A self-steering close-talking microphone array
PENG Ke;YANG Xinfeng;XU Boling
【期刊名称】《自然科学进展(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2005(015)011
【摘要】For communication in extremely noisy environments, close-talking microphone arrays are useful. Differential microphone array systems possessing excellent nearfield directivity and strong farfield-noise reduction capability are very suitable for close-talking situations. In order to improve the focusing effect at the desired bearing in the nearfield, we propose a novel self-steering system of closetalking arrays with the first-order differential sub-arrays in this paper. Calculations of directivity patterns and directivity factors show that when a kind of optimized beamforming technique is adopted even small arrays with a focusing configuration will exhibit a satisfactory nearfield directivity which is electronically steerable within a specific range. The superiority of the proposed array system is verified by experiments with real acoustic data.
【关键词】close-talking array;differential array;self- steering;directivity factor
【作者】PENG Ke;YANG Xinfeng;XU Boling
【作者单位】State Key Laboratory of Modern Acoustics, Institute of
A self-steering close-talking microphone array