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牛津英语译林版八年级上册 8下 阶段评价 Units 3-4(含答案) - 图文

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牛津英语译林版八年级上册 8下 阶段评价 Units 3-4 (含答案)

一、听力 (共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)

第一部分 听对话回答问题, 录音读两遍。 1. Which part of the computer goes wrong?

2. What is Jenny doing?

3. Where did Amy go yesterday?

4. What time is it now?

5. What did Judy do on the computer?

A. She watched videos. B. She sent emails. 6. What does the boy think of the history book?

A. Boring. B. Interesting. 7. How often does Frank watch videos on the computer?

A. Every day. B. Once a week. 8. What kind of books does the man want to buy?

A. Novels. B. Travel books. 9. Where does Harry’s favourite writer come from?

A. China. B. Britain. 10. How many times has the man been to Japan?

A. Once. B. Twice. 第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题, 录音读两遍。 听一段对话, 回答第11-12小题。

11. What will the weather be like during the weekend?

A. Hot. B. Warm. 12. What are they going to do?

A. To go camping. B. To read books. 听第一篇短文, 回答第13-15小题。

Place Time Activities 13. A. England 14. A. two 15. A. local people

In ___13___ . It started in 1949 and lasts for ___14___ days in October every year. You can discuss novels and interview writers here. “Book It” is a programme for ___15___ . B. Germany B. five B. famous writers

C. France C. ten

C. young readers

C. She searched for information. C. Difficult.

C. Once a month. C. Cooking books. C. America. C. Three times.

C. Cold.

C. To visit an island.

Cheltenham Book Festival 听第二篇短文, 回答第16-20小题。 16. What English skills can Jack help with?

A. Listening. B. Speaking. C. Writing. 17. What is Jack’s idea about learning English?

A. You should watch more English videos. B. You should learn English little by little.

C. Y ou should talk with foreigners as much as possible. 18. How often can you have the classes?

A. Three times a week. B. Four times a week. C. Five times a week. 19. What are Jack’s online English classes like?

A. Long. B. Easy. C. Natural. 20. What is Jack’s phone number?

A. 649-2768. B. 496-2687. C. 946-2876. 二、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分, 计15分)

21. J. K. Rowling is British writer and her Harry Potter series are ______ great success.

A. a; the B. the; a C. a;a D. the; the

22. —Look! The chairs are all in the centre of the room. —Let me put them ______ the wall so that they won’t take up so much space.

A. in B. on C. over D. against

23. —We are all ready to set out for the UK. What are you still looking for at the moment? —My ______ . Without it, I can’t enter the country.

A. guidebook B. camera C. passport D. homework

24. —I forgot to bring my pen, so I can’t do my homework now. —Don’t worry! I happen to have got a ______ one and you can use it.

A. useless B. spare C. wrong D. broken

25. —Mike is often late for school and seldom does his homework. —Really? As a student, he ______ come to school on time and do his homework every day.

A. must B. can C. may D. will

26. —Would you mind ______ my cousin Henry to go to the beach with us tomorrow? —Of course not. But I’ m afraid he may refuse ______ with us.

A. to invite; to go B. inviting; going C. inviting; to go D. to invite; going

27. —It is already eleven o’ clock and you need to go to bed. —Oh, I won’t go to bed ______ I finish all my homework.

A. when B. until C. while D. after

28. —Would you like to watch the movie Soul at the cinema this evening? —Oh, no. I ______ it three times so far.

A. watched B. will watch C. am watching D. have watched

29. —Are you going to travel abroad with your parents this summer holiday? —Yeah. But we haven’t decided ______ yet.

A. to travel to which country B. which country to travel to C. which country will we travel to D. we will travel to which country

30. —Have you ever read about the story of Bai Fangli? —Yes. He used to help poor children with the money he made by riding a tricycle (三轮车) and his story ______ millions of people all over the country.

A. relaxed B. gathered C. touched D. found

31. —Was the traffic heavy on Linda’s way to the railway station this morning? —Yes, it was. But she ______ to the station on time and caught the train to Beijing.

A. tried to get B. tried getting C. managed to get D. managed getting

32. Although the printing house is small, it ______ more than three million copies of different kinds of books in the past ten years.

A. has printed B. will print C. prints D. printed

33. —______ do you use your father’ s computer to play games? —Almost never. I’m always busy with my lessons.

A. How soon B. How long C. How many D. How often

34. Huawei is trying hard to ______ new markets not only in China but also in foreign countries as it is getting larger and


A. wake up B. open up C. call up D. look up

35. —Thank you for showing me the way to the Window of the World. — ______ . Enjoy yourself!

A. Nice to meet you B. That’s a good idea C. My pleasure D. I agree with you 三、完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分, 计15分)

In a village, there lived a poor but kind boy called Qi.

