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山东社会经济发展统计数据:1-6 国民经济和社会发展主要指标占全国的比重(2024年)

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1-6 国民经济和社会发展主要指标占全国的比重(2024年)Proportion of Main Economic and Social Indicators to the Whole Country(20指 标 名 称Item一、人口与就业 年末总人口 (万人) 就业人员 (万人)二、土地面积 (万平方公里)三、农林牧渔业总产值 (亿元)Population and Employment Population at the Year-end (10 000 persons) Employment (10 000 persons)Area of Land (10 000 sq.km)Gross Output Value of Farming, (100 million yuan) Forestry,AnimalHusbandry and Fishery四、地区生产总值 (亿元) 第一产业 (亿元) 第二产业 (亿元) 第三产业 (亿元)五、人均地区生产总值 (元)六、主要工农业产品产量 粮 食 (万吨) 棉 花 (万吨) 油 料 (万吨) 肉 类 (万吨) 水产品 (万吨) 原 油 (万吨) 家用电冰箱 (万台) 彩色电视机 (万台) 原 盐 (万吨)Gross Domestic Product (100 million yuan) Primary Industry (100 million yuan) Secondary Industry (100 million yuan) Tertiary Industry (100 million yuan)Per Capita Gross Domestic Product (yuan)Output of Major Farm and Industrial Products Grain (10 000 tons) Cotton (10 000 tons) Oil-bearing Crops (10 000 tons) Meat (10 000 tons) Aquatic products (10 000 tons) Crude Oil (10 000 tons) Household Refrigerators (10 000 units) Color Television Sets (10 000 units) Salt (10 000 tons)try(2024)山 东 占全国比重(%)Proportionof Shandongto China(%)山 东Shandong全 国China10047618115.89397139538775869601135807. 农用化肥 (万吨) 粗 钢 (万吨) 平板玻璃 (万重量箱)七、房地产开发投资 (亿元)八、财政金融 地方一般公共预算收入 (亿元) 地方一般公共预算支出 (亿元) 住户人民币存款余额 (亿元) 九、国内贸易 社会消费品零售额 (亿元)十、外贸外经旅游 进出口总额 (亿美元) 出口总额 (亿美元) 国际旅游外汇收入 (亿美元)十一、价格指数 商品零售价格指数 (上年=100) 居民消费价格指数 (上年=100) 工业生产者出厂价格 (上年=100) Chemical Fertilizer (10 000 tons) Steel (10 000 tons) Plate Glass (10 000 weight cases)Investment in Fixed Assets (100 million yuan)Finance and Financial Intermediation General Pubilic Budget Revenue (100 million yuan) General Pubilic Budget Expenditure (100 million yuan) RMB Savings and Deposit of Urban and Rural (100 million yuan) Households at the Year-endDomestic Trade Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods (100 million yuan)Foreign Trade and Tourism Total Value of Imports and Exports (100 million USD) Exports (100 million USD) Foreign Exchange Earnings (100 million USD)Price Indices Retail Price Indices (preceding year=100) Consumer Price Indices (preceding year=100) Producer Price Indices for (preceding year=100) Industrial Products十二、人民生活 城镇单位就业人员平均工资 (元) 全体居民人均可支配收入 (元) 城镇居民人均可支配收入 (元) 农村居民人均可支配收入 (元)十三、教育、卫生 普通本专科在校生数 (万人)People's Livelihood Average Wage of Employed Persons in Urban Units (yuan) Disposable Income of All Households (yuan) Disposable Income of Urban Households (yuan) Disposable Income of Rural Households (yuan)Education and Health Care Total Enrollment of Institutions of (10 000 persons) Higher Education 医院床位数 (万张) Number of Hospital Beds (10 000 beds)385.07177.27488.67553.064851010148412336052923.91601.433.6102.2102.5103.773593292053954916297204.146.15424.492800.986863.5120263.51469790518819871603838098746224.224866.81271.0101.9102.1103.5824132822839251146172831.0652. 卫生技术人员数 (万人) Number of Medical Technical Personnel (10 000 persons)

山东社会经济发展统计数据:1-6 国民经济和社会发展主要指标占全国的比重(2024年)


