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Visual Basic程序设计复习要点及练习

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Wuhan intelligent elevator co production workshop and warehouse steel structures at the donghu development zone, Wuhan University Science and Technology Park, Park Road. 1, an area of the steel: production workshop is 7344.00 square meters; finished goods warehouse is 1036.80 square meters. 2, light steel structure fabrication and installation costs of the project are: 4.35 million Yuan. 3, the project designed by Wuhan Polytechnic Institute, Zhejiang, the light steel structure limited the production and installation of steel structures. 4, the installation period of the project is: 70 days (workshop and warehouse were 70 days). 5, the technology requirements for the production and installation of engineering and construction quality, duration control, supervision of contract performance commissioned by the owners corporation and Zhejiang, the Palace to complete steel structure, a QC, and monitor in real time to ensure the completion of the project according to the quality and quantity. This project by the Zhejiang plant production system to do immediately after the steel structure, organized by the Engineering Department for field installation. Design and production based on installation procedure the project by Wuhan Polytechnic Institute of design, Zhejiang, the steel structure, based on intelligent elevator company and Wuhan steel, signed production and installation contract for production of detail design. Quality acceptance code for architectural design of light steel structure and construction profiles: 1, GB5009-2001 2, of the structural specification of the building code for seismic design of GB50011-2001 3, GB50017-2003 4, of the code for design of steel structure of the standard specification for cold-formed thin-walled steel structure GB50018-2002 5, the steel structure project construction quality approval standard GB50205-2001 6, the Specification for construction and acceptance of steel structure design of high-strength bolt connection JGJ82-91 7, the technicalspecification for steel structure welding JBJ81-2002 8, the technical specification for steel structure of door-like steel frame light house CECS102-2002 material selecting overview support section: production workshop roof pitch i=5%. Finished products warehouse roof slope of 8%. Roof: a single layer Board + insulation wool + steel wire mesh roof plate with 0.50mm blue HXY-820 color steel plate aluminum-plating zinc. thick fiberglass insulation cotton with 75mm density 12Kg per cubic metre. Wall surfaces (workshop): double Board + insulation cotton, outer wall surface with 0.50mm white galvanized HXY-840 color steel plate, wall plate white galvanized HXY-900 0.40mm color steel plate, uses 50mm fiberglass insulation cotton, density 12Kg per m3. Part of the main structure: steel column correction after his time on column bottom and base top surface gaps without the secondary water shrinkage of fine stone concrete. Steel columns, beams, frames, beams, columns, a wind column, traffic beam material Q345B. mechanical properties and chemical composition are in line with the GB/T1591-94 provision of the low-alloy structural steel. Brace, knee brace ... Surface protection of steel structure paint according to the contract, be dealt with separately. Located ± 0.000 2% NaN02 steel surface coating cement weight cement mortar, and C10 concrete packages to 0.15M, package thickness of 100 feet of concrete. Steel structure installation overview: installation and acceptance of steel structure should be carried out according to the GB50205-2001, strict construction quality and construction of the installation order. Single component production after the immediate classification number should be placed, it is forbidden to place. Structure before installing the widget should be a comprehensive inspection, such as member number, length, perpendicularity, flatness, it meets the design requirements and specifications. Structure lifting and appropriate measures should be taken to prevent excessive torsion deformation of components. Main steel frame installed, grasp the rope should be set up in time, and support system in place before they can remove temporary installation and adjustment range Rover wind rope. All round support should finally install regulated tension. All the superstructure must be installed in the lower part of the structural adjustment in place and fix the following. High-strength bolt connections within the contact surface using sandblasting process and components, not brushing paint or defaced. 一、单项选择题(每小题2分)

1.在界面设计时,双击窗体中的对象后,VisualBasic将显示的窗口是( C )。

A.立即窗口 B.属性窗口 C.代码窗口 D.工程资源管理器窗口

2.后缀为.vbp的文件表示VB 的( C )

A.窗体文件 B.类模块文件 C.工程文件 D.标准类模块文件 3.要在窗体Form1内显示“myfrm”,使用的语句是( C ) A.Form.caption=\ B.Form1.caption=\C.Form1.print \ D.Form. print \ 4.表达式8+13 Mod 2*4+3( B )。

A.8 B.16 C.15 D.12 5.文本框没有( C )属性

A、Text B、Name C、Caption D、BorderStyle 6.下列赋值语句正确的是( B )

A.B+C =A B. A=B+C C.-B=A D.5=A+B

7.如果准备向随机文件中写入数据,正确的语句是( D )

