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华东理工大学继续教育学院成人教育 《基础英语》(二级)模拟试卷五

I. Vocabulary and structure (30%)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. The machine is named ________ its inventor. A) with B) to C) by D) after

2. Education may not ________ much today, but it will tomorrow.

A) mean by B) count C) hint D) hope

3. The two political parties have been in ________

since the election.

A) struggle B) battle C) conflict D) quarrel

4. It would be unwise to ________ too much

importance to what he said.

A) indicate B) attach C) provide D) pay

5. The doctor soon made the worried patient feel ________.

A) at ease B) C) at rest D) in peace

6. Recently the OPEC decided to increase the oil prices, and this almost led to an economic ________.

A) problem B) crisis C) danger D) uncertainty

7. The rooms had been booked ________ before I arrived there.

A) in advance B) C) in general D) in all

8. It was a(n) ________ caused by the weak lights that made me think I saw a man in the shadows.

A) impression B) C) vision D) illusion

9. The ________ to steal is greater than ever

imagination in




before — especially in large shops.

A) temptation B) lure C) attraction D) charm

10. Let’s put up some pictures on the walls.

A) blank B) empty C) bare D) hollow

11. They have developed techniques which are ______ to those used in most factories. A) more talented B) better C) greater D) superior

12. Man must stop ______ the earth’s atmosphere.

A) filling B) emitting C) polluting D) wasting

13. Unfortunately, very few sheep ______ the severe winter last year.

A) survived B) endured C) spent D) remained alive 14.

The two boys has so ______ in common that they soon became good friends. A) little B) few C) much


D) many

15. I suddenly realized that he was trying to ______ quarrelling with me.

A) consider B) enjoy C) avoid D) prevent 16.

The three hours I spent in the school library ______ my old passion for reading. A) brought about B) brought over C) brought forth D) brought back

17. Thousands of people ______ to see the parade (游行).

A) turned off B) turned out C) turned up D) turned over

18. Here are some toys. You can ______ one or two for your little son as birthday gift from me.

A) single out B) pick out C) take out D) work out

19. Susan wants to know whether the measures have been agreed ______.

A) to B) with C) over D) upon



