18F-FDG PET/CT显像SUVmax>2.5的病灶数及肿
【期刊名称】《中华核医学与分子影像杂志》 【年(卷),期】2016(000)001
【摘要】Objective To investigate the effective indicators for the prognosis assessment in pa?tients with multiple myeloma (MM) by 18F?FDG PET/CT imaging. Methods A total of 36 patients(22 males, 14 females;median age 63.5 years) with MM confirmed by clinical or pathology from July 2007 to November 2014 were retrospectively reviewed. The number of lesions detected by PET/CT, the number of lesions with SUVmax>2.5, the SUVmax and MTV of each lesion were calculated. The correlation analysis was performed between the number of lesions detected by PET or CT,the number of lesions with SUVmax>2.5, the SUVmax , MTV and serumβ2?microglobulin (β2?M) , respectively. The patients were divided into differ?ent groups according to the development of lesions and the survival situation during the follow?up ( 4-92 months) . Kaplan?Meier analysis and multivariate Cox model were used to analyze the prognostic significance of the number of lesions detected by PET or CT and the number of lesions with SUVmax>2.5, the SUVmax and MTV. Results Both the number of lesions with SUVmax>2. 5 and MTV showed positive correlations with blood
β2?M (r=0.776, 0.954, both P<0.001), while the number of lesions detected by PET/CT and SUVmax were not correlated with β2?M ( r=0.053, 0.063, 0.398, all P>0.05) . The number of lesions with SUVmax>2.5 and MTV in the progressive group( n=14) were significantly higher than those in the regressive group(n=22):66.57±4.59 vs 31.95±4.75, t=4.95, P<0.001;(287.54±31.94) cm3 vs (72.17±14.35) cm3, t=6.93, P<0.001. The number of lesions with SUVmax>2.5 and MTV were significantly higher in the dead group(n=15) than those in the
P<0?001;(267.28±34.89) cm3 vs (76.39±15.67) cm3, t=5.49, P<0.001. The best cutoff values for predicting pro?gression?free survival and overall survival were both 42 for the number of lesions with SUVmax>2. 5, and those were 114.74 and 105.48 cm3 for MTV, respectively. The progression?free survival rate was worse in the patients with higher index than those with lower value (χ2=18.20, 29.74, both P<0.001) , and the same re?sult was also seen for the overall survival rate (χ2=19.07, 25.34, both P<0.001) . Conclusion The number of lesions with SUVmax>2.5 and MTV on 18 F?FDG PET/CT images could predict the progression?free survival and overall survival rates of patients with MM, which may provide accurate prognosis information.%目的:探讨18 F?FDG PET/CT显像评估多发性骨髓瘤( MM)患者临床预后的有效指标。方法回顾性分析2007年7月至2014年11月间经临床或病理学证实的36例
MM患者(男22例,女14例,中位年龄63.5岁),分别记录治疗前PET/CT所示病灶数、SUVmax>2.5的病灶数,并测定各病变SUVmax及MTV。将病灶数、SUVmax及MTV分别与治疗前血清β2?微球蛋白(β2?M)浓度进行相关性分析。对患者进行治疗后随访(4~92个月),根据病情发展情况及存活情况分组,应用 Kaplan?Meier法与Cox比例风险回归模型分别评估病灶数、SUVmax>2.5的病灶数、SUVmax及MTV对临床预后的影响。结果 SUVmax>2.5的病灶数及 MTV 与β2?M 浓度均呈正相关( r=0.776、0.954,均 P<0?001);CT及PET显示病灶数、SUVmax均与β2?M无相关性( r=0.053、0.063、0.398,均P>0.05)。36例患者中,随访进展组14例,其SUVmax>2.5的病灶数及MTV均大于缓解组(22例),相应指标:66.57±4.59与31.95±4.75,t=4.95,P<0.001;(287.54±31.94)与(72.17±14.35) cm3,t=6.93,P<0.001。按存活情况分组比较,死亡组(15例)SUVmax>2.5的病灶数及MTV均大于生存组(21例):65.73±4.32与30.90±4.87,t=5.10,P<0.001;(267.28±34.89)与(76.39±15.67) cm3, t=5.49,P<0.001。预测无进展生存率及总生存率的 SUVmax>2.5的病灶数最佳阈值均为42,而 MTV 最佳阈值分别为114.74和105?48 cm3;相应指标高于最佳阈值组的患者较低于阈值组的患者病情易进展((χ2=18.20、29.74,均P<0.001),生存率也较低(χ2=19.07、25.34,均P<0.001)。结论18F?FDG PET/CT显像SUVmax>2.5的病灶数及MTV均能预测MM患者的无进展生存率及总生存率,较准确地评估其临床预后。 【总页数】4页(44-47)