序号 1 2 3 4 中文名称 比较文学概论 当代欧美比较文学研究 比较诗学 西方文论史 英文名称 An Introduction to Comparative Literature Euro-American Contemporary Comparative Literature Studies Comparative Poetics History of Western Literary Criticism and Theory Western Literary Criticism and Theory in 20th Century Translated Literature Studies History of Ancient Chinese Criticism and Theory History of Sino-Foreign Literary Relationship Special Issue Study in Translated Literature Studies Special Issue Study in Sino-Foreign 5 6 7 20世纪西方文论 翻译文学研究 中国古代文论史 8 中外文学关系史 9 10 翻译文学专题研究 中外文学关系专题研究
Literature Relationship 11 12 13
文化研究导论 文学理论比较研究专题 文化理论与世界文学专题研究 An Introduction to Cultural Studies Special Issue Study in Comparative Poetics Special Issue Study in Cultural Theories and World Literature