Richard L. Abel (ed.). The Law & Society Reader, New York: New York University Press 1995. 收录该领域奠基性文章。
Alfonso Morales (ed.), Renascent Pragmatism: Studies in Law and Social Sciences, Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2003. 哲学、社会学、法学学者论文集。
June Starr, and Jane F. Collier (eds.). History and Power in the Study of Law: New Directions in Legal Anthropology, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1989. 人类学、社会学、法学文集。
David S. Clark (ed.). Encyclopedia of Law and Society, Three volumes. Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications, 2007. 百科全书,词条解释通用、权威。
John M. Conley and William M. O Barr, Just Words: Law, Language, and Power, 2nd ed. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press,2005. 言辞而已,社会语言学与正义
Roger Cotterrell, Law, Culture and Society: Legal ideas in the Mirror of Social Theory, Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2006. 法社会学诸进路的整合,法理学中基本论争以及有关正义的讨论。
Neil J. Diamant, Stanley B. Lubman, and Kevin J. O Brien (eds.). Engaging the Law in China: State, Society, and Possibilites for Justice, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press,2005. 中国法律研究。
Adamson E. Hobel, The Law of Primitive Man: A Study in Comparative Legal Dynamics, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004. 法社会学跨文化研究。
Herbert M. Kriizer (ed.). Legal System of the World: A Political, Social, and Cultural Encyclopedia, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2002. 法系研究。
Lisa J. McIntyre,Law in the Sociological Enterprise: A Reconstruction, Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1994. 法律与现代人际关系。
Anton N. Oleinik, Organized Crime, Prison and Post-Soviet Societies Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2003. 以及Red Mafiya, How the Russian Mob has Invaded America. 有
Norbert Rouland, Legal Anthropology, Trans. Philippe G, Planel, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1994. 法人类学。
Max Weber. Law in Economy and Society, Ed. Max Rheinstein and trans. Edwards Shils and Max Rheinsten. MA: Harvard University Press, 1954. 不看就别研究法律社会学。
Reza Banaker, and Max Travers (eds.). An Introduction to Law and Social Theory. Portland, OR: Hart Publishers, 2002. 六种社会理论视角介绍。
Raymond A. Belliotti, Justifying Law: The Dabate over Foundations, Goals, and Methods, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1992. 法律思潮简介。
Kehei Rokumoto (ed.). Sociological Theories of Law. New York: New York University Press,1994. 注重法律社会学理论视角。
Hugh Collins, Marxism and Law, New York: Oxford University Press, 1996. 马克思主义与法学。
William M. Evan (ed.). The Sociology of Law: A Social-Structural Perspective, New York Free Press, 1980. Social Structure and Law: Theoretical and Empirical Perspective. New York: Macmillan,1990. 法律与社会结构视角。
Lawrence M. Friedman, American Law: An Induction 2nd. New York: W. W. Norton, 1998.美国法律体系的历史梳理。最新法学论文开题报告(3篇)最新法学论文开题报告(3篇)。 Alan Hunt. The Social Movement in Law, Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 1978. 现代法社会学运动介绍。
Pamela J. Shoemaker, James William Tankard, and Dominic L. Lasorsa, Jr. How to Build Social Science Theories. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage,2004. 有关建构理论的方式。
Edward G. White. Oliver Wendell Homes: Sage of the Supreme Court. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. 霍姆斯学术传记。
Henry J. Abraham, The Judicial Process: An Introductory Analysis of the Courts
of the United States, England, and France. 7th ed, New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. 有关法院的组织结构、程序以及参与者的概况比较述评。
Larry G. Mays and Peter R. Gregware (eds.). Courts and Justice, a Reader. 3rd ed. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, Inc., 2004. 有关法院的功能、程序及存在的问题。
Graham D. Burnett. A Trial By Jury, New York: Alfred B. Knopf, 2002. 陪审团活动研究。
Robert V. Wolf and Austin Sarat. The Jury System. Philadelphia, PA: Chelsa House Publishers, 1997. 美国陪审制度的历史。
Randolph N. Junakait. The American Jury System. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,2003.有关陪审制度的综合性考查。
Neil Nidmar (ed.), World Jury Systems, New York: Oxford Univeersity Press,2000. 陪审制度在当代面临挑战的读本。
Robert Badinter and Stephen Breyer (eds.). Judges in Contemporary Democracy: An International Conversation, New York: New York University Press, 2004. 现代社会中法官角色研究。
Sheldon Goldman and Austin Sarat #from 最新法学论文开题报告(3篇)来自
end#(eds.). American Court Systems: Readings in Judicial Process and Behavior, 2nd ed. New York: Longman, 1989.美国法院材料简编。
Matthew J. Streb (ed.) Running for Judge. The Rising Political, Financial, and Legal Stakes of Judicial Eletions. New York: New York University Press, 2007. 法官选举问题读本。
Clifford E. Simonsen. Private Security in America: An Introduction. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998. 美国民间警务
Michael Tonry and Norval Morris (eds.). Modern Policing, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1992. 警务方面历史研究。
Passasm Nikos (ed.). International Crimes, Aldershot, UK; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2003.国际犯罪问题。
Charles Nemeth and K. C. Poulin. Private Security & Public Safety. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. 民间警察的历史考察。
Roger G. Dunham and Geoffery P. Alpert (eds.) Critical Issues in Policing,
Contemporary Readings, 5th ed. Prospect Heights, IL: Wareland Press, Inc. 2005. 有关警务问题的综合性研讨。
Scott L. Althaus, Collective Preferences in Democratic Politics: Opinion Surveys and the Will of the People, Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003. 民意与立法。最新法学论文开题报告(3篇)文章最新法学论文开题报告(3篇)出自,此链接!。
Howard Ball. The Supreme Court in the Intimate Lives of Americans: Birth, Sex, Marriage, Childbearing, and Death. New York: New York University Press, 2004. 家庭和个人权利中的法律政治问题。
Bradley C. Canon, and Charles A. Johnson. Judicial Policies: Instrumentation and Impact, 2nd ed, Washington, DC: CQ press, 1999. 司法活动的影响与结果。
William J. Chambliss and Marjorie S. Zatz (eds.). Making Law: The State, the Law, and Structural Contradictions. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993. 立法文集汇编。
Debora Di Gioacchino, Sergio Ginebri, and Laura Sabani (eds.). The Role of Organized Invest Groups in Policy Making. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. 立法与利益集团关系。
Richard A. Harris and Sidney M. Milkis. The Politics of Regulatory Change: A Tale of Two Agencies. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. 管理性政策的创制和废止研究。
Seymour MArin Lipset. The Wavering Polls, Public Interest, 43(Spring), 1976: 70-89.民意调查之于立法的角色。
Michael Zander, The Law Making Process. 6th ed. Cambridge, UK; NEw Yorl: Cambridge University Press, 2005. 英国立法问题。
第一阶段,即1977-1991年,主要是由国际法委员会进行草拟工作。最早在 1977年国际法委员会第28届会议上提出制定 国家及其财产管辖豁免 规则的建议,国际法委员会于 1978年开始起草该草案,先后历经14年的审议,终于在1991年完成了《国家及其财产的管辖豁免条款草案》(以下简称《 1991年豁免条款》),并提交联大进一步审议。