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学校代码: 11059

学 号:0905076032

Hefei University



论文题目: 基于Multisim的高频放大器的设计与分析

学位类别: 工 学 学 士

年级专业(班级): 09通信工程(2)班

作者: 洪伟

导师: 顾涓涓

完成时间: 2013年5月22日


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中 文 摘 要

我们知道,无线通信接收设备的接收天线接收从空间传来的电磁波并感应出的高频信号的电压幅度是(μV)到几毫伏(mV),而接收电路中的检波器(或鉴频器)的输入电压的幅值要求较高,最好在1V左右。这就需要在检波前进行高频放大和中频放大。为此,我们就需要设计高频小信号放大器,完成对天线所接受的微弱信号进行选择并放大,即从众多的无线电波信号中,选出需要的频率信号并加以放大,而对其它无用信号、干扰与噪声进行抑制,以提高信号的幅度与质量。晶体管集电极负载通常是一个由 LC组成的并联谐振电路。由于 LC 并联谐振回路的阻抗是随着频率变化而变化,理论上可以分析,并联谐振在谐振频率处呈现纯阻,并达到最大值。即放大器在回路谐振频率上将具有最大的电压增益。若偏离谐振频率,输出增益减小。总之,调谐放大器不仅具有对特定频率信号的放大作用,同时也起着滤波和选频的作用。



Design and analysis of high frequency amplifier based on

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We know that the radio communication receiving apparatus receiving antenna electromagnetic waves coming from space, and senses the voltage amplitude of the high frequency signal is (μV) to several millivolts (mV), and the receiving circuit of the detector (or the frequency discriminator unit) of the input voltage amplitude higher, preferably about 1V. This requires high-frequency amplification and detection prior to the IF amplifier. To this end, we need to design high-frequency small-signal amplifier, the completion of the weak signal received by the antenna to select and amplify, from numerous radio wave signal, select the desired frequency signals to be amplified, and other unwanted signals, interference and noise suppression to improve the quality of the amplitude of the signal. The transistor collector load is typically composed of a parallel LC resonant circuit. Since the impedance of the LC parallel resonant circuit with frequency changes, can be analyzed in theory, at the resonant frequency of the parallel resonant presented purely resistive, and the maximum. The amplifier circuit has a resonant frequency will be the maximum voltage gain. If you deviate from the resonant frequency, the output gain is reduced. In short, the tuning amplifier only has the specific frequency signal amplification effect, but also plays the role of filtering and frequency selection.

The design is based on a theoretical analysis, based on the actual production, with the LC oscillator circuit for the assistance, to eliminate high frequency amplifier to achieve self-oscillation and accurate frequency selection; plus other circuits to achieve impedance matching amplifier before and after class. The design of indicators: input 4MHZ center frequency sine wave pass-band 100KHZ, gain 40dB.

KEY WORDS: High-frequency small-signal; The resonant amplifier; The resonant frequency; Pass-Band; Rectangular coefficient; Voltage gain

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