A.Write # 1,rec B.Print # 1,rec C.Get # 1,rec D.Put # 1,rec 8.Winsock控件的LocalHostName属性的作用是( B )

A.仅返回所用端口 B.返回本地计算机的名称 C.返回或设置所用端口 D.返回本地计算机的IP地址 9.要以读方式打开D盘的一个顺序文件 Test.doc,应使用的语句是( B )

A.Open \ Test.doc \ B.Open \ Test.doc \C.Open \ Test.doc \ D.Open \ Test.doc \ 10.Dim Abc(2,3)所定义的数组元素个数是( C )

A、6 B、5 C、12 D、9 11.在Visual Basic中,默认的数据类型是( D )

A.Integer B.Double C.Currency D.Variant 12.当Winsock控件处于关闭状态时,其State属性的值是( B )

A.1 B.0 C.2 D.3

13.执行指令”Line(200,200)-step(500,500)”后,CurrentX=( D )

A.500 B.200 C.300 D.700 14.不属于VB数据库引擎的是( C )

A.ODBC B. Jet引擎 C.BDE D.OLE DB 15.全局变量必须在( A )中定义

A、标准模块 B、窗体模块 C、类模块 D、任意模块 16.改变驱动器列表框的Drive属性值,将激活( A )事件。

A.Change B.Scoll C.KeyDown D.KeyUp

17.如果将文本框的( A )属性设置为True,则运行时不能对文本框中的内容进行编辑。

A.Locked B.MultiLine C.TabStop D.Visible 18.数学式子Sin25?写成VB表达式是( D )。

A.Sin25 B.Sin(25) C.SIN(25?) D.Sin(25*3.14/180) 19.下列变量名中合法的是( D )

A.IF B.7AB C.A[B]7 D.AB_7

Wuhan intelligent elevator co production workshop and warehouse steel structures at the donghu development zone, Wuhan University Science and Technology Park, Park Road. 1, an area of the steel: production workshop is 7344.00 square meters; finished goods warehouse is 1036.80 square meters. 2, light steel structure fabrication and installation costs of the project are: 4.35 million Yuan. 3, the project designed by Wuhan Polytechnic Institute, Zhejiang, the light steel structure limited the production and installation of steel structures. 4, the installation period of the project is: 70 days (workshop and warehouse were 70 days). 5, the technology requirements for the production and installation of engineering and construction quality, duration control, supervision of contract performance commissioned by the owners corporation and Zhejiang, the Palace to complete steel structure, a QC, and monitor in real time to ensure the completion of the project according to the quality and quantity. This project by the Zhejiang plant production system to do immediately after the steel structure, organized by the Engineering Department for field installation. Design and production based on installation procedure the project by Wuhan Polytechnic Institute of design, Zhejiang, the steel structure, based on intelligent elevator company and Wuhan steel, signed production and installation contract for production of detail design. Quality acceptance code for architectural design of light steel structure and construction profiles: 1, GB5009-2001 2, of the structural specification of the building code for seismic design of GB50011-2001 3, GB50017-2003 4, of the code for design of steel structure of the standard specification for cold-formed thin-walled steel structure GB50018-2002 5, the steel structure project construction quality approval standard GB50205-2001 6, the Specification for construction and acceptance of steel structure design of high-strength bolt connection JGJ82-91 7, the technicalspecification for steel structure welding JBJ81-2002 8, the technical specification for steel structure of door-like steel frame light house CECS102-2002 material selecting overview support section: production workshop roof pitch i=5%. Finished products warehouse roof slope of 8%. Roof: a single layer Board + insulation wool + steel wire mesh roof plate with 0.50mm blue HXY-820 color steel plate aluminum-plating zinc. thick fiberglass insulation cotton with 75mm density 12Kg per cubic metre. Wall surfaces (workshop): double Board + insulation cotton, outer wall surface with 0.50mm white galvanized HXY-840 color steel plate, wall plate white galvanized HXY-900 0.40mm color steel plate, uses 50mm fiberglass insulation cotton, density 12Kg per m3. Part of the main structure: steel column correction after his time on column bottom and base top surface gaps without the secondary water shrinkage of fine stone concrete. Steel columns, beams, frames, beams, columns, a wind column, traffic beam material Q345B. mechanical properties and chemical composition are in line with the GB/T1591-94 provision of the low-alloy structural steel. Brace, knee brace ... Surface protection of steel structure paint according to the contract, be dealt with separately. Located ± 0.000 2% NaN02 steel surface coating cement weight cement mortar, and C10 concrete packages to 0.15M, package thickness of 100 feet of concrete. Steel structure installation overview: installation and acceptance of steel structure should be carried out according to the GB50205-2001, strict construction quality and construction of the installation order. Single component production after the immediate classification number should be placed, it is forbidden to place. Structure before installing the widget should be a comprehensive inspection, such as member number, length, perpendicularity, flatness, it meets the design requirements and specifications. Structure lifting and appropriate measures should be taken to prevent excessive torsion deformation of components. Main steel frame installed, grasp the rope should be set up in time, and support system in place before they can remove temporary installation and adjustment range Rover wind rope. All round support should finally install regulated tension. All the superstructure must be installed in the lower part of the structural adjustment in place and fix the following. High-strength bolt connections within the contact surface using sandblasting process and components, not brushing paint or defaced. 20. 要退出For…Next循环,应使用的语句是( B )。

