for your office. If your taste in room decoration is rather poor, I recommend that you seek the advice of a good decorator. This is especially important for those who receive their guests or do business with their customers in their offices on a daily basis.
Unit 3 The Road to Happiness
IV. Detailed Study of the Text
1. It is a commonplace among maralists that you cannot get happiness by
pursuing it.: Moralists usually hold that happiness can not be brought about by seeking it. 道德家们普遍认为幸福不是靠追求就能获得的。
If you pursue it by means of drink, you are forgetting the hang-over.
2.This is only true if you pursue it unwisely.: The argument that you cannot get hapiness by pursuing it holds water only if you seek it foolishly and imprudently.
3.So it is with hapiness.: So there are other sucessful ways of pursuing happiness.
4.Epicurus prusued it by living only in congenial society and eating only dry bread, supplemented by a little cheese on feast days.: Epicurus, an ancient Greek philosopher, sought happiness by leading a very simple life only with his friend, family members and pupils, eating obly dry bread, except on feast days with a bit cheese too.
Congenial: adj. Similar, compatible, harmonious; agreeable, pleasant, gracious e.g. The two friends had congenial tastes. (RH: Thesaurus) The girl has a warm, congenial disposition. (Ibid.)
Supplement: v. add to, increase
e.g. They had to get a job to supplement the family increase. I supplemented my diet with vitamin pills.
5.valetudinarian: n. an invalid, esp. one who is morbidly interedted in or anxious about his state of health
For most people, the pursuit of happiness, unless supplemented in various ways, is too abstract and theoretical to be adequate as a personal rule of life.
6. But I think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness.: But I think that whatever principle of life you may choose to live by, it should no be at odds with happiness except on certain occasions when the sacrifice of happiness is called for. ( or when you have to sacrifice your happiness for something more important and meaningful in life.)
Incompatible (with): adj. Not compatible (with), inconsistent (with), at odds (with) e.g. That raucous voice is incompatible with her fragile appearance.
Their styles of life were incompatible.
7. …it would seem as if the fault must lie with a wrong theory as to how to live.: …it would seem as though the unhappiness of these people who possess all the material comforts muat result from a bad theory of life, they don‘t know how to live happily. Lie with: (fml) depend on, be the responsibility of, rest with
e.g. Are you saying that the fault generally lies with the management?
It lies with the poloce to prove that the prisoner actually stole the jewels.
as to: about, in connection with, regarding e.g. There is no doubt as to his history.
As to your final grade, that depends on your final examination.
We imagine ourselves more different from the animals than we are.
8. animals live on impulse, and are happy as long as external condiyions are favorable.: Animals live an instinctive life and are content so long as their basic need are satisfied. On impulse: impulsely, seddenly without planning
e.g. On a sudden impulse, he stopped and went into the library.
On (an) impulse she told the driver to turn and go east.
9. … if it has food and warnth and opportunities for an occasional night on the tiles.: …if the cat has got something to eat and can keep warm in winter and now and then has chances to go out on the roof of the house at night to play.
10. Your needs are more complex than those of your cat, but they still have their basis in instinct.: As human beings you need more things in life than the cat. But whatever your needsare, they grow out of your instinctive needs你的需求虽比你的猫要复杂的多,但仍出自于本能
11. …, this is too apt to be forgotten.: …, People are most likely to forget that they share something with animals in this aspect. 在文明社会里,尤其是在讲英语的国家里,这一点往往被人们所忘却。 Apt: adj. Prone, likely liable
e.g. That dog is apt to it if he is teased.
Babies who are small at birth are apt to grow faster.
People proposed to themselves some one paramount objective, and restrain all impulses that do not minister to it.: People set out a certain one predominant aim for themselves to reach and人们对自己提出一个至高无上的目标,并抑制一切不利于实现这一目标的冲动。
12. suppress all desires and drives that do not serve its purpose.
minister to: attend to, serve, answer, oblige, accommodate, cater to e.g. He ministered to his wife‘ every need.
The patient nurse ministered to the dying woman.
13. …, no pleasure remains to him except harrying other people by exhortations to imitate his noble example.: …he no longer finds happiness, nor satisfaction nor enjiyment in his wealth except annoying others by strongly advising them to follow his example. 当他最终腰缠万贯时,除了喋喋不休地力劝别人以他为榜样外,已无任何快乐可言 Harry: v. harass,vex, annoy, persecute e.g. I harried her like a spoiled child.
He set to work harrying men for donations.
Many rich ladies, although nature has not endowed them with any spontaneous pleasure in literature or art, decide to be thought cultured, and spend boring hours learning the right thing to say about fashionable new books that are written to give delight, noy to afford opportunities for dusty snobbism.: Although they are not born with an ability to appreciate works of literature or art, many rich women determine to be thought cultured and spend plenty of time learning rediously to say the right things about some new best-sellers not for the sake of pleasure and enjoyment but to show off their knowledge and appear superior to others on social occssions. 尽管老天没有赋予她们在文
endow: v. give, equip, bestow, bless
e.g. Nature endowed her with extraordinary beauty.
Eugene O‘Neill had been endowed with Clark Gable looks.
dusty: adj. Lacking life or spirit,dry, boring e.g. a dusty treatise
14. …have certain things in common.: share some things
15. …an activity that on most occasions is enjoyable on its own account,… : … an activity that on most occasions is pleasant by itself. 最重要的东西是一种活动,这种活动的本身往往是令人愉快的,而且慢慢地发展成为某种你乐于见到的东西。 On one‘s own account: for yourself, independently
e.g. After they had picked out the class gift, members of the committee did soe shopping on their own account.
go into business on one‘s own account
16. …which , in addition, gradually builds up something that you are glad to see coming into existence.: …an activity that by and by develops into something that you like to see. Build up: (cause to ) increase, develop, or form steadily
e.g. Enemy forces have now build up to a dangerous strength.