One day, on his way to the ___36___ , he saw a bean on the ground. He picked it up and kept going. Soon he found there were lots of ___37___ on the way to the market. Qi thought, “Somebody’s bag might be ___38___ ! Let me collect them and give them back.” When it got dark, he had already ___39___ a lot of beans.

At that moment, an old man on a horse appeared. He was ___40___ beans everywhere. Qi felt very ___41___ . “Grandfather, why did you throw these beans away?”

The old man said, “These are ___42___ , so I can do anything with them.”

“But what you are doing is ___43___ ! A lot of people still don’t have enough food to eat now. We should ___44___ food,” Qi said.

After hearing Qi’s words, the old man smiled. “You’re a really ___45___ boy. I won’t throw them again, I promise. Now take this bag of beans home.”

When Qi got home and opened the bag, he was ___46___ to see lots of golden beans in it. He thought about ___47___ them to the old man.

The next day Qi looked for the old man everywhere, ___48___ he didn’t find him. “Before I find the man, I will keep these golden beans for the moment.”

However, Qi didn’t expect the golden beans to have ___49___ . Every day after that, one of the beans turned into something good. Then Qi ___50___ to use some of the beans to help the poor so that they could have a good life.

The old man didn’t show up again. And everyone lived a happy life. 36. A. hospital B. market C. library D. station 37. A. people B. horses C. beans D. bags 38. A. broken B. heavy C. special D. expensive 39. A. picked up B. looked at C. taken away D. tidied up 40. A. eating B. growing C. collecting D. throwing 41. A. bored B. nervous C. unhappy D. tired 42. A. yours B. mine C. hers D. theirs 43. A. rude B. clever C. strange D. wrong 44. A. buy B. make C. save D. find 45. A. kind B. funny C. calm D. serious 46. A. afraid B. sorry C. lucky D. surprised 47. A. showing B. returning C. passing D. selling 48. A. or B. but C. so D. if 49. A. danger B. light C. magic D. trouble 50. A. forgot B. learned C. decided D. agreed 四、阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分, 计20分)

A December 4, 2020 School English News The following are two pieces of good news about girls. Name: Ma Zihui Age: 8 From: Beijing Ma Zihui fell down as soon as she started in the 500m quarter-finals of the U8 group in the first part of the Beijing Youth Short Track Speed Skating League, but she got up right away and continued the race. It didn’t take long for her to surpass the other skaters, and she won first prize in the end. Name: Lu Qirui Age: 15 From: Hangzhou During the sports meeting, Lu finished the 100-metre race in a surprising 12. 07 seconds. It’s difficult for a teen to run into 12 seconds. And she won the 200-metre race with the result of 25.11 seconds. Lu’s favourite sport star is Usain Bolt. His best result of the 100-metre race is 9.58 seconds. Never give up! This is the spirit of sport. 51. What happened to Ma Zihui when the race started? A. She started late. B. She fell down. C. She was the first. D. She gave up. 52. What is Lu Qirui’s result of the 100-metre race?

A. 9.58 seconds. B. 12 seconds. C. 12. 07 seconds. D. 25.11 seconds. 53. What can we learn from the news?

A. Ma Zihui is from Hangzhou. B. Lu Qirui is 15 years old now. C. Usain Bolt is a film star. D. Ma Zihui won the race at last.


The Marches’ house was between two large houses. On one side there was an old brown house. On the other side there was a large stone house. The stone house was the home of old Mr Laurence and his grandson, Laurie. The rooms looked very comfortable behind the curtains (窗帘) at the windows. But it was a house without life. The Marches’ house was different. It was always busy and full of noise and people.

Laurie was standing at the window and looking down at their garden. Beth and Amy were playing in the snow. They were throwing snowballs and having a lot of fun. Laurie’s face was very sad.

“Poor boy!” Jo thought. “He’s all alone. He needs some friends.” She wanted to go and see him but how could she go to his house without an invitation?

She put on her hat and an old coat and took broom (扫帚) and a shovel (铲子) from the kitchen. “What are you going to do, Jo?” asked Meg when she saw her sister in the hall.

“I want to get some exercise,” answered Jo with a smile. “I’m going to clear the garden path.”

Laurie was standing at the window again. He wasn’t looking at her so she threw a snowball. When the snow hit the glass, he turned his head soon and a big smile changed his pale (苍白的) , sad face.

Jo laughed and shouted, “How are you? Are you ill?” Laurie opened the window and said, “I’m better now, thank you. I had a bad cold and I had to stay inside for a week.”

Taken from Little women

54. Mr Laurence’ s house is ______ .

A. old and noisy B. small but lovely C. big but quiet D. busy and comfortable 55. Why did Jo go out?

A. She wanted to visit Laurie. B. She wanted to get some exercise. C. She planned to clear the garden path. D. She wanted to throw snowballs with Beth and Amy. 56. What is Jo like?

