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1、 The Edinburgh International Film Festival, after 60 years as one of the city's cultural focuses in August, will move to June from next year. Artistic director Hannah McGill said the festival needed more breathing space.

“There are huge advantages in having all these cultural events in one place and time,” she said. “But there is limited space. It’s like when a child has a birthday on Christmas Day —it all comes on top of each other.”

Ms McGill said that the film festival wanted to use extra places to organize events and conferences which Edinburgh was too crowded to provide in August. She spoke of her difficulty, for example, being unable to hold an exhibition as part of the film festival because of limited space.

However, Jon Morgan, the director of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, deprecated the film festival s move which suggested the city was overburdened in August. “There are still hundreds of spaces that aren't used,and there is still room for it to expand,” he said

The move to June made sense. It would allow more air between it and the London Film Festival, providing for more distinctive (有特色的)programming.

“June will give us the breathing space to expand and create our own identity, allowing us to further develop our position as one of the world's most innovative(创新的) and challenging annual film events,” Ms McGill said The festival organisers thought that the move to June would not reduce audiences,saying film-lovers would visit Edinburgh in early summer. Ginnie Atkinson, the festival’s managing director, said, “Our audiences are very film-focused. Last year we asked in our market research if they would come if we were the only show in town and they said yes.”

1.The passage intends to tell us that the Edinburgh International Film Festival ___________. A.needs improving B.enjoys great success

C.needs more breathing space D.will move to “quieter” June

2.The underlined sentence in the second paragraph suggests that _______. A.having two important events in one place and time has many advantages B.having two important events in one place and time will cause pressure C.wonderful things always go hand in hand

D.having a birthday on Christmas Day is a lucky thing

3.The underlined word “deprecated” in Paragraph 4 probably means __________. A.disagreed to B.approved of C.supported D.held

4.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A.the move to June will affect the number of people who visit Edinburgh

B.the festival is one of the world s most innovative and challenging annual film events

C.the festival has been one of Edinburgh's cultural focuses for 60 years D.it is generally believed that August is a busy month to the cultural circles in Edinburgh

2、 Stonehenge, the world-famous circle of stone columns may 12. have had a brother. A much bigger, older brother.

University of Bradford researchers announced they had discovered about 100 stones covering several acres thought to have been built around 4,500 years ago. The Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project discovered the monument, which is near Durrington Walls, also known as “ superhenge”. Stonehenge, which is believed to have been completed 3,500 years ago, is about 2 miles away. \to see is the largest surviving stone monument, preserved underneath a bank, that has ever been discovered in Britain and possibly in Europe,” said Vince Gaffney.

The evidence was found under 3 feet of earth. Some of the stones are thought to have stood 15 feet tall before they were toppled. \amazing row of up to 90 standing stones, a number of which have survived after being pushed over, and a large bank placed over the stones,\Neubauer, director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Archaeological Prospection and Virtual Archaeology.

“ In the east,up to 30 stones ... have survived below,” he said. “The extraordinary scale and details of the evidence produced by the Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project, which the new discoveries at Durrington Walls, is changing fundamentally(根本上) our understanding of Stonehenge and the world around it,\Neubauer added.

\monuments within it will need to be rewritten,” said Paul Garwood, a scientist and lead historian on the project at the University of Birmingham. The findings were announced on the first day of the British Science Festival being held at the University of Bradford.

1.It is believed that the superhenge is _________ earlier than the Stonehenge. A.1,000 years B.2,500 years C.3,500 years D.4,500 years

2.What do researchers think of the superhenge? A.It is the biggest monument discovered in the world. B.It was built much later than the Stonehenge.

C.It is the largest surviving stone monument found in England. D.It is better protected than the Stonehenge.

3.What do the underlined word “toppled” most probably mean? A.Set up. B.Pushed down. C.Moved away.



