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(考生注意:本卷有7大题,共82小题试题均釆用连续编号,请将答案写在答题纸上,写 在


Parti Listening (第一部分 听力 共25分)

I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解)(共 25 分)

A. Listen and choose the right picture (听句子,选择正确的图片,用A, C…或F等表示)



B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听

到的 对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)

6. A) Do some shopping? 7. A) Coke

8. A) In the library. 9. A) By bike. 10. A) At 10:30. 11. A) Sam. 12. A) 12 yuan.

13. A) The food is terrible.

C) The food is nice?

B) Go camping? B) Juice ? B) in the hall. B) On foot. B)At 11:00. B) John. B)20 yuan.

C) Go swimming. C) Water.

C) In the classroom C) By bus. C)At 10:00. C) Linda. C) 24 yuan.

B) The food is tasty. D) The food is great.

D) Do some reading D) Cottee

D) In the Music Room D) By taxi. D) At 9:30 D) Peter D) 48 yuan.

C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False (判


14 Jamie Oliver has his own TV programs.

15. Jamie Oliver tells people how to make healthy food in the programs.

16. Jamie s food in the programs isn't easy to me?

17. The food at lunch time in some schools in England wasn*t healthy. 18. Oaf day; Jamie went to a hospital to make a program about healthy diet. 19. After the children tasted the milk, they started to enjoy it.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences.(听短文,完成下列内容。每

空 格限填一词)(6分)

20. The fast thing is to know that you _______________________________ in public places? 21 ? Don't drive ____________________________ or the police ill give you a fine (罚款). 22. Those yellow signs want people not to ______________________________ .

Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar

(第二部分 语音词汇和语法 共42分)

II. Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the phonetic symbols (根据音标写出

正 确的单词)(5分)

23. When you _________________ [ ent^l the centre, you can use the left doo匚 24.1 bought three ________________ [pxkits] of dumplings yesterday. 25. You are not allowed to talk ________________ [laudli] in the library; 26. Do you like ______________ [fraid] chicken wings or chicken legs? 27. Mary's aunt lives in the ________________ [^vntrisaid].

III. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(15 分)

28. Which of the following underlined(划线的)parts has different sound from the others?

A) pilot

B. polite

C) collect

D) porridge

29. Which of the following is NOT tnie?

A) Where can we find the sign? \\ B) Can we find the sign on the road? /

C) Can we find the sign on the road or in the classroom? / D) We can find it on the road? \\

30. There is ___________ escalator in the centre of the building?

A) the

B) an

C) a

D) the

31 ? __________ are good for our healthy. Let s go and buy some.

A) Orange juice

B) Hamburgers

C) Eggs

D) spicy sausages

32. Mr. Smith teaches _____________ English in the school.

A) they

B) them

C) their

D) theirs

33. Joe has waited ___________ the bus for about ten minutes, but is hasn^t come yet.

A) at B)in C) for

D) to

34. It's good for us to have _____________ fresh fruit and vegetables. A) much B) a few C) plenty of D) a little

35. John gets an \_____________ than maths.

A) easy B) easier C) easiest 36. Jill is 8 years old. but she still can't read ____________ write.

A) and

B) or

C) but

D) if

D) the easiest


37.1 learned a lot of English ______________ I was in England.

A) before

B) after

C) when

38. The sign in the library says?”

A) Don't chase 39. We

A) should 40. They

A) are 41.?

B) Not chase

each other.H

C) Not to chase

D) To chase

bnish our teeth before we go to bed.

B) need B) am

have vou staved in Beiiins?

C) can

D) may D) will

aet to the Wild Animal Zoo next Saturday.

C) is

-For a week?

C) How often

D) How much

A) How soon B) How long 42. — Would you like some cola? - ____________________ ? I'm thirsty. A) Yes, I like.

B) No, I don't like. C) No, I won,t like D) Yes, please.

IV. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空限填一词,每词只能填一次)(6分)

A. traffic B. time C. around D. beautiful E. stop F. on G. sec

In Thailand. a country full of rivers, river taxis are a good way to get 43

? These boats act

much like buses on the streets? People wait at a boat stop on the riverside. The boats 44 to let people on and off.

In some of Thailand's cities like Bangkok. street 45 can be very bad? Using a river taxi can save a lot of 46 ? For example, many boats go up and down the Client Phraya River in Bangkok? Many of Bangkok's 47 places are near the river. So, taking a boat is a great way for visitors to 48 that part of the city. Come to Thailand and enjoy the river taxis?

43. ___________ 44. ____________ 45. ____________ 46. _____________ 47. ____________ 4& ______________

V. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词


49. There are a lot of fresh ______________ in the vegetable section. (tomato) 50. Tina is fat because of her ____________ diet, (healthy)

51 ? Alice is always the ____________ to come and the last to leave?(one) 52. Bread with peanut butter _________________ very nice?(tasty) 53. _____________ . they had tea and cakes in the Music room, (final) 54. Tom and his uncle will go ________________ in the park tomorrow. (cycle)

VI. Rewrite the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,改写下列句子。每空格限


55. Peter has already been to Dragon Bay.(改为一般疑问句)

______________ Peter _____________ to Dragon Bay yet?

56. Don't eat or drink in the classroom.(保持原意不变) eat or drink in the classroom. 57. You can use the door on the left.(对划线部分提问) can we use? 58.1 spent two days finishing reading this novel.(保持原意不变)

__________________________ me two days to finish reading this novel.

59.1, steamed prawns, to have, with garlic, would like, for dinner, tonight (连i司成句)

Part 3 Reading and Writing



