Write the beginning sound.
2. ___
1. b bee 3. ___ bird boat
4. ___ bear 5. ___ bat 6. ___ ball
Write the beginning sound.
1. c cow 2. ___ cup 3. ___ car
4. ___ cap 5. ___ candy 6. ___ cloud
Write the beginning sound.
1. c cow 2. ___ cup 3. ___ car
4. ___ cap 5. ___ candy 6. ___ cloud
Write the beginning sound.
1. d dove 2. ___ dollar 3. ___ donkey
4. ___ door 5. ___ deer 6. ___ drink
Write the beginning sound.
1. f fox 2. ___ fish 3. ___ feet
4. ___ frog 5. ___ five 6. ___ flag
Write the beginning sound.
1. g gift 2. ___ ghost 3. ___ gator
4. ___ guitar 5. ___ geese 6. ___ grapes
