed its tsunami(海啸) warning system. Both of these helped prevent a disaster in the country.

Besides, strict laws and rules have made people more ready for earthquakes. Schools have increasingly started doing drills (演练), all society is filled with creative ways to keep safe in earthquakes.

Chile, a South American country, is one of the places where earthquakes are most likely. Its 17 million people have been taught more than enough information about earthquakes. The strongest earthquake ever recorded happened in Chile: a 9.5-magnitude earthquake in 1960 that killed more that 5,000 people. And most recently, an 8.8-magnitude earthquake in central Chile in

2010 killed more than 500 people and destroyed 220,000 homes.

The 2010 earthquake was 5.6 times more powerful than the 2020 earthquake. And the 2010 earthquake hit in the middle of the night, while the 2020 earthquake happened during an evening when many people were outside for barbecues and other celebrations before the country's Independence Day on Sept 18.

The biggest problem in 2010 was human mistakes. The government failed to warn people to move off the coast after the earthquake hit near the southern city of Concepcion.

The government made no such mistakes this time, giving tsunami warnings minutes after the earthquake hit. To reduce more risk in the earthquake, classes were canceled and factories closed across the country on Sept 17. 1.Where is Chile?

________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the most surprising thing about the powerful earthquake in 20207 _________________________________________________________________ 3. How many people died in the earthquake in 1960?

_______________________________________________________________________ 4. What was the biggest problem during the 2010 earthquake in Chile?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5. Why were classes canceled and factories closed on Sept 17, 2020?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 【书面表达】


There was__________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________




1.It’s in South America.

2.Only 13 people were killed. 3.More than 5,000 people. 4.Human mistakes. 5.To reduce more risk. 【书面表达】

There was a rainstorm last Saturday.The tall building near our school caught fire because lightning hit it.People called 119 for help in a great hurry.The firemen arrived at once to put out the fire.They warned people not to run down the stairs,and they told people to get out of the door one by one.After an hour,the fire was put out.Luckily,no one was killed in the fire.



