——探索对策以及防范要求 作 者 层 次 专 业 年 级 学 号 办学形式 办学地点 指导教师 成 绩 吕明鑫 高中起点专科 金融学 2010 201026301018 脱产 东北财经大学
关键词 电子商务 网上金融服务 网络安全
The development of e-commerce areas such as politics, economy, culture and life ofsociety as a whole had a huge impact on the financial industry is facing
unprecedentedopportunities and challenges in the impact of this trend. Virtual working environment,online banking as
an entity bank transactions not only have the same risk with the traditional banking business, and he has a high-tech, paperless, and transientcharacteristics of its business risk is far greater than traditional banks the risk oftechnical measures and legislation to protect not perfect, so its existence is also increasingly apparent, the most important of which is the security risks of online
banking.The same time, the rapid rise of the network of financial, competition and development offinancial institutions to expand the new space, a great convenience for the units and the public funds and investment
management. At the same time, the financial
networkfrequently attacked, and customers of financial assets has
been stealing and sellingonline, capital cases was stolen on the Internet, the online financial security issues have become increasingly prominent. Therefore, a careful analysis, an accurate grasp of a variety of induced factors that affect the safe operation of the network of financial, take effective measures to plug the loopholes, and continue to strengthen and improve thesafety performance of the network of financial
operations to enhance its security, is topromote the development of China's network of financial health imperative.
key words E-commerce; online financial services; network security.
提要 2
第一章 绪论 5
(一) 研究背景 5
(二) 研究目的及意义 5
(三) 研究内容及方法 5
(四) 技术路线 5
第二章 相关理论基础 5
(一) 相关概念的界定 5
1、网上银行的概念 6