Marie: And look, here’s my family.
Monty: Wow! She’s beautiful. Is she your mother?
Marie: Yes, she is. She’s my mum, Babs. Monty: And is this your father? Marie: Yes, that’s Ben, my dad.
Monty: Are you my brother, Maskman? Maskman: No, I’m not.
Monty: Are you my sister, Marie? Marie: No, I’m not.
Monty: Where’s my family?
Marie: Look, Monty. Here’s your family. It’s the mouse family.
Monty: Oohh! Look, my mum and dad. Marvin
Mouse and Maxi Mouse.
Maskman: Are you happy now, Monty? Monty: Yes, I am
11.Listen and say the number
答案4. (故事内容同上,但是按答案顺序排列)
Our World Review 1 2 3 4 我们的世界 复习1-4单元
1.Listen and say the number
Hello, My name’s Ravi. I’m seven. My favourite toy is my bike.
This is my school. I like my school.
This is my mother and father. My mother is beautiful.
This is Nihal. He’s my friend. He’s six. We’re happy.
This is my grandfather. My grandfather is old. My grandfather is on the chair next to my grandmother.
This is my sister, Shilpa. She is nine. My sister’s favourite toy is her ball. She’s happy.
2.Listen and say “yes” or “no”
Ravi is six. No, he is seven. Nihal is Ravi’s friend. Yes.(注意 Friend是生词) Nihal’s eihgt. No, he is six. Ravi’s grandfather is young. Ravi’s sister is five. Ravi’s favourate toy is a car. Ravi’s mother is beautiful.
3. Make your spinner 自己动手完成转盘
4.Play the game 1)Mr Star 2)Mrs Star 3)Simon 4)Suzy
5)Grandpa Star 6)Grandma Star
No, he’ old. No, she’s nine. No, it’s a bike. Yes.