学生学院 信息工程学院 专 业 测控技术与仪器 (光机电一体化方向) 年级班别 20 级(1)班 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师
20 年6月
摘 要
The quality of medicines relates to human health and life safety, so the preservation of medicines is vital. The temperature and humidity of the drug store affect the quality and efficacy of the drugs, so we need to check and control the temperature and humidity in the medicine warehouse.
This paper puts forward a kind of the temperature and humidity alarm design scheme of the medicine warehouse, which includes single chip microcomputer minimum system module, temperature and humidity sensor DHT11, cool button module, alarm module, liquid crystal display module, control module, humidification control module and power supply part. The minimum STC89C52 single chip system as the core control circuit, temperature and humidity testing environment temperature and humidity after a single-chip processing temperature and humidity on the LCD1602 LCD display. When the actual temperature is greater than the upper limit of temperature setting start cooling relay control cooling, cooling to the lower limit value to stop cooling. When the actual humidity less than the lower limit of set humidity start humidifying relay on indoor humidifying, humidification until the upper limit of set stops humidifying.
Keywords: Medicine warehouse; microcontroller STC89C52; temperature and humidity