一、 第一句话(first word)。见到考官的第一句话,很关键,不用说的很复杂。可以是一个简单句,但一定要铿锵有力。 展示出自信和实力。千万不要来一句“sorry, my English is poor”。常见的开头有: I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. I’m ..., my Number is …北大清华等学校参加面试的考生很多,可能对考生有一个编号,说一下自己的编号显得很职业,正式。
二、作自我介绍——成长经历(making a self-introduction ——developing history)。有很多学校要求做一个自我介绍,这一问题并非在请你大谈你的个人历史。考官是要在你的介绍中寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。
三、若考官问其他的,没有听明白,可以说\you speak slowly \didn`t prepare for this question\相信英语(论坛)口语菜的人大有人在,豁出去了保持微笑:I am sorry! I beg your pardon I don't understand your question,Could you repeat it againSorry, I don't know. (I am little acquainted with the aspect of special knowledge)But I wish I can have a chance to learn more deeply the knowledge under your direction 。
This is not an invitation to give your life history. The interviewer is looking for clues about your character, qualifications, ambitions, and motivations.不完全等同于自我介绍,选一部分。
If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree. After graduating received doctorate degree, I wanted to teach in university, and continue research in Archaian(古代的) literature field,I hope I can have some achievement in my major.
3. \(\你最突出的优点是什么\)这是你\展示自己\的最佳机会,不要吹嘘自己或过于自负,但要让雇主知道你相信自己,你知道自己的优点。
\done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I'd planned. I've set some high goals for myself. For example, I want to graduate with highest distinction.如可答:\我认为我最大的优点是能够执着地尽力把事情办好。当做完一件工作而其成果又正合我的预想时,我会有一种真正的成就感。我给自己定了一些高目标。比如说,我要成为出色的毕业生。
4、 \(\你最大的弱点是什么\)你不应该说你没有任何弱点,以此来回避这个问题;每个人都有弱点。最佳策略是承认你的弱点,但同时表明你在予以改进,并有克服弱点的计划。
Maybe because I am young people, I am a short fuse girl in daily life, fortunately I have realized it was disadvantage, and I am trying my best to get rid of it.
5. How do you feel about your progress to date对于你至今所取得的进步你是怎样看的绝不要对你以前的所作所为表示内疚。
\walk to realize my dream and finally achieve self-value. I will try my best.
6. What has been your greatest accomplishment
I will try my best to accomplish my plan as soon as I make a good choose, and I am not distracted by circumstance and I never give up my choose, such as this postgraduate exams.
7. What are some of the things you find difficult to do
I don’t discouragement, on the contrary, I will actively think measure to conquer it and put measure into practice, I am sure I will succeed in the end.
8. What is the worst thing you have heard about our university
To tell the truth, I don’t completely know our university, I know it only by internet and some students, so I don’t randomly value it, but during my preparing this postgraduate exams, I obtained some helps coming from our university. They were very warmhearted, and I very appreciate them. In a word, I have very good impression about our university.
9. Describe your best friend and what he or she does for a living.
First of all, I have many good friends; we often study, discuss and play in harness. To speak of my best friend, maybe it belongs to **, she is a warmhearted, hardworking strong-minded girl, we were favor in discussing some our interesting also took the postgraduate exams, and obtained very good result. I heartily hope she has a happy future.
10. In what ways are you similar or different from your best friend I think we have many similar characters, such as warmhearted, hardworking etc. To mention difference, I think the big difference is that she do anything slowly,