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Burkeman is not above making suggestions. In his Epilogue he offers, \can treat these ideas [presented in the previous chapters] as a toolkit.\

与那些更典型的自助大师一样,夏皮罗的方式旨在让人们的生活更幸福,更充实。这也是夏皮罗之所以堪称本书一个完美隐喻的原因所在。《解毒剂》一书声称,追寻幸福将使人筋疲力尽,失望连连。然而,正如夏皮罗可以在渴望成功的商界氛围中,游刃有余地使用PowerPoint幻灯片向公司高管们展示其理论一样,《解毒剂》一书完全可以毫不唐突地摆放在巴诺连锁书店(Barnes and Noble)的自助类书架上。毕竟,伯克曼也并非不屑于为读者提出他的建议。正如他在本书后记中所言,“读者可以把(之前章节中提出的)这些建议视为一个可身体力行的工具包。”

Unlike many self-help authors, however, Burkeman doesn't offer neat, 12-step prescriptions for health, wealth, or happiness. After painstakingly establishing the various negative paths to happiness -- Buddhist meditation, rejection of goals, acceptance of death's inevitability -- he winds up discouraged by his inability to wrap things up neatly. His language becomes clunky: \negative path to happiness … [is] a path to a different kind of destination. Or maybe it makes more sense to say that the path is the destination? These things are excruciatingly hard to put into words, and the spirit of … [negative thinking] surely dictates that we do not struggle too hard to do so.\

然而,与许多撰写自助类书籍的作者不同的是,伯克曼并没有就如何获得健康、财富和幸福提供一套简明扼要,可分为12步完成的处方。煞费苦心地铺设了各类通往幸福的替代路径(犹如佛教徒般的冥思,拒绝设定目标,接受死亡的必然性 )之后,他最终为自己


If it were up to me, the parting message of this exploration of negativity would be more positive. Specifically, \struggling.\After all, in an earlier chapter, Burkeman convinced me that all failures are invigorating. Failure, he writes, \happening only because you are pushing at the limits of your capabilities.\thrilling statement, because it suggests that in failing, you are being productive.


And that's what makes The Antidote so refreshing. Rather than offering pat answers up front, Burkeman conducts a serious investigation into the various negative paths to happiness. In admitting that these paths don't lead to one logical, conclusive method, Burkeman invites us to choose our own.





