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一、第I卷 1.阅读理解

Mimi’s store is having a sale on many things.


( ) (1). How much are a jacket and two socks? A. ¥112. B. ¥124. C. ¥80. D. ¥98.

( ) (2). How much do a pair of shoes and two cokes cost? A. ¥120. B. ¥160. C. ¥122. D. ¥106.

( ) (3). You have ¥100. What can you buy? A. A mug and a jacket. B. A mug and a pair of shoes. C. A jacket and two Cokes.

D. A pair of shoes and a pair of socks.

( ) (4). You buy a clock, a mug and two Cokes. You pay ¥150. How much can you get get back?


A. ¥32. B. ¥68. C. ¥18. D. ¥132.


In a shop, a woman wants to buy a dress. Clerk: May I help you?

Woman: Yes, please. I’d like to buy a dress. Clerk: What color do you like? Woman: I like red. Clerk: OK. Here you are.

Woman: Thank you. How much is it? Clerk: Ninety yuan. Woman: OK. I will take it. ( ) (1). The woman is ____. A. in a fruit shop B. in a clothes shop C. in a bookshop

( ) (2). The woman wants to buy ____. A. a dress B. a skirt C. a sweater

( ) (3). She likes ____. A. blue B. yellow C. red

( ) (4). The dress is ____ yuan. A. nine B. nineteen C. ninety

( ) (5).The woman buys ____. A. one dress


B. two dresses C. three dresses 3.阅读理解

A supermarket is a big shop. It's called Price-Low. It has a lot of things. You can buy drinks, vegetables, fruit and all kinds of food. Some of them are cheap, some of them are expensive. The supermarket is open every day from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. The workers in the supermarket are very friendly. They help you find what you want. On weekends the supermarket is full of people. They buy many things there.

(1). What's the name of the supermarket?

_________________________________________________________________ (2). What can you buy in the supermarket?

_________________________________________________________________ (3). Are the workers friendly in the supermarket?

_________________________________________________________________ (4). How many hours is the supermarket open every day?

_________________________________________________________________ 4、阅读理解,判断正误,对的画√错的画╳。 Where Is My Cat?

Mr. Black likes fish very much.He often buys some fish in the shop and takes them home for supper.His wife,Mrs. Black often asks her friends to their home to have supper and eat the fish.

One day,when Mr. Black comes home in the evening,he cannot find his fish.And Mrs. Black says their cat has eaten the fish.Mr. Black is very angry.He takes the cat to the shop near their house to weigh the cat.He says,“You see,my fish is one kilo,and this cat is one kilo,too.My fish is here.Then where is my cat?”

( )(1).The cat ate the fish.

( )(2).Mrs. Black often eats fish with her friends. ( )(3).The cat is one kilo.

( )(4).Mr. Black likes to eat cats very much. 5.读短文,回答问题。




