the environment. Systems for secreting proteins across the bacterial outer membrane may be quite complex and play key roles in pathogenesis. These systems may be described as type I secretion, type II secretion, etc. 革兰氏阴性菌
在革兰氏阴性细菌蛋白可以掺入质膜,外膜,周质或分泌到环境中。为整个细菌外膜分泌蛋白系统可以是相当复杂的,并在发病机制中起关键作用。这些系统可被描述为I型分泌,II型分泌等Gram-positive bacteria
Main article: Gram-Positive Bacterial Secretion
In most gram-positive bacteria, certain proteins are targeted for export across the plasma membrane and subsequent covalent attachment to the bacterial cell wall. A specialized enzyme, sortase, cleaves the target protein at a characteristic recognition site near the protein C-terminus, such as an LPXTG motif (where X can be any amino acid), then transfers the protein onto the cell wall. Several analogous systems are found that likewise feature a signature motif on the extracytoplasmic face, a C-terminal transmembrane domain, and cluster of basic residues on the cytosolic face at the protein's extreme C-terminus. The PEP-CTERM/exosortase system, found in many
Gram-negative bacteria, seems to be related to extracellular polymeric substance production. The PGF-CTERM/archaeosortase A system in archaea is related to S-layerproduction. The
GlyGly-CTERM/rhombosortase system, found in the Shewanella, Vibrio, and a few other genera, seems involved in the release of proteases, nucleases, and other enzymes.
C-末端的签名基序。的PEP-CTERM /
exosortase系统,在许多革兰氏阴性细菌中发现,似乎与细胞外聚合物质的生产。该PGF-CTERM / archaeosortase在古的系统是与S-layerproduction。所述GlyGly-CTERM / rhombosortase体系,在希瓦氏菌,弧菌属发现,和其他一些属,似乎参与蛋白酶,核酸酶,和其他酶的释放。
Identifying protein targeting motifs in proteins
Minimotif Miner is a bioinformatics tool that searches protein sequence queries for a known protein targeting sequence motifs.