A、it is necessary to have planted more flowers and trees B、many more flowers and trees need to plant C、our city needs more flowers and trees to plant D、we must plant more flowers and trees 正确答案:D
题号:28题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)内容: The little girl turned _____ her mother for comfort. A、for B、on C、down D、to 正确答案:D
题号:29题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)内容: Land animals are believed _____ from sea animals. A、to have developed B、to be developing C、developing D、developed 正确答案:A
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Was it necessary that my uncle _____ informed? A、should be B、was
C、must be本题分数:2本题分数:2本题分数:2 D、would be 正确答案:A
Most of them went there on foot _____ by bus.
A、instead of B、replacing C、instead D、without 正确答案:A
题号:32题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)内容: It's not so good as I ___________ it to be. A、expect B、expected C、unexpected D、expectation
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题号:33题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)内容: There is a bell _____ the patient's reach. A、with B、in C、within D、of 正确答案:C
题号:34题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案)内容: It's _____ that I'd like to take a walk. A、so a nice weather B、such a nice weather C、such nice weather D、too nice weather
Confidence is the key to ____________. A、succeed B、success
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C、successful D、successfully 正确答案:B
题号:36题型:判断题本题分数:3 内容:
Based on Unit 6 Text B, you are advised to make reservations before dining outso that you don'thave to wait for those people who show up late.
1、错 2、对 正确答案:1
题号:37题型:判断题本题分数:3 内容:
Based on Unit 9 Text A, to avoid serious consequences caused by stress, it isrecommended thatwe should avoid any stressful situations.
1、错 2、对 正确答案:2
题号:38题型:判断题本题分数:3 内容:
Based on Unit 7 Text A, the main reason for students to bring a PC to college isthey need it forstudy and daily life.
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1、错 2、对 正确答案:2
题号:39题型:判断题本题分数:3 内容:
Based on Unit 8 Text B, scientists have been worried about global warmingbecause it will changethe weather on earth.
1、错 2、对
题号:40题型:判断题本题分数:3 内容:
Basedon Unit8 Text
A,touristsfromallovertheworldareattractedtoIcehotelbecausetheyenjoy cold weather.
1、错 2、对 正确答案:1
题号:41题型:判断题本题分数:3 内容:
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