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There is no perfect way for human beings to deal with cockroaches up to now. There is an instrument in Europe that can emit a specific frequency wave similar to that in a microwave oven, rapidly raise the blood temperature in the cockroach's body and instantly cause the cockroach to blow itself up. However, even if it is applied in such a wide range, it cannot completely eliminate the cockroach. Moreover, it can kill any organism containing water in the body and was banned several years ago. I do not recommend you to use any insecticide, which can only kill some cockroaches. It is an indisputable fact that cockroaches cannot be completely eliminated, but it can accelerate the evolution of cockroaches. The same insecticide may be used for one to two years, and cockroaches will be immunized against this insecticide by producing antibodies themselves. If you kill a limited number of cockroaches, the evolution of cockroaches will be accelerated permanently. Suggested methods are as follows: 1. Overcome your fear of cockroaches. 2. Use aggressive weapons to cause physical damage to cockroaches to death. (For example, newspapers, flyswatters.) 3. Clean the house and keep the house clean all over the world to minimize the living space of cockroaches. Finally, I give you advice: if you find a cockroach in the room, you think there are more than 200 cockroaches nearby. The number of cockroaches on the

earth is far more than N times of the number of human beings. This is an endless war. ok, take your weapons and do them.

人类对付蟑螂的方法到现在没有完善的. 在欧洲有种仪器,能发出类似微波炉中的特定频率波,迅速声高蟑螂身体内的血液温度,瞬间让蟑螂自爆,可即使这样大范围应用也不能彻底消灭蟑螂,而且,它可以杀掉任何身体中含水的生物,在几年前以遭禁用. 本人不推荐你使用任何杀虫剂,杀虫剂只能杀死一部分蟑螂,不能完全消灭蟑螂,这是不争的事实,但是他能加速蟑螂的进化,同一杀虫剂可能用一到两年后,蟑螂自身产生抗体,就对这种杀虫剂免疫了.你杀死了有限的蟑螂,可加速蟑螂的进化是永久的. 推荐你的方法如下: 1,克服自身对蟑螂的恐惧. 2,使用带攻击性武器对蟑螂造成物理伤害至死.(例如:报纸,苍蝇拍.) 3,清洁房屋卫生及房屋周遍卫生,尽量减少蟑螂的生存空间. 最后给你忠告: 如果你发现房间里有一只蟑螂,就以为着附近还有200只以上.蟑螂在地球上的数量远远超过人类的数量n倍.这是一场永无止境的战争,ok,拿去武器,去干他们吧



