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to make a lot of rolls of paper. Grade 3 has completed the examination paper, not stop writing, greatly Xiao Xiao test, all pressure you are not breathing. The countdown on the blackboard is left two days, when the old man when you are not careful, he will walk away from you. Oh, ah! How time flies! The exam is coming soon. I'm not ready yet! In the evening, I sit at the window, looking at the milky way. Thinking, suddenly a moth flew over my eyes, my eyes flashed. I want to be a brave flying moth, whether it is flame or magma, I dare to fly past, for the dream refueling, high school entrance examination, I am ready now, waiting for the examination.

One day before the entrance examination, the teacher gave us several questions, and then the head teacher bought us some apricots and washed them. Said to eat apricot auspicious calendar, examination must be able to pass. We boys basically all robbed of two apricot, and girls have a scramble for, and a not robbery ah! At this time, the teacher spoke, you boys are too much like words, give girls a few, one person, should have a gentleman style? Stay home after dinner at six o'clock in the evening. Father let me go to sleep, a good sleep, tomorrow good test ah! Father patted me on the shoulder and said to me. I promised, yeah! I'll try. That night is so quiet! Can hear the cry of insect in the window. I narrow my eyes for a long time, I can't enter the dream, it may be time in trouble, cause I can't go to sleep for a long time. I lay still in bed quietly, and lay still in bed. Not long after, I finally fell asleep. In the morning, my father woke me up. The mother made breakfast early in the morning, and cooked some eggs for me. I ate a poached egg and I went to

the exam. my father went with me. There are many parents outside the examination room, they are cheering for their children! encourage Their eyes and my father's eyes are very similar, are the kind of desire for their children to test in this test a good result. I looked at the watch, 8: 00. I said to my father I went in, and soon the exam. I walked into the gate, I looked out of the door, my father waved to me again, said to me, don't do the problem, pick up will do it. I nodded and said I knew.

In the first language of the first language, I will soon finish the answer, read the composition, there is a paragraph, let you choose the word. There is also a topic, let you write a composition on this topic. I looked at the topic, \I began to write a composition, when the heavy rain outside, I think father is still out, my heart is shocked. I wrote the book and finished writing the composition. The last paragraph I wrote: father, you are like a beacon lights, guide my life forward direction. You also seem to be a big tree, I am a grass under the tree, you shelter for me, I thrive under your shelter. Aren't you a spray in my heart? After the examination of Chinese, I went out of the examination room, and the rain stopped, the parents outside the examination room were waiting for their children to come out of the examination room. I saw my father, and when my father saw me, he asked about the examination. I said, \of the subjects are all over. my father asked me how you feel. can you go to high school? feel fine I'm about it! No accident should be able to test. After the exam, home help parents do some work, and father for a few days Coolie. My father asked

me how it was! I shook my head and said I'm not good. you'll never learn to do it. I wiped the sweat on my face and said yes. Not long after my admission notice came down, I took the admission notice to my father, I laughed and said, father, look, I got it! My father said, \! I said, \the same?\? Just do it in the exam.

One day, I was outside to enjoy the cool, I a sister came over, one thing in hand. Said to me: yang yang let me give this thing to you, I see this is not her block of the chain? I asked her, \you. Oh, Not long after, she suddenly looking for me, borrow my second language book. I gave her the book and gave it to her. At home I had nothing to do, so I locked myself in the room and read. Mother didn't know where to borrow some high school textbooks from me, and my mother said to me, \learn! In order to lend books to you, I have run several times to borrow it! If you don't study hard. I'm sorry, I lent you some books. Later, I watch the high school textbooks at home every day, and the high school language requirements of the text, I recited a few. I also watched the math, carrying the law of the inside back. Chemistry, physics. I read it too. That day I went out for a walk, she saw me, said you wait, I gave you the book, I said, \? Not a few days to put you, I don't have to do it anyway! No! I don't have to. Then she ran home, and no more, she came back, with a book in hand, that book is what I lent her! She didn't give me the book directly, but tore the cover down. I don't understand why she did it. She

said, \not to let me know, and to write in my book. I took up a book and read, I wrote a lot of sorry. I turned over the book and wrote on a page: \trying to ask her what she meant, she didn't know when she left.

I came home to say a few words in my mind: a bird flying in the sky, a fish swimming in the water, unable to be together. Although we meet at the water's edge, we all appreciate each other. But we can't be together, the sky is where I soar, I can't make her out of the waters for my happiness, so she may not be happy. I can't. I can't. The night I was going to high school, she found me and asked me if I was choosing her or studying. I asked whether the two can choose, she said: \one choice, I think both in my heart are very important, but this let me choose ah! I pursed lips; I I I choose to study. \direction of home, I always looked at her back in the dark night, I went home. Farewell, my first love. Farewell, my childhood.