①shy ②humorous ③active ④honest ⑤polite ⑥helpful A. ①⑤ B. ③⑥ C. ④⑤ D. ②⑥


Cindy Soule is a teacher in Portland, Maine, an area known for very cold and snowy winters. But cold weather is not stopping Soule and her students from continuing with outdoor learning during COVID-19.

Besides online learning, schools across the U. S. also encourage outdoor learning to keep students and teachers safe and stop the spread (传播) of COVID-19. In Portland, they set up over 90 outdoor learning spaces across eight schools.

“The students seem to like the outdoor classroom. They’re begging me to go out,” said Soule. They study in usual classrooms for half the week. For the other half, they learn outdoors.

Adam Ali is one of Soule’s students. The 9-year-old boy noted some of the differences between outdoor learning and online learning.

“It’s a good thing because you can see the real thing,” Ali said. “We learn what is around us. It’s much better than online learning. We have Internet, but it’s just very slow. If anybody else in the house is on the Internet, it’s really hard to do things.”

For schools in Portland, the pandemic (流行病) has marked the first official use of outdoor learning. And they will keep it going even after the pandemic ends.

Soule said her students will never forget the pandemic’s difficulties. But she hoped studying in nature will be among their good memories of 2020.

“They’ re seeing the outdoors around them and learning. They love it. Students learn better when they re active,” Soule said. “They will remember that forever.”

57. What’s the main reason for schools in the U. S. encourage outdoor learning?

A. To push students to be active in class. B. To protect the teachers and students from COVID-19. C. To provide a special learning environment. D. To ask students to do outdoor activities. 58. According to Adam Ali, outdoor learning is ______ than online learning.

A. more direct B. more interesting C. more meaningful D. more boring 59. From the sixth paragraph, we can learn that schools in Portland will ______ .

A. set up more outdoor learning spaces B. stop online learning as soon as the pandemic ends

C. continue to make outdoor learning part of the school life D. provide students with more online learning experiences 60. What might be the best title for the passage?

A. The uncertain future of outdoor learning B. Time to say goodbye to indoor learning C. Outdoor learning continues in the cold D. Good memories brought by outdoor learning 五、任务型阅读 (共15小题, 计15分)

(一) 阅读并完成图表, 每空一词。 (共10小题;每小题1分, 计10分)

What exactly is the Amazon? It is the largest rainforest on the earth and it’s a thick forest that receives between 80 and 400 inches of rain a year.

Covering more than two million miles of land, the Amazon rainforest is described as the earth’s lungs (肺) . There are thousands of tree species, most of which grow to 80-100 feet tall. Trees and other plants take in carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) . Too much carbon dioxide in the air is bad for the earth. It acts like a blanket and traps some of the sun’s heat inside the earth’s atmosphere (大气) . This causes the earth to heat up. Trees help cool the whole earth. So forests like the Amazon are very important!

It’s a pity that thousands of fires happen in the Amazon. It is reported that there have been more than 90, 000 fires in the Amazon in the past two years. Most fires in the Amazon are because of deforestation (滥伐) . People cut down trees and burn them to clear land for farms. This isn’t new. The Amazon has been used for farming and natural resources (资源) for years. If people don’t stop cutting down trees, it could cause big problems. Millions of species would be in danger.

Protecting the forest is a must. Many people called on Brazil’s government to do more to stop people from cutting down the forest. And countries from around the world stepped in to help stop the fires. Some (61) ________ about the Amazon rainforest Weather Size Its (64) ________ It (62) ________ a lot in the thick forest. It (63) ________ more than two million miles of land. Known as“the lungs of the earth\ lot of (65) ________ . They can help keep the earth healthy by taking in carbon dioxide, a gas that can (66) ________ up the earth. Most fires in the Amazon are caused by people. They have kept cutting down trees and (68) (67) ________ it ________ them to get farm land. If this (69) ________ , millions of species will be in is facing now danger. Future It’s a must to (70) ________ the rainforest. Many countries have stepped in to help.

(二) 阅读并回答问题, 每题答案不超过5个词。 (共5小题;每小题1 分, 计5分)

I’m Alice. If you ask most girls about their favourite sport, they will probably say swimming or volleyball. I happen to be one of the few girls who will say surfing (冲浪) is my favourite. Most people think it’s a“boy sport\. But that’s certainly wrong.

I started surfing about five years ago. As a ten-year-old girl, I fell in love with the sport on the first day. Riding the first wave was the best feeling I had ever experienced. The coach said I was even braver than most of the boys.

Surfing is not like other sports. There’s really nothing like it. The feeling I get when I’m surfing across the water is like I’m weightless. It feels great.

Another thing I get from surfing is endless challenge (挑战) . You can never be the best surfer because no two waves are the same. There are so many different surfing styles.

I’ve tried to tell every girl I know to go for what they want, even if (即使) people think girls can’t do that thing. You are


