Unit 4
Language Structure Main Teaching Points:
1. Modal auxiliaries may/might used to express “possibility” eg. It may/might be fine tomorrow.
2. Modal auxiliaries should/ ought to expressing “obligation” eg. He should/ought to get up early and take some exercise every day. 3. Modal auxiliaries would rather expressing “preference” eg. I would rather do some reading.
4. Modal auxiliaries must and can't used to express “strong probability” and “impossibility” respectively
eg. He must be in the gym. // He can't be there.
Useful Expressions
go-mountain climbing be in good health take notice of be weak in / be poor in suffer from sth. live transmission of sports events
Dialogue A Trip to China A. Listening to the recording B. Questions on specific details C. Broad questions:
1. Describe the changes in China's rural areas, particularly in the coastal areas.
2. What are the ways in which Chinese farmers get up-to-date information?
3. Why college education important for modern farmers? 4. Do you believe in “You get what you put in”? D. Language Points
1. Fancy meeting you here.=It's a surprise to meet you here. 2. world-renowned/ world-famous 世界闻名的
eg. 1) Shanghai is a world-renowned cosmopolitan metropolis. 上海是国际知名的大都会。
2)Tonight a solo concert will be given by a world-renowned singer in Shanghai gymnasium. 今晚一位世界著名的歌手在上海体育馆举办个人演唱会。
3. on and off/ off and on : not happening continuously or regularly断断续续地
eg. 1) John has worked with Johnny on and of for 10 years.
2)It rained on and off all day. 雨断断续续下了一天。 4. legacy: 遗产;遗留之物,后果
eg. 1) Part of her legacy from her parents is a golden pocket watch.父母留给她的遗产中有一块黄金怀表。
2)The masterpiece of Leonardo da vinci are invaluable cultural legacy of the Renaissance.达.芬奇的的杰作是文艺复兴时期宝贵的文化遗产。
5. capture: v. 抓住,捕获,夺取;(用画面、音乐,文字等)捕捉,
n. 捕获,捕捉;俘虏,战利品 描绘;eg. 1) The police finally captured
the escaped convict after a two-week
2)Last night he met a charming woman at the party who captured his heart.昨晚他在聚会上遇到了一位让他心动的魅力女士。
3)These photographs capture the aftermath of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.这些照片捕捉了广岛和长崎原子弹爆炸后的惨状。
4)He hasn't eaten anything since his capture.自从被俘后他没有吃过任何东西。
6. inexhaustible: 用不尽的,无穷尽的
eg. 1) The man seems to have an inexhaustible supply of energy. 2) To be frank, my patience is not inexhaustible.