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计量经济学草稿(1) - 图文

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什么是计量经济学或商业计量经济学? Traditional Perception

1. Econometrics is the branch of economics concerned with the use of

mathematical methods (especially statistics) in describing economic systems. 2. Econometrics is a set of quantitative techniques that are useful for making


3. Econometrics is a set of statistical tools that allows economists to test

hypotheses using really world data. \Oil Prices?\countries stimulate growth in the developing countries?\

4. The Economist's Dictionary of Economics defines Econometrics as \

up of mathematical models describing mathematical models describing economic relationships (such as that the quantity demanded of a good is dependent positively on income and negatively on price), testing the validity of such hypotheses and estimating the parameters in order to obtain a measure of the strengths of the influences of the different independent variables.\

5. Econometrics is the intersection of economics, mathematics, and statistics.

Econometrics adds empirical content to economic theory allowing theories to be tested and used for forecasting and policy evaluation.

6. Econometrics is the branch of economics concerned with the use of

mathematical and statistical methods in describing, analyzing, estimating and forecasting economic relationships. Examples of Economic relationships or Business relations and interactions are:

7. Estimation of the market model (demand and supply) o Are oil prices and the

value of US dollar correlated? What are the determinants of growth? How are liquidity and profitability related? Modern View

1. Econometrics is no more limited to testing, analyzing and estimating economic

theory. Econometrics is used now in many subjects and disciplines like Finance, Marketing, Management, Sociology etc.

2. Also, the advent of modern day computers and development of modern

software has helped in estimation and analysis of more complex models. So computer programing is now an essential component of modern day econometrics.

3. Econometrics is the application of mathematics, statistical methods, and, more

recently, computer science, to economic data and is described as the branch of economics that aims to give empirical content to economic relations. 4. It is no more limited to quantitative research but encompasses qualitative

research. So we can finally arrive at a simple but modern and comprehensive definition as:

5. Using the tools of mathematics, statistics and computer sciences, Econometrics

analyses quantitative or qualitative phenomena (from Economics or other disciplines), based on evolution and development of theory, by recording observations based on sampling, related by appropriate methods of inference. 计量经济学的方法(The Methodology of Business Econometrics)

The methodology of Business Econometrics may be described by the following steps: (一) Creation of a statement of theory or hypothesis (二) Collection of Data (三) Model Specification (四) Model Estimation

(五) Performing Diagnostic Tests (六) Testing the Hypothesis (七) Prediction or Forecasting

The creation of a statement of problem may be based on the existing theory of business and economics. We already know something about the interaction and relationship of variables. For example, we know that the quantity demanded may depend on price, income, prices of substitutes and complementary goods and some

other variables. We collect data on these variables and specify our model based on demand theory. We can estimate the model with the help of some technique provided by Econometrics. The estimation may not be free form problems. Here some additional steps may be performed where we can check the validity of the model that we have specified by the use of various diagnostic tests to diagnose any possible problems in the estimation. For that, we test various hypothesis regarding the effectiveness and validity of the estimators. The ultimate result may be predicting or forecasting outcomes like economic and financial events of outcomes. If the technique and model applied is appropriate, the forecasts would be better. 一、模型设定

所谓经济模型是指对经济现象或过程的一种数学模拟。利用计量经济学方法研究经济问题,首先要把所研究的经济变量之间的关系用适当的数学关系式表达出来,这就是模型设定。经济模型的类型很多,计量经济模型只是其中的一种以代数方程式形式表现的模型,这类模型包含所研究的经济变量、待估计的参数,而且还包括随机项。例如为了研究居民的消费行为,根据经济学中关于消费经济的理论,认为居民消费支出与其收入成正比例,可将二者的关系表示为如下消费函数: Y=a+X (1.2.1) 其中