A.Exit B.Exit For C.Continue D.Stop Loop 21.在下列选项中,不能将图像装入图片框和图像框的是( B ) A.在界面设计时,通过Picture属性装入

B.在界面设计时,手工在图像框和图片框中绘制图形 C.在界面设计时,利用剪贴板把图像粘贴上

D.在程序运行期间,用LoadPicture函数把图形文件装入 22.下面选项中,能绘制填充矩形的语句是( B )

A.Line (200, 200)-(500, 500),B B.Line (200, 200)-(500, 500), , BF C.Line (200, 200)-(500, 500), BF D.Line (200, 200)-(500, 500) 23.ADOrs为Recordset对象,从Tabel中获取所有记录的语句是( C )

A.ADOrs.New \.ADOrs.Open \C.ADOrs.Execute \* From Tabel\.ADOrs. Select \* From Tabel\24.当改变驱动器列表框中的驱动器时,为了使目录列表框中的内容同步跟着改变,应当( C )

A.在Dir1_Change()事件中加入代码Dir1.Path=Drive1.Drive B.在Dir1_Channge()事件中加入代码Drive1.Drive =Dir1.Path

C.在Dirve1_Channge()事件中加入代码Dir1.Path=Drive1.Drive D.在Dirve1_Channge()事件中加入代码Drive1.Drive =Dir1.Path 25.VB程序中通常不会产生错误提示的( D )。

A.编译错误 B.实时错误 C.运行时错误 D.逻辑错误


1.数学表达式10cos50写成等价的Visual Basic表达式为10^(1/2)*cos(50*3.14/180)。 2.删除在C盘TEMP目录下所有以tmp为后缀的文件的语句为Kill \。 3.Visual Basic程序开发有三种模式,即 设计 模式、 运行 模式和 中断 模式。 4.执行指令Line(200,300)-(400,500)后,CurrentX= 400。设CurrentX=50,CurrentY=100,执行指令“Line(100,20)-Step(300,500)”后,CurrentY = 520 。


6.已知a=3,b=4,c=5,表达式a.>b and Not c>a Or c>b And c

7.为了在运行时把当前路径下的图形文件picturefile.jpg装入图片框Picture1,所使用的语句为Picture1. Picture = LoadPrcture(\。

8.设某个程序中要用到一个二维数组,要求数组名为A,类型为字符串类型,第一维下标从0到5,第二维下标从-2到5,则相应的数组声明语句为Dim A(0To5,-2To5) As String。

9.Visual Basic一般用4种类型的文件保存,分别是扩展名为 .frm 的窗体文件,扩展名为 .bas 的标准模块文件,扩展名为 .cls 的类模块文件和扩展名为.vbp的工程文件。

10.将图片框PictureBox的AutoSize属性设置成 Ture 时,图片框能自动调整大小,以适应其中的图片。

11.若窗体Form1左上角坐标为(0,600),右下角的坐标为(800,-200)。则X轴的正向向 右 ,Y轴的正向向 上 。

12. Left(“abcd”,2)函数的返回值是 ab ; Right(“abcd”,2)函数的返回值是 cd 。 13.Vb应用程序与数据库进行通信的主要机制称为 数据引擎 。 14.Winsock控件主要用来编制TCP/IP 或UDP协议的通话程序。


