Investigation on Excited-State Photophysical Characteristics of Low Bandgap Polymer APFO3
Investigation on Excited-State Photophysical Characteristics of Low Bandgap Polymer APFO3
Li-li Qua,Ying-hui Wanga,b?,Zhi-hui Kanga,Yu-guang Mab,Han-zhuang Zhanga?
【期刊名称】化学物理学报 【年(卷),期】2014(027)001 【总页数】6 【
absorption,Intrachain charge transfer
The excited state photophysics of low bandgap polymer APFO3 has been investigated in detail.The chemical calculations conf i rm that the intrachain charge transfer(ICT)may occur after photo-excitation and is mainly responsible for the f i rst absorption band.The transient absorption results conf i rm that ICT indeed exists and competes with the vibrational relaxation at the same time,when APFO3 is in a monodisperse system.This ICT process would disappear due to the influence of interchain interaction when APFO3 is in the condensed phase,where the exciton decay would be dominant in the relaxation process after photoexcitation.The photoexcitation dynamics of APFO3 film blending with PC61BM are presented,which shows that the exciton may be dissociated completely as the percentage of PC61BM reaches~50%.Meanwhile,the photovoltaic performance based on blend