He has build up a good business over the years from a small beginning.
17. Artists and suthors and men of science get happiness in this way if their own work seems good to them.: Artists and authors and scientists who like their own work can get this kind of satisfaction and enjoyment out of their work.
Many men who spend their working life in the city devote their weekends to voluntary and unremunerated toil in their gardens, and when the spring comes they experience all the joys of having created beauty.: by working in the city on weekdays, many men are more than willing to spend weekends working hard in their gardens by planting flowers, watering plants,mowing lawns,etc without pay. When spring comes, they feel delighted in making their gardens beautiful and pleasant by themselves. 很多在城里工作的男士周末就在自家的花园里自愿地、没有报酬地辛勤劳作,当春天来临时,他们体验到了创造美丽的种种快乐。
Remunerate: v. pay, reward, recompense
e.g. He promised I would be remunerated for the extra work. The workers were driven too hard and not remunerated
18. The whole subject of happiness has, in my opinion, been treated too solemnly.: I think people usually take the question of happiness too seriously. 依我看,我们对幸福这一话题太过于认真了。
19. tonic: n. strenghthening medicine, stimulant
e.g. Fresh air is a good tonic for malancholy.
20. It is the simple things that really matter.: It is the simple things that are really important. Here ―the simple things‖ refer to the common things in life that make people either happy or unhappy, as seen in the following sentences. 真正重要的是这些朴实无华的东西 21. regimen: n. diet, a set of rules about food, sleep, etc. in order to improve health
e.g. to follow a strict regimen
He kept to his prescribed regimen.
22. what not (or: what have you): n. Whatever you like or want; anything else like that
e.g. We found suits, coats, hats and what not in the closet.
The store sells big ones, small ones, medium ones, or what have you.
Study and practice
Vocabulary and structure
A. words and expressions for use 1. congenial 2. alternation 3. sacrifice 4. on her account
5. instinctive 6. came into existence 7. pursuit 8. have nothing in common 9. incompatible 10. supplement B structures for use
a. 1. …unless the weather got worse 2. …unless you invite her sister 3. …unless I took him
4. Unless you tell him yourself 5. …unless te correct fuel is used.
b. 1. The medical record shows that it was the dog, rather than the disease, that killed him two years ago.
2. It was in the name of freedom that Kennedy led his country deeper into its cruel, hopeless war in Vietnam.
3. It is because she is too inexperienced that she dose not know how to deal with the embarrassing
4. It was not until she had arrived home that she remembered her appointment with the Dean. 5. The truth is that it is only bt studying history that we can learn what to expect in the future.
6. It was John Adams who recommended George Washington to be commander-in chief of the
Continental Army in 1775.
Grammar Practice 1. Rewrite the following sentences 1. we; ourselves
2. you are; your; your; you…have; you 3. You
4. They say that
5. What language do you say?
6. ..they are raising the bus fares again 7. we live…
8. your have; your 9. we; ourselves; us
II .complete each if the following sentences… 1. herself 2. themselves 3.myself 4. themselves 5. himself 6. myself 7. yourself 8. himself
Use of English
II. Proofreading
1. to do so 2. when all the
2. exactly alike 4. it ( to be delected) 5. the whole of 6. belonging to 7. increasing 8. ease of travel 9. at least 10. Europe
11. to more people 12. Germans 13. from themselves 14. the mind 15. liberalize 16. It is to be..
17. in all countries 18. do both things 19. be open to 20. in ( to be delected) 23. Cloze
a) on 2. of 3. available 4. about/over 5. titled 6. how 7. another 8. spend 9. give 10. They 11. and 12. fail
13. called 14. rich 15. at 16. on 17. popular 18. with 19.want 20.of
24. Translation
a) The text-book is supplemented by an adequate glossary.
b) The Sunday passed in alternation between watching TV and playing cards c) The situation is developing in a direction favorable to us.
d) It is necessary to find alternative sources of fuel when coal is not available. e) The magazine has a Christmas supplement of some complete stories. f) Hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside of one‘s regular work. g) All the thirteen colonies were in favor of the repeal of the Stamp Act. h) My father was engaged in scientific pursuits all his life. Translation B
Many people tend to equate the excitement in one thing at a time with happiness of life, and pursue it unwisely by means of drinking or gambling, etc. Consequently, even if they have all the material conditions of happiness, they can often feel profoundly unhappy.
Truly happy people have one thing in common, i.e. they always take pleasure in giving. Their social activities can not only be enjoyable on their own account, but also build up something that will benefit the public.
Unit 4 Conversation Profitable and Pleasurable
Ⅰ. Ⅴ.Detailed Study of the Text 1. It can be more than simply pleasurable, it can be hilariously amusing, especially if the
participants observe good manners in every respect and there is equal give and take: An hour of good social conversation can not only give much pleasure and entertainment when the participants behave well but also bring about an exchange of ideas among them.
more than: very, extremely e.g. They were ~willing to help.
observe: (.v.) obey, follow, keep, abide by, comply with
e.g. All these rules must be strictly ~d. ~ the terms of a contract
give and take (or: give-and-take): good-humored exchange of talk, ideas, etc.,