Wuhan intelligent elevator co production workshop and warehouse steel structures at the donghu development zone, Wuhan University Science and Technology Park, Park Road. 1, an area of the steel: production workshop is 7344.00 square meters; finished goods warehouse is 1036.80 square meters. 2, light steel structure fabrication and installation costs of the project are: 4.35 million Yuan. 3, the project designed by Wuhan Polytechnic Institute, Zhejiang, the light steel structure limited the production and installation of steel structures. 4, the installation period of the project is: 70 days (workshop and warehouse were 70 days). 5, the technology requirements for the production and installation of engineering and construction quality, duration control, supervision of contract performance commissioned by the owners corporation and Zhejiang, the Palace to complete steel structure, a QC, and monitor in real time to ensure the completion of the project according to the quality and quantity. This project by the Zhejiang plant production system to do immediately after the steel structure, organized by the Engineering Department for field installation. Design and production based on installation procedure the project by Wuhan Polytechnic Institute of design, Zhejiang, the steel structure, based on intelligent elevator company and Wuhan steel, signed production and installation contract for production of detail design. Quality acceptance code for architectural design of light steel structure and construction profiles: 1, GB5009-2001 2, of the structural specification of the building code for seismic design of GB50011-2001 3, GB50017-2003 4, of the code for design of steel structure of the standard specification for cold-formed thin-walled steel structure GB50018-2002 5, the steel structure project construction quality approval standard GB50205-2001 6, the Specification for construction and acceptance of steel structure design of high-strength bolt connection JGJ82-91 7, the technicalspecification for steel structure welding JBJ81-2002 8, the technical specification for steel structure of door-like steel frame light house CECS102-2002 material selecting overview support section: production workshop roof pitch i=5%. Finished products warehouse roof slope of 8%. Roof: a single layer Board + insulation wool + steel wire mesh roof plate with 0.50mm blue HXY-820 color steel plate aluminum-plating zinc. thick fiberglass insulation cotton with 75mm density 12Kg per cubic metre. Wall surfaces (workshop): double Board + insulation cotton, outer wall surface with 0.50mm white galvanized HXY-840 color steel plate, wall plate white galvanized HXY-900 0.40mm color steel plate, uses 50mm fiberglass insulation cotton, density 12Kg per m3. Part of the main structure: steel column correction after his time on column bottom and base top surface gaps without the secondary water shrinkage of fine stone concrete. Steel columns, beams, frames, beams, columns, a wind column, traffic beam material Q345B. mechanical properties and chemical composition are in line with the GB/T1591-94 provision of the low-alloy structural steel. Brace, knee brace ... Surface protection of steel structure paint according to the contract, be dealt with separately. Located ± 0.000 2% NaN02 steel surface coating cement weight cement mortar, and C10 concrete packages to 0.15M, package thickness of 100 feet of concrete. Steel structure installation overview: installation and acceptance of steel structure should be carried out according to the GB50205-2001, strict construction quality and construction of the installation order. Single component production after the immediate classification number should be placed, it is forbidden to place. Structure before installing the widget should be a comprehensive inspection, such as member number, length, perpendicularity, flatness, it meets the design requirements and specifications. Structure lifting and appropriate measures should be taken to prevent excessive torsion deformation of components. Main steel frame installed, grasp the rope should be set up in time, and support system in place before they can remove temporary installation and adjustment range Rover wind rope. All round support should finally install regulated tension. All the superstructure must be installed in the lower part of the structural adjustment in place and fix the following. High-strength bolt connections within the contact surface using sandblasting process and components, not brushing paint or defaced.15.假设ADOcn为一个Connection对象,那么在VB程序中声明ADOcn的语句是 Dim ADOcn As Connection 。

16.在VB中,将Foxpro称为外部数据,Access称为本地数据,SQL Server称为 远程数据。 17.常用的VB网络编程控件主要有Winsock 、Internet Transfer、WebBrowser三种。



Private Sub Drive1_Change() Dir1.Path=Drive1.Drive End Sub

Private Sub Dir1_Change() File1.Path=Dir1.Path End Sub

20. 在Visual Basic程序中实现复制文件”d:\\text.doc”到e:盘根目录下的语句为 FileCopy”d:\\text.doc”,”e: \\ text.doc”



1.Private Sub Command1_Click()

x = 0

Do While x < 20

x = (x + 1) * (x +3) n = n + 1 Loop

Text1.Text = Str(n) Text2.Text = Str(x)

Text3.Text = Val(Text1.Text) + Val(Text2.Text) End Sub

文件框Text3的结果是:26 2. Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x As Integer

