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加练半小时高考英语总复习微专题训练第23练 Word版含答案

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单词识记: adventure ancient awkward caution civilized concern custom particular remind remove silent tradition typical fascinate cooperation anniversary restrict religion casual expand 短语扫描: add to增添 as a whole总体来说 be of great value很有价值 come into being形成;产生;出现 end up with 以……告终 in memory of为了纪念 pass down from generation to generation一代一代传下来 date back to/date from 追溯到 follow a custom 遵循习俗 crowd into涌入 [跟踪训练] Ⅰ.语境填词

1.Keep your office space looking good,________(particular) your desk. 2.________(typical),she couldn’t find her keys.

3.Madagascar is the most ________(fascinate) place I have ever been to.

4.People in these countries demand equal treatment for all,regardless of ________(religious) or sex.



5.Then I turned to my teacher and he advised me to ________(cooperation) with others. Ⅱ.单项填空

6.It is possible that one day we will ________ disability,so we shouldn’t look down upon the disabled. A.end up with C.come up with

B.put up with D.catch up with

7.The traditional friendship between our two peoples ________ ancient times. A.is dated back to C.dates back to

B.dates at D.is dated from

8.________ not to miss the flight at 15:20,the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. A.Reminding C.To remind

B.Reminded D.Having reminded

9.At the ancient Olympics,all men,________ had to compete wearing no clothes;while single women took part in their own separate competition,a festival ________ Hera,the wife of Zeus.

A.in tradition;in favor of B.by principle;in celebration of C.by tradition;in honor of D.in order;in memory of

10.That is the very coin I need to ________ my collection. A.add up C.add on

B.add in D.add to


An investigative study of Black Friday,led by West Chester University Professor Gina Castle Bell,observed themes of consumerism but also observed the themes of a happy holiday.The researchers found through Black Friday people celebrate,plan,bond,and build traditions together.

For me my Black Friday always begins and ends on a living room floor littered with


newspaper ads.There,late on Thanksgiving night,my family collectively holds a strategy session.Later,we race to early bird specials,wait with strangers in lines sharing stories of past Black Fridays,take a long relaxing lunch full of family banter(戏谑),get Christmas decorations,stop into a Cheesecake Factory bar to see the dramatic end of a football game,get a caffeine-high from Starbucks Christmas drinks,and end the shopping at a torn apart Old Navy(美国服装品牌),digging to find late available basics like socks.Finally,exhausted but contented,we collapse back on that living room floor,still littered with ads,where we drink hot cocoa,watch a Christmas movie,and plan to hang the new decorations.

This is not to say that Black Friday is always lovely.Instead,it’s often miserable.But the misery is sort of what makes Black Friday such a great tradition.Many Black Friday shoppers know that the deals on Black Friday are not especially great and are available online.But they did not show up for the deals,they showed for the “misery”.

For them the crowds,the rush,and the difficulty all enhance(提升) Black Friday—similar to the way crowds enhance movie opening nights,the rush enhances music festivals,and difficulty enhances the experience of camping for other types of people.Those crazy elements transform the events into what consumer researchers call a “collectible experience”.Collectible experiences are not always pleasant but they are memorable and meaningful to those games for them.

There seems to be a mad rush in the media to analyze Black Friday.Yet,every analysis misses the point that Black Friday,which though on the surface seems like just evil consumerism,is actually,for some,quite a meaningful,ritualistic(例行的) experience.

Maybe this happy holiday is not for you.Maybe you think it is silly or even disgusting that Americans choose to bond through,over all other options,shopping.But what you cannot deny is that Black_Friday_has_become_something_bigger_than_deals.It has become a part of a collective and personal culture,where many shoppers are not trying to avoid the trouble and craziness of the day;instead,they are trying to strategically and happily dive into it.And,right now,on living room floors all across America,families are planning how to get the most out of their yearly ritual.

1.Which of the following does NOT belong to a “collectible experience”? A.Waiting with strangers in lines. B.Racing to early bird specials. C.Digging to find commodities.


D.Transforming crazy elements.

2.By saying “Black Friday has become something bigger than deals”,the author means Black Friday ________.

A.would be enjoyed more if it were less commercial B.is a great chance to feel comfort able and relaxed C.is a miserable,meaningful and traditional experience D.undergoes a comprehensive evaluation from the media 3.What could be the best title of the passage? A.A Loving Defense of Black Friday B.An Introduction to Black Friday C.Widespread Criticism of Black Friday D.Fantastic Experience of Black Friday Ⅱ.任务型阅读

Age has its privileges in America,and one of the more important of them is the senior citizen discount.Anyone who has reached a certain age—in some cases as low as 55—is automatically entitled to dazzling array of price reductions at nearly every level of commercial life.Eligibility(资格) is determined not by one’s need but by the date on one’s birth certificate.Practically unheard of a generation ago,the discounts have become a routine

part of many businesses—as common as color televisions in motel rooms and free coffee on airliners.

People with gray hair often are given the discounts without even asking for them;yet,millions of Americans above age 60 are healthy and solvent(有支付能力的).Businesses that would never dare offer discounts to college students or anyone under 30 freely offer them to older Americans.The practice is acceptable because of the widespread belief that “elderly” and “needy” are synonymous(同义的).Perhaps that once was true,but today elderly Americans as a group have a lower poverty rate than the rest of the population.To be sure,there is economic diversity within the elderly,and many older Americans are poor.But most of them aren’t.

It is impossible to determine the impact of the discounts on individual companies.For many firms,they are a stimulus to revenue.But in other cases the discounts are given at the expense, directly or indirectly,of younger Americans.Moreover,they are a direct irritant(刺激物) in what


some politicians and scholars see as a coming conflict between the generations.

Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security benefits,which mostly involve a transfer of resources from the young to the old.Employment is another sore point.Supported by laws and court decisions,more and more older Americans are declining the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the job—thereby lessening employment and promotion opportunities for younger workers.

Far from a kind of charity they once were,senior citizen discounts have become a formidable economic privilege to a group with millions of members who don’t need them.

It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority over those of others.Senior citizen discounts only enhance the myth that older people can’t take care of themselves and need special treatment;and they threaten the creation of a new myth,that the elderly are ungrateful and taking for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups.Senior citizen discounts are the essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting against—discrimination by age.

Age determines whether an American can be given a discount,which is a Introduction common 4.________ in American business life today. Origin of senior citizen discount Since the senior citizens are often treated as people who are in 5.________,they are given such priority. ·The situation has changed a lot where the majority of the elderly are not poor at all. ·Younger Americans were at a(an) 7.________ directly or indirectly due to the 6.________ situation discounts given to the elderly,thus leading to conflicts between generations. ·The number of older Americans 8.________ to work rather than retire is on the increase,which means 9.________ opportunities for young workers. ·It is no longer a kind of charity because millions of senior citizens don’t need the priority 10.________ now. It’s unwise to offer discount priority to the elderly. Conclusion ·It will mislead people to think they are unable to 11.________ to themselves. ·People may think that they are ungrateful and they’re hurting the 5

加练半小时高考英语总复习微专题训练第23练 Word版含答案