Y——居民家庭消费支出 X——居民家庭收入 a、——常数或参数

式中的多实际上是边际消费倾向(MPC),B作为斜率系数是消费增量△Y与收入 增量△X的比例,即△V △X。但是严格说来,1.2.1 式还不是一个计量经济模型,因为在现实经济生活中居民家庭消费支出和收入的关系并不是精确的函数关系。相同收入的家庭,其消费支出不一定完全相同,因此需要在模型中再引入一个随机误差项,即Y=a+BX+u


方程式,如上式,称为单一方程模型。在许多情况下,需要用相互联系的若干个方程形成的方程组去描述更加复杂的经济关系,这种模型称为联立方程模型。 设定一个合理的计量经济模型,应当注意以下几个方面: 1.要有科学的理论依据

设定模型之前必须对所研究的经济现象的相互关系作科学的理论分析,尽可能使模型真实地反映经济现象实际的依存关系。对国外的计量经济模型,特别要注意结合中国的实际加以分析,不能简单地生搬硬套。 2. 模型要选择适当的数学形式

模型的数学形式可以是单一方程,也可以是联立方程,每一个方程可以表现为线性形式也可以表现为非线性形式。这要根据研究的目的、所研究的经济问题的复杂程度以及对数据资料的掌握情况来决定。在实际建立模型的过程中,应根据所研究现象相互关系的性质,通过对实际统计资料的试验和分析,经过反复比较,选择尽可能合理的模型。另外要注意所构造的方程必须是有解的,特别是在建立联立方程模型时,要使内生变量的数目与方程个数相适应。在选择模型数学形式时还应注意,在能够达到研究目的的前提下,应当尽可能选择更为简捷的数 学形式,不应盲目地去追求数学形式的“完美性”。 3.方程中的变量要具有可观测性


设定模型是计量经济研究的关键步骤,建立模型既是一门科学,又是一种艺术。建立一个好的模型,要靠丰富的专业知识,要有适当的方法,更要靠对建模实践的不断总结。 二、估计参数


数的估计式。估计式是模型中变量样本观测值的代数式,只要将变量的样本观测值直接代入估计式,即可得到参数的估计值。如何去确定满足计量经济要求的 参数估计式,是理论计量经济学的一项主要内容。

估计模型中参数的方法有很多种。对于单一方程模型,最常用的是普通最小二乘法,此外还有广义最小二乘法、极尤拟然估计法等。对于联立方程模型可用二段最小二乘法和三段最小二乘法等去估计参数,对这些方法我们将在以后的章节中具体介绍。 三、模型检验

当模型中的参数被估计以后,应当说就初步完成了建模的过程,但是一般说来这样的模型还不能直接加以应用。首先,这是因为我们在设定模型时,对所研究的经济现象的规律性可能认识并不充分,所依据的经济理论对研究对象也许还不能做出正确的解释和说明。或者虽然经济理论是正确的,但可能我们对问题的认识只是从某些局部出发,或者只是考察了某些特殊的样本,以局部去说明全局的变化规律,必然会导致偏差。其次,我们用以估计参数的统计数据或其他信息可能并不十分可靠,或者是较多地采用了经济突变时期的数据,不能真实代表所研究的经济关系,也可能由于样本太小,所估计的参数只是抽样的某种偶然结果。此外,我们所建立的模型,所用的方法,所用的统计数据,还可能违反计量经济的基本假定,这时也会得出错误的结论。对计量经济模型的检验主要应从以下几方面进行: 1.经济意义的检验

模型中的变量和参数都有特定的经济意义,经济理论通常对这些变量以及参数的符号和取值范围做出了理论说明。如果所估计的模型与经济理论完全相符,说明我们所观测的事实证实了这种理论;如果所估计的模型与理论说明不相符,一般来说应当舍弃所估计的模型,应设法从模型设定、估计方法、统计数据等方面找出导致错误结论的原因,除非经过反复研究,证明模型和估计的参数完全正确,而是经济理论不完备,这时则应提出修正经济理论的建议。 2.统计推断检验


计量经济学草稿(1) - 图文