Static s As Integer

x = Val(InputBox(\请输入一个正整数=\ If x < 5 Then s = s * x Else

s = s + x End If

Text1.Text = \End Sub


s= 6 s= 11 s= 44


Wuhan intelligent elevator co production workshop and warehouse steel structures at the donghu development zone, Wuhan University Science and Technology Park, Park Road. 1, an area of the steel: production workshop is 7344.00 square meters; finished goods warehouse is 1036.80 square meters. 2, light steel structure fabrication and installation costs of the project are: 4.35 million Yuan. 3, the project designed by Wuhan Polytechnic Institute, Zhejiang, the light steel structure limited the production and installation of steel structures. 4, the installation period of the project is: 70 days (workshop and warehouse were 70 days). 5, the technology requirements for the production and installation of engineering and construction quality, duration control, supervision of contract performance commissioned by the owners corporation and Zhejiang, the Palace to complete steel structure, a QC, and monitor in real time to ensure the completion of the project according to the quality and quantity. This project by the Zhejiang plant production system to do immediately after the steel structure, organized by the Engineering Department for field installation. Design and production based on installation procedure the project by Wuhan Polytechnic Institute of design, Zhejiang, the steel structure, based on intelligent elevator company and Wuhan steel, signed production and installation contract for production of detail design. Quality acceptance code for architectural design of light steel structure and construction profiles: 1, GB5009-2001 2, of the structural specification of the building code for seismic design of GB50011-2001 3, GB50017-2003 4, of the code for design of steel structure of the standard specification for cold-formed thin-walled steel structure GB50018-2002 5, the steel structure project construction quality approval standard GB50205-2001 6, the Specification for construction and acceptance of steel structure design of high-strength bolt connection JGJ82-91 7, the technicalspecification for steel structure welding JBJ81-2002 8, the technical specification for steel structure of door-like steel frame light house CECS102-2002 material selecting overview support section: production workshop roof pitch i=5%. Finished products warehouse roof slope of 8%. Roof: a single layer Board + insulation wool + steel wire mesh roof plate with 0.50mm blue HXY-820 color steel plate aluminum-plating zinc. thick fiberglass insulation cotton with 75mm density 12Kg per cubic metre. Wall surfaces (workshop): double Board + insulation cotton, outer wall surface with 0.50mm white galvanized HXY-840 color steel plate, wall plate white galvanized HXY-900 0.40mm color steel plate, uses 50mm fiberglass insulation cotton, density 12Kg per m3. Part of the main structure: steel column correction after his time on column bottom and base top surface gaps without the secondary water shrinkage of fine stone concrete. Steel columns, beams, frames, beams, columns, a wind column, traffic beam material Q345B. mechanical properties and chemical composition are in line with the GB/T1591-94 provision of the low-alloy structural steel. Brace, knee brace ... Surface protection of steel structure paint according to the contract, be dealt with separately. Located ± 0.000 2% NaN02 steel surface coating cement weight cement mortar, and C10 concrete packages to 0.15M, package thickness of 100 feet of concrete. Steel structure installation overview: installation and acceptance of steel structure should be carried out according to the GB50205-2001, strict construction quality and construction of the installation order. Single component production after the immediate classification number should be placed, it is forbidden to place. Structure before installing the widget should be a comprehensive inspection, such as member number, length, perpendicularity, flatness, it meets the design requirements and specifications. Structure lifting and appropriate measures should be taken to prevent excessive torsion deformation of components. Main steel frame installed, grasp the rope should be set up in time, and support system in place before they can remove temporary installation and adjustment range Rover wind rope. All round support should finally install regulated tension. All the superstructure must be installed in the lower part of the structural adjustment in place and fix the following. High-strength bolt connections within the contact surface using sandblasting process and components, not brushing paint or defaced. 3.Private Sub Form_Click() Dim A(1 To 3) As String

Dim c As Integer,j As Integer A(1) = “3” A(2) = “6” A(3) = “9” c=0

For j=1 to 3

c = c + Val(A(j))

Next j Print c End Sub

写出程序运行时单击窗体后,窗体Form1上的结果:18 4.Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim A(2 To 7) As Integer Dim b As Integer For b = 2 To 7 A(b) = b Next b

Text1.Text = A(b - 2) End Sub

程序运行后,单击命令按纽文本框Text1的结果是:6 5.Sub test(i As Integer)

i = i + 2 End Sub

Private Sub Form_Click() Dim x As Integer x = 6

Print \Call test(x) Print \End Sub x= 6 x= 8

6.Private Sub Form_Click()

a = 1: b = 1

Print \ Call mult(a)

