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无形态变化,也可以叫介词,在句中起连接词汇的作用,前置词很多,我们只说常用的几种: 常用介词di,a,da,in,con,su,per,tra
di指出后面的词是前面的所属,或进行某一性质的说明和限定. la chiave di casa家的钥匙 la data di nascita出生日期 a指出方向
vado a venezia我去威尼斯 da指来源
vado da beijing我从北京来 ! in指出时间或空间的地置 (在...中) vive in italia他在意大利生活 con指伴随,参与
vado con lui我和他一起去 su在......上的位置
il libro e sul tavolo书在桌子上 per表示目的,原因,经过等
faccio cosi per mio figlio我这样做是为了我儿子. tra,fra二个通用,表示处于二种或二种以上之中的状态 tra il libro e il quaderno c’e una penna书和本子之间是一支笔 前置词之后还可以跟动词不定式,组成各种不明确从句,如: Spero di imparare l’italiano.我希望学会意大利语.
di imparare l’italiano是动词sperare的不明确宾语从句
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The Italian preposition a can mean \\or \depending on how you use it in context. You will need preposition a in the following cases:
1. To express the idea of going somewhere or staying somewhere (with names of cities):
Vado a Milano. (I go to Milan.)
Vado al mercato ogni lunedì. (I go to the market every Monday.) Si trova a Venezia. (It can be found in Venice.)
Si trova alla piazza. (It can be found in the plaza.) 2. Before direct objects:
Scriva a Rita. (He/she writes to Rita.) Scriviamo alla zia. (We write to our aunt.) Telefono agli amici. (They call their friends.)
3. The preposition a is also used with several verbs. Often those are verbs of motion, but in other instances it's a case of usage. That means either you'll have to commit them to memory, or, more likely, you'll grow accustomed to the usage over time as you listen and read Italian: andare a... (to go to) fermarsi a... (to stop)
incoraggiare a... (to encourage) invitare a... (to invite to) insegnare a... (to teach) riuscire a... (to be careful) venire a... (to come to)
4. To form several grammatical constructions with particular significance:
a mezzogiorno (at noontime) alle tre (at three) barca a vela (sailboat)
sedia a rotelle (wheelchair)
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Usually the Italian preposition in means \in English, but it can also mean \or \The preposition in is used in the following cases. 1. To express the idea of going somewhere or staying somewhere (with countries, continents, regions, large islands, and addresses): Vado in Italia. (I am going to Italy.)
Vado nella Sicilia. (I am going to Sicily.) Abita in Germania. (He/she lives in Germany.) Roma è in Italia. (Rome is in Italy.)
2. In describing a method of transportation: Andiamo in macchina. (We are going by car.) Andiamo in autobus. (We are going by bus.)
Viaggiamo in aereo. (We are traveling by plane.) Viaggiamo in barca. (We are traveling by boat.)
3. In dates—note that nel is the contraction for the prepositional article in + il:
Cristoforo Colombo è nato nel 1451. (Christopher Columbus was born in 1451.)
Caravaggio è morto nel 1570. (Caravaggio died in 1570.)