【期刊名称】《中国药房》 【年(卷),期】2017(028)035
【摘要】OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effects of Qigong pills formula on uterine artery blood flow and endometrial recep-tivity of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS)with infertility. METHODS:A total of 86 PCOS patients with infertility in our hospital during Jan.-Dec. 2016 were divided into control group and observation group according to random number table, with 43 cases in each group. Control group was given western medicine pituitary down-regulation therapy. Observation group was additionally given adjuvant therapy of Qigong pills formula,a dose per day,decocted with water to 400 mL,morning and night un-til artificial fertilization stopped,on the basis of control group. The uterus ultrasonic indexes and endometrial receptivity were com-pared between 2 groups before treatment and 3 months after treatment. The occurrence
RESULTS:Before treatment,there was no statistical significance in uterus ultrasonic indexes and endometrial receptivity in-dexes between 2 groups (P>0.05). Three months after treatment,endometrial thickness of 2 groups were increased significantly, while endometrial spiral arterial
pulsatility indexes and resistance
indexes GLUT4
were were
decreased increased
significantly;the levels ofαvβ3
significantly;observation group was significantly better than control group,with statistical significance (P<0.05). The ovulation rate of observation group was 83.72%,which was significantly higher than 62.79% of control group,with statistical significance(P<0.05). There was no statistical significance in pregnancy rate(27.91% vs. 18.60%)between 2 groups(P>0.05). No obvious ADR was found in 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS:The adjuvant therapy of Qigong pills formula help to regulate the pa-rameters of uterine artery blood flow in PCOS patients with infertility,and strengthen endometrial receptivity so as to increase ovu-lation rate.%目的:探讨启宫丸方辅助治疗对多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)伴不孕症患者的子宫动脉血流和内膜容受性的影响.方法:选择2016年1-12月到我院就诊的86例PCOS伴不孕症患者,采用随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,各43例.对照组患者采取化学药长方案垂体降调节治疗;观察组患者在对照组基础上给予启宫丸方辅助治疗,每日1剂,以水煎成400 mL,分早晚2次温服,用药至行人工受精术停止.比较两组患者治疗前和治疗后3个月的子宫超声指标和子宫内膜容受性,记录患者排卵、受孕以及不良反应发生情况.结果:治疗前,两组患者的子宫超声指标和内膜容受性指标比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).治疗后3个月,两组患者的子宫内膜厚度明显增大,子宫内膜螺旋动脉搏动指数和阻力指数明显减小,整合素αvβ3和葡萄糖转运体4(GLUT4)的阳性表达水平明显升高,且观察组均明显优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组患者的排卵率为
83.72%,明显高于对照组的62.79%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);两组患者受孕率比较(27.91%vs.18.60%),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).两组患者均未见明显的不良反应发生.结论:启宫丸方辅助治疗有助于调节PCOS伴不孕症患者的子宫动脉血流动力学参数,增强子宫内膜容受性,从而提高排卵率. 【总页数】4页(4967-4970)
【关键词】启宫丸方;多囊卵巢综合征;不孕症;子宫动脉;子宫内膜容受性 【作者】张莲莲;韩在刚;杨锐
【作者单位】北华大学附属医院药学部,吉林吉林 132000;北华大学附属医院药学部,吉林吉林 132000;北华大学附属医院生殖医学中心,吉林吉林 132000 【正文语种】中文
【中图分类】R711.75;R271.14 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_china-pharmacy_thesis/0201242101530.html 【相关文献】
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