Print \End Sub

Private Sub mult(x) x = 3 + x b = 4 + b End Sub


Wuhan intelligent elevator co production workshop and warehouse steel structures at the donghu development zone, Wuhan University Science and Technology Park, Park Road. 1, an area of the steel: production workshop is 7344.00 square meters; finished goods warehouse is 1036.80 square meters. 2, light steel structure fabrication and installation costs of the project are: 4.35 million Yuan. 3, the project designed by Wuhan Polytechnic Institute, Zhejiang, the light steel structure limited the production and installation of steel structures. 4, the installation period of the project is: 70 days (workshop and warehouse were 70 days). 5, the technology requirements for the production and installation of engineering and construction quality, duration control, supervision of contract performance commissioned by the owners corporation and Zhejiang, the Palace to complete steel structure, a QC, and monitor in real time to ensure the completion of the project according to the quality and quantity. This project by the Zhejiang plant production system to do immediately after the steel structure, organized by the Engineering Department for field installation. Design and production based on installation procedure the project by Wuhan Polytechnic Institute of design, Zhejiang, the steel structure, based on intelligent elevator company and Wuhan steel, signed production and installation contract for production of detail design. Quality acceptance code for architectural design of light steel structure and construction profiles: 1, GB5009-2001 2, of the structural specification of the building code for seismic design of GB50011-2001 3, GB50017-2003 4, of the code for design of steel structure of the standard specification for cold-formed thin-walled steel structure GB50018-2002 5, the steel structure project construction quality approval standard GB50205-2001 6, the Specification for construction and acceptance of steel structure design of high-strength bolt connection JGJ82-91 7, the technicalspecification for steel structure welding JBJ81-2002 8, the technical specification for steel structure of door-like steel frame light house CECS102-2002 material selecting overview support section: production workshop roof pitch i=5%. Finished products warehouse roof slope of 8%. Roof: a single layer Board + insulation wool + steel wire mesh roof plate with 0.50mm blue HXY-820 color steel plate aluminum-plating zinc. thick fiberglass insulation cotton with 75mm density 12Kg per cubic metre. Wall surfaces (workshop): double Board + insulation cotton, outer wall surface with 0.50mm white galvanized HXY-840 color steel plate, wall plate white galvanized HXY-900 0.40mm color steel plate, uses 50mm fiberglass insulation cotton, density 12Kg per m3. Part of the main structure: steel column correction after his time on column bottom and base top surface gaps without the secondary water shrinkage of fine stone concrete. Steel columns, beams, frames, beams, columns, a wind column, traffic beam material Q345B. mechanical properties and chemical composition are in line with the GB/T1591-94 provision of the low-alloy structural steel. Brace, knee brace ... Surface protection of steel structure paint according to the contract, be dealt with separately. Located ± 0.000 2% NaN02 steel surface coating cement weight cement mortar, and C10 concrete packages to 0.15M, package thickness of 100 feet of concrete. Steel structure installation overview: installation and acceptance of steel structure should be carried out according to the GB50205-2001, strict construction quality and construction of the installation order. Single component production after the immediate classification number should be placed, it is forbidden to place. Structure before installing the widget should be a comprehensive inspection, such as member number, length, perpendicularity, flatness, it meets the design requirements and specifications. Structure lifting and appropriate measures should be taken to prevent excessive torsion deformation of components. Main steel frame installed, grasp the rope should be set up in time, and support system in place before they can remove temporary installation and adjustment range Rover wind rope. All round support should finally install regulated tension. All the superstructure must be installed in the lower part of the structural adjustment in place and fix the following. High-strength bolt connections within the contact surface using sandblasting process and components, not brushing paint or defaced.A= 1,B=1 A= 4,B=1

7.Private Sub Form_Click()

Dim i As Integer, a As Integer k = 0

For i = 1 To 6 If i > 3 Then

a = a + 5


a = a + 2 End If Next i Print i, a End Sub

写出程序运行时单击窗体后,Form1上的输出结果。7 21 8.Sub Change(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)

Dim t As Integer t=x x=y y=t

Print x,y End sub

Private Sub Form_Click()

Dim a As Integer, b As Integer a = 3: b = 4 Change a, b Print a,b End Sub


4 3 3 4



Private Sub Form_Load()

List1.AddItem \北京-上海\ List1.AddItem \北京-广州\ List1.AddItem \北京-四川\ List1.AddItem \北京-西安\


Visual Basic程序设计复习要点及练习


