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1.convoluted a. spinning b. babbling c. grinding d. winding 2.turbine a. whirlpool b. engine c. headdress d. carousel

3.evolution a. process of development b. process of democracy c. process of election d. process of elimination 4.perturb a. reset b. inset c. preset d. upset

5.voluble a. whirling b. unpleasant c. talkative d. garbled 6.turbulent a. churning b. turning c. yearning d. burning 7.turbid a. flat b. calm c. confused d. slow

8. devolution a. handing down b. handing in c. turning up d. turning around

1.descant a. climb downward b. added melody c. supposed inability d. writing table 2.allude a. play b. detract c. avoid d. refer

3.incantation a. ritual chant b. ceremony c. solemn march d. recorded song 4.prelude a. aftermath b. conclusion c. introduction d. admission

5.cantata a. snack bar b. pasta dish c. sung composition d. farewell gesture 6.ludicrous a. tough b. laughable c. simple d. ugly 7.cantor a. singer b. refusal c. traitor d. gallop

8.collusion a. accidental crash b. illegal cooperation c. new material d. magic spell 1.matriculate a. give birth b. enroll c. tickle d. adjust

2.premonition a. introduction b. scolding c. pre maturity d. forewarning

3.matrilineal a. through the mother’s family b. graduating c. adopted c. female 4.monitory a. monetary b. mean c. cautionary d. enthusiastic 5.metropolitan a. urban b. suburban c. rural d. oceanic 6.monitor a. think b. persuade c. avoid d. watch

7.maternity a. motherhood b. childhood c. Robin Hood d. sainthood 8.admonish a. praise b. arrest c. await d. scold

1.monologue a. speech b. drama c. catalog d. boredom 2.impute a. imply b. revise c. attribute d. defy

3. reputed a. rethought b. accused c. determined d. believed

4. neologism a. new day b. new word c. new way d. new thought 5. putative a. assumed b. appointed c. solved d. ignored

6. genealogy a. generation b. inheritance c. family history d. height 7. disputatious a. courageous b. disproved c. unknown d. argumentative 8. eulogy a. high praise b. high flight c. high times d. high jump

1.voluable 1. murky 1.through the female line 1.monitor 2.turbine 2.fluent 2.warning 2.premonition 3.evolution 3.seething 3.sign up at school 3.maternity 4.turbid 4.complicated 4.regulate 4.metropolitan 5.devolution 5.turning engine 5.gently correct 5.matrilineal 6.perturb 6.degeneration 6.early suspicion 6.matriculate

7.convoluted 7.disturb 7.motherliness 8.turbulent 8.progress 8.city 1.theater area 1.mariner 2.blue-green gem 2.terrestrial 3.under the ground 3.marina 4.near the sea 4.terrarium 5.contained habitat 5.maritime 6.seaman 6.parterre 7.small harbor 7.subterranean 8.earthly 8.aquamarine

7.admonish 8.monitory


1.resentment 1.penumbra 2.brownish color 2.travesty 3.installing in office 3.transvestite 4.cross-dresser 4.adumbrate 5.imitation 5.divest 6.get rid of 6.umbrage 7.near shadow 7.investiture 8.partially disclose 8.umber 1.deity 1.state ruled by religion 2.pantheistic 2.dramatic device 3.apotheosis 3.supreme being 4.divinity 4.non god believing 5.atheistic 5.godlines 6.divinatory 6.accepting all gods 7.theocracy 7.prophetic 8.deus ex machine 8.perfect example 1.accuse 1. accord 1.skilled craft man 1.artful 2.excuse 2.concordance 2.natural talent 2.artifice 3.agreement 3.mea culpa 3.skillfully sly 3.adaptation 4.heartfelt 4.discordant 4.expert 4.inept 5.grant 5.culpable 5.slyness 5.artisan 6.blamable 6.cordial 6.process of change 6.aptitude 7.disagreeing 7.inculpate 7.man-made object 7.adept 8.confession 8.exculpate 8.awkward 8.artifact 1.pandemic a. isolated b. widespread c. present d. absent 2.populace a. politics b. numerous c. masses d. popularity 3.endemic a. common b. absent c. infection d. occasional

4.demotic a. devilish b. common c. cultural d. useful

5.populous a. well-liked b. foreign c. numerous d. obscure 6.demographic a. describing politics b. describing populations c. describing policies d. describing epidemics 7.populist a. communist b. campaigner c. socialist d. believer in the people 8.voxpopuli a. public policy b. public survey c. public opinion d. public outrage 1.precision a. accuracy b. beauty c. conciseness d. dependence 2.decadent a. rotten b. generous c. self-indulgent d. ten years long 3.excise a. tax b. examine c. refuse d. cut out

4. recidivism a. backsliding b. backstabbing c. backscratching d. backslapping 5.incisive a. damaging b. direct c. dirty d. definite

6.casualty a. serious remark b. serious outlook c. serious condition d. serious injury 7.concise a. short b. sure c. shifting d. sharp

8. cadaver a. victim b. suspect c. corpse d. detective



