Module 1 Changes and differences
Unit 1 Tidy up! (第三课时)
2、了解字母组合ar, ue, oo在单词中的发音。
1、语音:ar(car), ue(blue), oo(school) 2、词汇:(be) full of, a few。 教学方法:
情景教学法。 教学过程: 第一次备课 Pre-task preparation 1、让学生根据教师出示的学习用品回答问题。 T: (show a pencil) Whose pencil is this? S1: It’s my pencil. T: Is this your pencil? S2: No, it isn’t. It’s (S3’s name) ’s. T: (show some books) Whose books are these? S3: They are my books. T: Are these your books? S4: No, they aren’t. They are (S5’s name) ’s. 接着让学生两两对话,以进一步巩固课时一和课时二所学容。 While-task procedures 1、播放Read a story的录音,让学生合上书本听故事。然后,教师出示教学挂图中的故事图片,与学生问答,熟悉 第二次备课
故事人物。 T: (point to Jimmy) What is his name? Ss: His name is Jimmy. T: (point to the father) Who is he? Ss: He is Jimmy’s father. 出示以下问题,学生带着问题阅读文章,然后回答问题。 Picture 1 1) What is in the box? (The box is full of nails.) 2) Whose box is it? (It is Jimmy’s father’s.) Picture 2 1) What does Jimmy do? (He drops the nails.) 2) What happens to the nails? (All the nails fall on the floor.) Picture 3 1) What does Jimmy’s father gives him? (Jimmy’s father gives him a black stone.) 2) What does Jimmy’s father say? (He says,”this stone can help you,Jimmy. try it.”) Picture 4 1) Where does Jimmy put the stone? (He puts the nails near the stone.) 2) What happens to the nails this time? (The nails all stick to the stone.) 2、学生再次阅读故事,教师在黑板上写出每幅图片的关键词,学生根据图片及关键词复述故事。 Picture 1: box, table, nails Picture 2: drop, nails, fall, mess Picture 3: give, black stone, help, try Picture 4: put, near, stick, floor, clean, magic stone 3、指导学生完成课本第5页Read a story的后续练习,然后填空完成故事概要。 Jimmy’s father has a small box. He puts it on the
table. There are a lot of nails in it. Jimmy drops the box. Al the nails fall on the floor. Jimmy says,”what a mess!” Jimmy’s father gives him a black stone to help him. It is a magic stone because all the nails stick to it. 4、出示Learn the sounds的语言单词卡片ar(car), ue(blue), oo(school)请学生跟读并感知字母组合ar, ue,oo在单词中的发音。 T: ar,/a:/,car,car Ss: ar,/a:/,car,car T: ue,/u:/,blue,blue Ss: ue,/u:/,blue,blue T: oo,/u:/,school,school Ss: oo,/u:/,school,school 教师播放录音,学生跟着录音朗读。 播放录音,学生按照录音节拍诵读儿歌。 教师朗读单词,学生在多个单词中找出教师所读单词。 Post-task actvities 1、 学生三人一组,演出课本剧。 2、 让学生完成练习册中task的看图搭配练习,然后组织学生根据Ask and answer的句型提示,就图片信息结对问答,巩固所学句型和词汇。
Module 1 Changes and differences
Unit 2 Our new home!
1、通过Listen and enjoy的儿歌朗读,活跃课堂气氛,并引出本单元的话题。 2、通过look and learn栏目,帮助学生掌握本单元的核心句型。 教学重、难点
1、能掌握单词why, because, study, dining room 2、会运用句型Do you like…? I like… Why? Because… 教学方法:
任务教学法、情景教学法。 教学过程: 第一次备课 Pre-task preparations 1、出示第一个问题,让学生看Listen and enjoy的图片讨论问题。 Q1:Who lives in the shoe? T:Who lives in the shoe? S1:An old woman. S2:An old woman and her children. S3:An old woman’s big family. 播放录音,出示第二和第三个问题,学生听录音后讨论问题。 Q2: What does the old woman do? Q3: What does she say? T:What does the old woman do? S1:She gives the children some food. T: . What does she say? S2: It’s time to go to bed. 最后,学生跟录音朗读儿歌,可以自己朗读,也可以集体朗读。 2、呈现不同房间的图片,学生边欣赏图片边思考以下问题。 Q4:What’s in your room? S1: There is a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom and two beds. S2: There is a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, two bathroom and three bedrooms. … 第二次备课
While-task procedures 1、依次出示不同房间的图片或单词卡片,让学生说出与这些房间对应的英文单词或拼读这些单词,以复习学过的相关容。。 T:(show a picture of a kitchen) Ss:Kitchen. K-i-t-c-h-e-n, kitchen. ... 紧接着,学生根据一书房的图片学习单词study. T:Look. This is a study. Is there a study in your room? S1:No, there isn’t. S2:Yes, there is a study in my room. T:What can you do in the study? S1: I can read books in the study. S2: I can do my homework in the study. S3: I can play computer games in the study. ... 然后,用同样的方法带领学生学习单词dining room. 2、呈现课本第12页Ask and answer栏目Nancy和Dan家中房间的图片,教师分别对Nancy和Dan的家进行描述,让学生猜测哪个是Nancy的家,哪个是Dan的家。 3、学生针对Nancy和Dan家的房间图,两人一组对话,巩固和运用所学语言。 Post-task activities 1、出示两个房间的图片,学生两人一组说说喜欢那个房间,并阐述喜欢的理由。。
Module 1 Changes and differences
Unit 2 Our new home!