题 目45英支(13tex)涤棉混纺(65/35)机织经纱
学 院 纺织服装学院
专 业 _____纺织工程_______ 年 级 _______ ________
学 号、 姓 名
指 导 教 师 ______ _________ 成 绩 _____________________
目 录
摘要 .................................................... 2 Abstract ................................................ 2 1课程设计课题 ........................................... 3 2课题设计要求: ......................................... 3 3.1可选用原料指标 .................................... 3 3.2各工序牵伸效率 .................................... 4 3.3细纱机牵伸 ........................................ 4 3.4各品种纺纱制成率 .................................. 4 4工艺设计流程 ........................................... 4 4.1配棉(负责人:沙静) .............................. 4 4.2开清棉(负责人:李东锋) .......................... 5 4.3梳棉工艺(负责人:曾华平) ......................... 7 4.4并条(负责人:方建鑫、孟琴) ..................... 18 4.5粗纱(负责人:李攀) ............................. 20 4.6细纱(负责人:梁晨) ............................. 23 4.7络筒(负责人:沙静) ............................. 27 5工艺设计总表 .......................................... 28 致谢 ................................................... 31
宗诗卉 李攀 方建鑫 梁晨 李东锋 沙静 曾华平 孟琴
45s (13 Tex) Polyester/Cotton Blended (65/35) Woven Warp Yarn
Spinning Process Design
Zong Shihui Li Pan Fang Jianxin Liang Chen Li Dongfeng Sha Jing Zeng Huaping
Meng Qin
College of Textile and Garment, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
Abstract:Spinning process is spinning processing process and the parts of the floorboard of the parameter Settings. Spinning processing work out well or not and the final product quality, good or bad, in addition to spinning processing hardware, including mechanical equipment and its condition, but also mainly affected by the spinning process set reasonable or not influence. In spinning process design, both must consider to equipment and state, and in view of the processing fiber materials and final product performance (yarn, line) requirements. In this paper, according to the requirements of the spinning process design,45s (13 Tex) polyester/cotton blended (65/35) woven warp yarn spinning process design.
Key words :45s;Polyester/cotton blended ;Spinning process design