【期刊名称】《电子制作》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)014
【摘要】本实验以蜂蜜为主要甜味剂,琼脂、明胶等为凝固剂,制得凝胶糖。以蜂蜜、凝胶剂等做单因素实验获得最佳实验用量,再进行正交实验获得优化工艺配方。试验表明,功能型蜂胶凝胶糖的原料最佳配比为:蜂蜜35g,明胶15g,琼脂1.0g,木糖醇25g,山梨糖醇10g,柠檬酸0.6g。在制得蜂胶凝胶糖后,水分含量控制在12%~22%之间。成品的色泽均匀、口感柔韧、风味独特。富有弹性和咀嚼性。%This experiment with honey as the main sweetener,agar,gelatin as the coagulant, preparation of jel y.On the basis of single factor test of honey;mix gel,The orthogonal experimentdesign principle was used to optimize processing parameters of orthogonal experiment to obtain.Results showed that honey 35g, gelatin 10g,agar 1.0g,newto 25g, sorbito 10g,citric acid 0.6g.The content of water should be control ed between 12%~22%. The best product is balance in color,flexible and good in taste. 【总页数】2页(238-239) 【关键词】蜂蜜;凝胶糖;正交试验 【作者】刘欣
【作者单位】沈阳工学院 辽宁抚顺 113122 【正文语种】中文