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可持续发展教案 第六讲PromotionandDevelopmentofCleaner

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Promotion and Development of Cleaner Production in China

(College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin300071)

Abstract:This paper summed up the Course and the Achievement of Chinese promoting Cleaner Production. It emphasized the creativity of mechanism of China’s CP development in future, include to bring CP into its Social-Economical Development Program, to encourage local governments to promote CP, to encourage departments to support CP, etc.

Key Words:Cleaner Production, pollution control, sustainable development, creativity of mechanism

1. The Course of China promoting Cleaner Production(CP)

The course can be compartmentalized by 4 phase: (1) Preparation Period (1970s-1993) ; (2) demonstration period (1993-1999); (3) Promotion period (1999-2003); (4) legal standardization period (2003-)

Since late 1970s, some enterprises in China, such as Jilin Chemical Corp., have been carrying out a series of industrial innovations called “non-waste technics”, “minimization of wastes”, “pollution control over the whole production process”. This stage prepared for promoting CP in China, during which many successful cases came forth and supplied lots of experience. In 1990s, Chinese government willingly responded to the strategy of sustainable development brought forward by United Nations Convention on Environment and Development and the CP strategy proposed by 21st Century Agenda. At the Second National Conference on Industrial Pollution Control, co-sponsored by the State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC) and the State Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) in 1993 in Shanghai, the idea that preventing and controlling industrial pollution should transfer from end-of-pipe control to the whole production process control and the requirement of implementing CP were proposed. In this conference CP’s strategic status in environment protection in china was officially affirmed and promoting CP became one of the administration goals of the governments. The conference is a mark of second phase of CP-- demonstration period. Since then, CP had transferred from spontaneous phase to governmental, systematic, and demonstration period, and also acceded to the global action of CP.

2. The Achievement of China promoting Cleaner Production

To more effectively promote CP in China, In May,1997, the CP working group was set up by China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development. The group focused on investigation, study and demonstration of CP promotion, environmental pollution reduction and implementation of sustainable development strategy in China. Under the instruction, organization and mediation of the group, China had made great achievements in promotion of CP, which included the following aspects.

2.1 CP was included in National Policy System

In March, 1999, Premier Zhu Rongji definitely indicate “stimulation of CP” in his government report during the Second Session of the Ninth NPC. In May, 1999,SETC issued


the document of “the Notice on implementation of CP demonstration projects”, and decided to select 10 cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Shenyang, Taiyuan, Jinan, Kunming, Lanzhou and Fuyang) as demonstration cities and 5 sectors (Chemical Industry, Light Industry, Metallurgy, Petrochemical and Ship Building) as demonstration sectors for CP. That marks a new stage of CP—vigorous promotion period. Since then, CP demonstration had changed from enterprise level to regional and industrial level. And government’s focus had shifted from policy study to policy making. In 1999 according to the legislation principles of the 9th NPC Standing Committee, NPC Environment and Resource Committee drafted out “Cleaner Production Act” and planned to issue in 2003, which indicates CP in China is advancing to a new phase—the period of legalization, standardization and full-scale promotion of CP.

2.2 Implement CP demonstration site program on urban and regional level

CP Working Group of China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CPWG for short) promoted CP practice at Taiyuan, as demonstration city. Especially, the issue of “Taiyuan Cleaner Production Ordinance” had made a sufficient preparation for the enactment of “Cleaner Production Act”. After comparatively general thorough investigation and study, CPWG pointed that the key of the CP promotion in China was the establishment of tightly associative effective mechanism at such aspects as policy and law, construction of organization, education and training, the technology innovation and so on. Hence, the research on policy and the suggestion of policy became the work emphasis of CPWG, and then working aim and plan were made out. Simultaneously, CPWG, in order to provide experience for the enactment of CP policy at national level, determined to primarily seek the mechanism of CP Promotion at local government level. In March, 1999, CP demonstration work at Taiyan launched out, whose core content were instituting CP local laws, drawing the short-term, medium-term and long-term CP planning and constituting the indicator system of CP assessment. Subsequently in April, 2000, the first local CP law in China, “Taiyuan Cleaner Production Ordinance”, came into effect.

2.3 Promote CP at level of government departments’ technology and administration Surrounding the strategy of promoting CP at governments’ technology and administration level, China focuses on the enhancement of education training, enterprise management, technology innovation, economic encouragement, environmental policy and execution. And at the aspects of current regulation of environmental policy, publicizing and education, construction of organization and demonstration projects, eleven sorts of countermeasure on promotion of CP were proposed.

2.4 Explore the tools and methods of measuring CP Impact assessment

By thoroughly discussing and evaluating various promotion methods, CPWG indicated that CP should not only be looked at environment and technology angle, but also be analyzed by economic ways. And CP should be translated into the acceptable conception for economists and interest them, then the investment mechanism of CP will be set up. To establish rules and regulations of the demonstration cities and enterprises, working group organized the cooperation of Shanxi University, Qinghua University and Radioprotection


Institute of Chinese Academy of Science to research on assessment indicator system of CP demonstration cities and enterprises. Lots of ducky achievements have been made, which will help to evaluate urban CP process, develop weak sector, confirm planning goals, and then expedite the promotion of CP.

2.5 CP education training and information communicating

During the past 4 years, working group have held many report meetings, training courses, and seminars about CP. Those actions educated and trained government officials, factory managers, technicians and the general public, and enhanced their awareness and skills of cleaner production.

2.6 Publication and dissemination of the Achievement

To impart more CP conception and extend the impact of CPWG, they make a plan to compile and publish what they had achieved in the past four years, including study reports, policy suggestion and technic reports. By March of 2002, a collected edition in Chinese, from which some dissertations will be translated into English and published in international issues, will have been issued .

3. China’s CP development in future Emphasizes creativity of mechanism.

China is universally accepted as one of the developing countries that have done best in CP. In the April of 1997, State EPA issued “ Several advice on implementation of CP”. In the May of 1999, State Economics and Trade Committee issued “the Notice on implementation of CP demonstration projects”. In October,1999, UNEP in Seoul held the Sixth International Senior Workshop of CP and produced “Announcement of International CP”. Wang Xinfang, Vice director general of CEPA, as the representative of Chinese government, solemnly signed on the Announcement, which showed Chinese government decided to actively implement CP. Many Provinces (e.g. Shanxi, Jiangsu) and cities (e.g. Benxi, Taiyuan, Shenyang) had worked out and issued policies and regulations on CP at local level.

According to an incomplete statistic, about 400 enterprises from more than twenty industries in over 20 provinces, have carried out CP Audit, As a result which, 20 industrial or local CP centers have been set up, and more than 10,000 person-times have been provided by different kinds of CP training workshops.

CP development in future Emphasizes is creativity of mechanism. In the past, all countries’ governments mainly adopted “supply-side” mode, however, this mode did’t produce an effective and wide promotion of CP. On the background of the facts that China is about to be a member of WTO, entrepreneurs have quickly improved their understandings and experience about market competition. If government or its departments guide effectively and set up a promotive system based on market operation, China will probably have an attractive perspective.

China decides to bring CP into its Social-Economical Development Program: CP is a “win-win” strategy that produces both economical and environmental benefits. Hence, government should see CP implementation and harmonious development between economics and environment as the key context and target of its macro-economic readjustment


可持续发展教案 第六讲PromotionandDevelopmentofCleaner


