【期刊名称】《社会学评论》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)004
【摘要】法律途径是民间纠纷解决的方式之一,然而,在纠纷解决过程中也时常会出现法律失灵现象。本文通过对湖南柳村一起林地纠纷过程的个案分析,从法律审判的内在特征出发,结合对公平距离感的讨论,揭示了法律审判自身的适用限度与人们对法律审判的公正距离感之间的内在关系,进而得出忽视法律审判的适用限度和纠纷的结构特征而过多依赖法律审判来解决纠纷是导致乡村矛盾纠纷解决中法律失灵的重要原因,同时也是中国乡村纠纷解决困境的重要症结所在。%Legal Failure in the process of dispute resolution is often represented in rural China. This paper makes a close study on a forest-property dispute which happed in Liu Village, and reveals the rela?tionship between the limitation of judicial judgment and justice distance perception by analyzing the intrin?sic traits of judicial judgment and justice distance, on the basis of the analysis, this paper draws further conclusion that it is the blind?reliance on judicial judgment which cause by regardless of the limitation for judicial judgment and the complicated dispute structure that leads to the legal failure.