作 者:刘侨 系 别:机电工程系 班 级:焊接1201
学 院:四川建筑职业技术学院
内 容 摘 要
油品和各种液体化学品的储存设备 — 储罐,是石油化工装置和储运系统设施的重要组成部分。近几十年来,发展了各种形式的储罐,但最常用的还是立式圆筒形储罐。本文设计的即为立式圆筒形储罐。立式圆筒形储罐需在现场施工,并且外观及内部结构设计上要经济适用,另外在设计的过程中注意储罐所受的自然环境对储罐的影响,如增强储罐的防风、防雪、抗震等功能。
Oil and various liquid chemicals storage equipment - tanks, chemical plant and oil storage and transportation facilities, an important component of the system. As the vertical cylindrical storage tanks need to site construction, which in appearance and structure design to achieve economical and pay attention to the natural environment of the storage tank storage tank suffered the impact of the design process to be enhanced, to reach wind, snow, earthquake, etc. role. This tank wall structure using ladder-type tank wall, tank bottom edge of plate with circular tank bottom set, tank top with dome structure. Storage medium according to the requirements of the selection of vertical cylindrical tanks, the media in this article for the kerosene tank, tank with Q235A steel. According to the construction site environmental requirements and tank steel, body thickness and other parameters can select the appropriate welding methods and welding materials, this paper combined with submerged arc welding and manual arc welding method, the method used to achieve fast and easy and durable. Finally, the iterative experiments on the overall test.
This reference pressure vessels, large tanks and other standards, combined with design experience, focusing on the large vertical cylindrical storage tank structural design and welding process design elements.
Keywords:Vertical Tank;SAW;Manual metal arc welding
目 录()
1 绪论 ······································ 1 1.1 立式圆筒形储罐的发展 ····························· 1 1.2 Q235A钢材 ·································· 2 1.3 埋弧焊 ··································· 2 1.4 手工电弧焊 ·································· 3 2 立式圆筒形储罐的罐壁设计 ···························· 4 2.1 储罐的整体设计 ································ 4 2.2 储罐的强度计算 ································ 4 2.2.1 储罐壁厚计算 ································ 4 2.2.2 储罐的应力校核 ······························· 5 2.3 储罐的风力稳定计算 ······························ 5 2.4 储罐的抗震计算 ································ 6 2.4.1 地震载荷的计算 ······························· 6 2.4.2 抗震验算 ·································· 8 2.4.3 液面晃动波高计算 ····························· 10 2.4.4 地震对储罐的破坏 ····························· 10 2.4.5 储罐抗震加固措施 ····························· 10 2.5 罐壁结构 ·································· 11 2.5.1 截面与连接形式 ······························ 15 2.5.2 罐壁的开孔补强 ······························ 17 2.5.3 壁板宽度 ································· 18 3 立式圆筒形储罐的罐底设计 ··························· 19 3.1 罐底结构设计 ································ 19 3.1.1 罐底的结构形式和特点 ··························· 19 3.1.2 罐底的排板形式与特点 ··························· 19 3.2 罐底的应力计算 ······························· 21
4 立式圆筒形储罐的罐顶设计 ··························· 18 4.1 拱顶结构及主要的几何尺寸 ·························· 18 4.2 扇形顶板尺寸 ································ 19 4.3 包边角钢 ·································· 27 5 储罐的附件及其选用 ······························ 28 5.1 透光孔 ··································· 28 5.2 人孔 ····································5.3 通气孔 ···································5.4 量液孔 ···································5.5 储罐进出液口 ································5.6 法兰和垫片 ·································5.7 盘梯 ····································6 备料工艺 ···································6.1 原材料储备 ·································6.2 钢材的预处理 ································6.2.1 钢材的矫正 ································6.2.2 钢材的表面清理 ······························6.3 放样、号料 ·································6.4 下料和边缘加工 ·······························6.5 弯曲和成型 ·································7 装备工艺 ···································7.1 整体装配与焊接 ·······························7.1.1 装配方法概述 ·······························7.1.2 倒装法装配和焊接 ·····························7.2 部件装配与焊接 ·······························7.2.1 罐底的组装 ································7.2.2 顶圈壁板的组装 ······························7.2.3 顶板的组装 ································V
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