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英语Ⅱ(1) 试题 2013年7月

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三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 第一部分交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分)


1.——Hello,may I talk to the headmaster now? —— ———————————— A.sorry,he is busy at the moment B.No,you can’t C.Sorry,you can’t

2.一Would you like to have dinner with US this evening? —— ————————————

A.OK,but I have to go to a meeting now B.No,I can’t

C.Sorry'but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents

3.一Oh,sorry to bother you. —— ———————————— A.That’s okey B.No,you can’t C.That’s good

4.Can you turn down the radio , please?

—— ———————————— A.Oh,I know

B.I’m sorry,I didn’t realize it was that loud。 C.I’11 keep it down next time 5.—— What’S the problem,Harry? —— ———————————— A.No problem

B·I can’t remember where I left my glasses C.No trouble at all



6.It is very convenient——————here. A.1iving B.to live C.1ived

7.I’m tired。I——————working very hard。 A.have B.have been C.had

8.Let me——————the case carefully before I draw a conclusion。

A.look up B.look into C.look after 9.The bedroom needs

A.decorating B.to decorate C.decorated

10.A 1ecture hall is——————where students attend lectures。

A.that B.which C.one

11.Mary forgot——————a letter to her mother,So she wrote to her just now。

A.to have written B.to write C.having wrote

12.You must explain——————how they succeeded。

A.for us,for B.at us, at C.to us,in

13.一What’S happened to Tom? ——————to hospital。

A.He’s taken B.He’ll be taken C.He’s been taken the experiment.

14.It happen——————a winter night。 A.at B.on C.in

15.More and more people in China now——————to work regularly.

A.drive B.have driven C.drove



In the UK,in business situations,when you meet someone (16)the first time you shake

hands and say,“How do you do?”。This is not really a question,and the reply(17)it is another greeting such as‘‘Howdo you do?”or‘‘Hello\I’m very(18) to meet you” or, if you have met the person sometime before ,“It’s good to see you again”.

You don’t (19) hands every time you meet someone,you just greet them.If you are

invited (20) someone’s house for dinner,it is usual to take a present—some chocolates

(21) flower’s or,if you know them quite well,a bottle of wine。If you do not know the

host well,don’t be the last person to leave.Telephone (22) next day to thank the host for the meal.English people don’t like to talk about personal things,and tend to(23) religion,politics and money.

Good topics for small talk are the weather,holidays,weekend activities,gardens and architecture, (24) houses and homes.When you go to a pub or bar,it's usual to take (25)to buy a drink for everyone in your group and pay for the drinks when you get them from the bar and before you drink them.

16.A.at B.for C.since 17.A.for B.after C.to



